HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0318 lS1~ I I i _ ~~~':""'.""'-"'''''''l>il!ll I I ~~- ~~-- - _. ...---, "'I ...... ~~.... ..-...........~ & ~ r- A........___ _ ~~ . -" ~- ~ _.- .. . .4__ IIftl8SSI'!B. that the s&14 part7 ot the fir.t part. for an(l in oon81dentlon of the eua of one 401181' aud other 'Yaluable oonsideration to i\ in hand paid. the reoeipt whereof 1. here- by aoknowledg.d. has granted. bargained. so14. alienect. remise4. release4. oon'Yeyeel. and ooa- firmed. and by these pre8ents 40th grant. bargain, 8ell. alian. r~i.e. releasl. oonT'Y snd oonfira. unto the 8a14 party ot the seoond part and her h.ir, and aeeigne fore'Yer. all that oertain paroel of lanel l7ing and being in the County ot Saint Luoi. and State ot Plorida Ilore partioularly d..oribed as followe: Lot line (9) ot Amend.d Plat ot Stouder's subdi'Yision .ith all i.pro'Y..ents. -fl 1), TOGEfHER with dl the lene.ente, heredU_ente. and appurtenanoe.. with en17 privilege. right. titl.. intereat and estate. re'Yeraion. remainder and eas.ment thereto belonging or in ~se appertain1nga 'fO RAVE Atm 'f0 HOLD the .... in tee ei.ple tor''Yar. AID TH& SAID party of the firet part doth oO'Y.nant with the 8aiel party of the seoond : part that it i8 Ya*fUl17 sei.ed ot the 881d premisel; that they ar. free of all inoumbrano'4. ena that it baa good right anel lawful authDDit7 to .ell the lame; and the said party of the first part doe.. hereby tul17 warrant the title to said land. and will delend the same against the lawful olai.. of all persons whomsoe'Yer. IB WITBESS WHEREO'. the said part7 of the first part has caused these presents to be signeel in its name by its President. and its oorporate eeal to be aftixea, attested by its Seoretary the day and year aboTe written. , Corporat. Se~ Corp. Seal. &A.ST COAS7 GROCERY COKPAJIY. ar J. K. Saaple Pr.sident. Attest: J. X. Harris Seoretary. IJ Signect. Bealea and d.li'Yered in our Pr..enoe: Xlenore O. Panke . Easter U. Ruesell. S'U78 O.t zloU~.l1JA COUlfi 01' stOff LUCIE I HKR8BY CE3'fIJY that on this fourteenth day of June A.D. 192~. before me personally ap- pearect~ John K. Sample and John B. Harr!. respeoti'Yely Presi4ent and SeoretaJ'7 ot Eaet Coast Grooery Comp~ a oorporation under the laws of the Stat. of Ilorida to me known to be the perlone describect in and who .xeoute4 the foregoing oon'Yeyanoe to D.A. KoOray and s8'Yerally ........ ' . aoknowledg.d the exeoution thereof to be their free aot and dee4 a. suoh offioers. for ~he usel and purpose. ther.in mentioned; an4 that th~y affixed thereto the otfioial seal of sald oorporation and the eai4 inltrument is the aot and deed of .aid oorporation.' WITRS8 rq 8ignature and oftioial eeal at 'ort Pieroe in the County of 3ai nt Luoie 4a7 an4 Y6ar laet aforeaaid. 1_ ," 1: -0 W lL a: lU th~ 24th dq a a:- o u UJ cr G. L. SulllTan.-(Seal) Xotar.y Publio State of Plorlda My oomDission expiree Oct. 2. 1927. ot JanuaTJ 1926. P. C. Bldre&, Clerk Cirouit Court. by~~ Ot~~of~ D.C. - . i' I -: . . ~ .....~.. ..... ......... .... . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. ~'- , "..:' :.:}~Ntlr1t~lj