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ill suoh r.:&Jl!~er bS to. faoe tho street, bordoring the side of suoh oorner :plot, then the aa.r.:e :iholl;
be built ill oonfor:r.ity 'Kith tho buildiug rcstriot1~ns oovering the a.djaoont !lot fronting on said.
streot. .lid should u~y of the 8~id cOllditions und limitbtinls be '.iolutad 'l\ith1n tt.e poriod of
licitation, as set forth below, by the rurty of the seoond }'& tt, their heil's. exeoutors, or o.s~igns
such violation will oause U rcveroion to the rurties of the first r !ll't, end the ,:art~' of :.1:0 firs~ Fart
shall ha"e the right to re-enter and t~~:'l possession of the pre~13es aforosa id ~;ithout being lia-
bIe to ct*. aotion therefor.
ALL of said ubove rf:~ervutlo118 ure to hold force :;.nd effeot until .~a.'luur~' 1, A. D.
1932, and tire full:.: bi1.dillf upon the purohnsera.their ilelrs, exec~<t01'8, ~dr.,illist.rt,tor: l.ild :=.sslr--us.
.n.l;D tte ~n:1d rnrtles of;he fir:>: yart ito oo'\-enunt "..it1-
the $<.:.11 ;urt~' of ::ne secch6
p;J.rt tho.t the~' 1~wfull:.- eei~ed of tile s~d prel:iises, _th!lt t;he~; tare frt;e front illl ~w:m::.:br~~l1oes ~nd
that they hf;.vO good right end l~....ful c.uth:>rity to sElll tho su:_:e; al1d the s::ll d : f1r~.es of the fi~'_ t
p.rt ~o hereb~' fur.~t 'Hl.rrallt the title to s~1d land. and \\111 'ei"end tl~e ~L;.I:.e ~gll.ili6~ t:-.e If;.'o')ful
clui::'o.of all porsons W~;):__8oe"Er, subject only to the li:nitati:H:s v.bo,.e set fort!:.
l.:: r:I:'::::33 ~n::~OY, ':.:he s!lid ,&rti(;S of- tr.e first, or'; hL~-e heremlto set their h~lids l.nd ::e::.ls t:e
d~:; !:.ud ~'e!i.r <-"o'7e wri tteu.
3igned. sec.led I;H,d d.el ::.\"ered ill 0\;1' ':re~.ence:
D. E. ';'u.atin
( 3::.-.:)
Zugeu6 1.:. Ga"'..llis.rd
3et';:: W. .';'ustin (3::_~~)
Jel:re. J. .i1.i.j1"(~7;S - (Z?:AI.)
"-3 _~jL:i::1stratrlx of tr,c e::;t... te of .'!c>L_e3
~:d 1."0'0':;::;, d6cet:.sed.
~. H. 3tev:nrd
3~ate of Jlorid~.
~')-.:l.i.t~" of st. lu~ie.
:r "!!::~=~ CE~:'I?Y. Tlit.it o:l-th:.s 1o.~: ofCctobc~" ::l. D. :'~rt'.
before :_:e p::rsollt:.ll:' I:.:-~e. rd.
. E.
est&. te 'J~ ';~L~e:;~ 4.1J:i re':'-:: t
..., -,;j
~J. _.
A:Ust':'!l, 3ettJ' .\ustiu, 3el::-..:.. ...'!. .i.!~dre'.ci3, ~:J .-._I]L::i!lis~r~trlx 'oJI the
1~li..sed, to :,e ~:U<H'-ll to be the r-crsons des~r:.bed in -.:lid .....:-..) (;:-:f::c~ted :::e fore/?Jill,. ';}.J!l'\'(;' ~;,ce
~\) ~ro~' z. i'001~' alld seT\]l't.ll:: :...ci:li')'1:1edge1 ':;;-_e exec-;.ti::, ~here~:' '.;0 :.:' '~:-_€l~ :ree c~ ;.:.:_:;ted
UJ6t.s ~ T\O
"'::-Jr the -:.ur--o=;e.3 ~herei!! i-.ellt;':'~':.ed :;.::~:l t~.:e .=!.i.i.j JG~~~o _~;';$:1:~~ ~]:o ~'i~e =f ::r:t. ~~la ;.'>" ::. a:L:S:~~l .:.~
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In. !;. i..:tF:.lri;.te t,.~:-1 :.ri'.;..4;c e~:z..;:.:i~-t.:..:.ticll tf;::eh :"-i~d ;:.ade b~: UIi.1 't:cf'.Jre e
~.j .::;c:~.to.r-.;.tel~- ::.:.h1 ~l~e..l"~
frJfJ I-er ~.;llid :~1.Lsl~i:d, ~B ;"(l%no~-ledge tt.~t she :~e.ae ~~"r<;elf ~ p:.rt~- to tr.e wid deed of ::~hYeY<..;1I}e
'::0 t.' t;:e' :;ur;-.0e o~ reuom:.cil,€, relinqu1zting <.nd cOn\'eyir,g ~ll her rlc';~t, ";it.lE: ~1:..1 int.ere.at, .'ilct:.e~'
or dOper or of ser..r..-te pro;ertj', st....tut:n'~' or equit~ble, in !oud to the l:;.uds therein described
. ...~id tb;:-t aU! e7.eo-uted sai:1 deEd fl'e61y and '-011..r,t~ril:: e.n1 7iith~n~t ~l.Y COli3tl"e.Llt, f(;:;r, _~ :l'e:-_d:,-
3:i.O~. or oO::lpu13ion of or fro::. her S~ d huab~nd..
1;'-' sifllUture find off'1chl 3eul
...... '':.It 1:1e..... ...., +" ")" ".r
"''' ~ . 4 ree 1,. .,ce .. un",
(D~C. Sta~-------$l.OO--J
0': 3t.
:'i]=- the
d~~! eud yet..r lE.zt afor6suid.
~ &. c. EldredC~LB3K O~ CI~~::~ ~Ou~T)
3 BY () A~1 -N'~AAP~
ti'. i 3
~. H. :)te"Kard
l;otar;" l-ublic stc ~ of ::-'lorioa,
: -~t oOi.',~.;iss ion e>:;: ires De'~. 9tL.
1 ~!E.4 .
:i. M C.l'ootcett e.nd i:&te 1. ;;;rookett,
Eor...oe JOUE:d bhd ? Vo. Fremd Jr.
.... an" K..\.. 1.4_ c....C)ck~tt
~HIS IliDElj~U?.z, ~de this 22nd d~ of ~cember ;.. D. 192.4 3etweeo H. Ju crOckGtt,\
hie w1feof the oounty of Jt. Luoie and st te of .,'lor1lle. rartiea of the fir<3t pe.rt~ aud Horaoe ';o~e
.:.illd F. K. Rremd Jr. of the county of l'alrn Bev.oh u11d 3t",te of Plar Id~ part1e3 of the se.:.:Ond rart
. iatnooseth, that the said- :r-e.rtles of the first r-art, for and in cOllSideration of the lllITt of ~ell DOllars
laud,other valuable oonalder,....tlona to thet: ~11 hand raid, the rcoeipt whereof is her(b~; aoimov:ledgl:4
I .
ibave_ gr~nt84, bargained, aol,~1d transferred, WId by :;heae J.resents do grant, bargain, sell and l
transf.f.>r unto the ~ld ~~rt1e8 of 1he e800Jld yart and their heirs and ~as1.gn1l fO~HT, ,-,1: tl:o.t
, ; ::,,:'~,[~~'f~