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..eiore lIIe pet8(1J18117 appeared ~neet B. WaUe and no~.noe B. Wall. hie wife and A. H. Kirk
and Amelia Kirk his-wife. to ml known to be the perecn. 4eeorlbed 1n and,who Ixeouted the
foregoing oonTe7anel to Brneet B. Walls" florence B. Walla hie wife and .enra1l7 aotno.le4ged
the Ixecution thereof to be their tre. aot and 4.e4 for the use. and purpoee. th.r.i~ mentioned
J'/ -
and the s81d norenoe B. Walls an4 A.aella Kirk the wife8 of the said Rneat B. Walle a: A. H.
Kirk on a .eparatl &nd prlTate Ix&IIinatlon taken and maa. b7 and _foro Ile. anel ,epuoalti.7
and apart trom her said husband. 4id aokno.ledge that sh. aade here elf a part7 .d/sald aeed
ot COnTe7&nol. for the purpOI. of renounoing. relinquishing and oODTe7ing all her right. t1 Ue
and interlet. whether ot dow.r or of ,eparate prop~rt7. etatutor,r or Iquita)le in and to tbe
landa thorein dlsoribed. and that ahe exeouted sald deed tr.e17 and Toluntarily and withou~
any oon8traint. fear. apprehen8ion or oompuleion of or tro. her lald husband.
offioial eeal at Vero 1n the County or st. Luoie and State of
th4! 9th
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ba.el G. Swartwout. (Seal)
Botar7 Publio State ot Plorida at Large.
K7 oomm1esion expire. Karoh 11. 1921.
. ~.
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d&7 of Janl1aJ7 1926.
P. C. Eldred. Clerk Cirouit Court.
'j ~1 ..)'1- . -. Z. _..- --:;-- ('C'
By- . ~.u ,/ 7. .
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. .. .
.. . ..
ROBER'f D. CARTER. and .ite.
THIS DBD kde the nh 4ay of Janus17 A.D. 1925. b7 Robert D. Carter and Lillian D. Carter -----
his wi~e. ot the Count7 of St. Lucie and State of Plorida hereinafter oalled the Grantor.. to
Jaaee AI Harrie. Jr.. ot the County of St. Luoie and state of Plorida herelnafter oalle4 the
WITBBS9'lH. that the said grantore in ooneideration ot Ten Dollars and other valuable
oon8i4eratlone Dollar8. the reoeipt whereof i. hereb7 aoknowledged.do gIve. grant. bargain.
8ell. al1e~. reale.. release. Guteoff. oonTey and 'Onflra unto the said grantee and his hell'S
and aesigns in te. .imple. the lands 8ituate in st. Luoie County. State ot Plorida. 4escribed
as follows:
Lot !wenty four. in Bloak two. R.D. Carter's SubdiTision of part of the
Jortb eaet qaarter of the eoutheaet quarter of eeotlon thirty-fiTe. town-
ship 32 South range 39 Ba.t~
Subjeot to all taxes ar aS8essment8 if an7 be lo'Yied for th. year 1926
and all subsequent yeare.
(60~ Doo. Stamps Canoelled.)
'fO RAVE AlID 'fO HOLD the 8ue together with the here41t8Jl1enti5 and appurtell81k.Oee. unto the
aa14 srante. and ~lB heirs and assigns in fee daple..
AID ~. e~id grantors for theseelTe. and their heire and legal representative. ~Tenant
.lth said grantee hls heirs legal repre.entatiTe. and .s.ign,: !hat ..i4 grantors are inde-
,t..s1b17 .elle4 of a&1d 18n(\ in tn all1ple; that ..14 grant ore ha'n full power anel lawful right
to oonn7 ..14 lands in fe. slaple, ae a:f"(\reeaU; that 11; uall be lawful for eal4 grante..
hi. helrs legal repre.entatlT.. and aselgnl.' at al~ t~e. peaoe.Dly and quietly to tBter upon.
hold. 00oup7 and en~o7 aa14 land; tbat sa14 lan4 11 free tro. all InoWllb~~..1 that oaid
'4 -
grantors th6ir heir. and legal representatlTe., w1l1 make .uoh further a.&uranoe. to perfeot
"he f~ .lapl. uu. to ..14 land in ..14 grante.. his hairs. legal r.pr.Bentati;..'Nld altBl$n.
.. ~J'.: /\~s~1~llffti!1J