HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0321 321 '- .J._~--,-..:..:-":~__ ~ ____~ . . ~.~ -- ~- ~_"'III(,. _w___ __ ~ ~~- ---.---- ~. .--......,., - - ~- -_. -.-.::- ~ - -- - -..- - -- ~ -- - - - --- -- -:(.- - . I I All]) I PURfHER CER'fIrY. that the eaid Rarr.iett9 B. Cobb known to me to be the wife of the laid C.B. Cobb on a leperata and priyate examlna~lon taken and mad. b7 and betore me. ~eparat~ 17 and apart tram her laid husbana. ~id aoknowledge that she made hereelt a part7 to laid 4e.d tor the purpose of renolmoing. relinquishing ant oODTeying all her right. tItle and in- tere.t. .whether of dower. home8tead or of .aparate property. statutor7 or equitable, in end to the land. desoribed theroin. and that she exeouted the ,.id deed treely and Toluntarily and without &D7 oompulsion. oonstraint. apprehlnDion or fear of or trom her sald hus'-nd. .IT~BSS ~ hand and offioial .eal at Vero. Count7 of st, Lucie and State ot Jlorida of Deoember A.U. 192.. H Bellie li. Babb, Botary Publio State at Jlorida at Large. Q Iq oo_iB"ion expire8 Kay 9. 1928. IIJ Ii: orded this iihe 26th day of January. 1926. UJ > P. C. Elored. Clerk Circuit Court. ~o B7{/il/<. ~ ()t. /~ /' ,.po. ~'C..tD.C. o ./l</t~?-;/./ /(~""-" .,/j~"'~'-U,..u-.~{.."t:j1.; . . W / . ........If. "...r..................................................... '............O'.."' JAKES H. GAMBILL. 8ingle. to DOBB A. KE?nR. WA~NTY DBBD. C- , . THIS DEED Vade the 6th day of January.A~D~ 1925. by JBm~@ H. G~b!ll. 9!ngle. a! the County ot Lawrenoe. State of Kentuoky hereinafter oalled the grantor' to DODD A~ Keffer of the County of St. Luoie State of Plorida hereinafter called the grantee. WITHKSSETH. that the laiel Grantor in oon8ideratione of Ten Dollare anel_ other 'faluable oonsiaerations the reoeipt whereof I. hereb,y aoknowledged. dOCB give. grant. bargain. sell. alien. remi8e. release. enfeoff. oon'Yey and oonfirm unto the laid grantee. and hi. h.ire and a8eigne in tee aimple. the lands eituate in St. Luci. County. State of ?lorida. desoribed as follon: " Lot two. Blook 8ix. 08ceola Perk Addition to Vero. 7101'168. Sub3eot to all taxel or asse8ement8 If 8D7 be 11'Yied tor the year 1926 and all subsequent 7eer8. (~ TO HAVE J.H]) TO HOLD the samg together with the hered1tBlDentB and appurtenances. unto the Baid grante., and hie heir8 and a88igne in fee 81mple. ABD the 8aid grantor for htmeelf and hi. heirs eand legal representative8. covenants ..{.o.. \" hdr6 with 881d grantee hi~legal representati'Ye. and aB8ign~. That saiel grantor i8 indefeasibly aslbed of .aia land in fee simple; that 8aid grantor has tall power and lawful right to oon'Yey the said lands in tee simple. .. afor.,aid; ,hat it ahall be lawful tor laid grantee hie heirs. legal representative. and a8eign.. at all times peaoeably and quietly to enter upon. hold. ocoupy and en30Y said land; that said land i8 tree trOll all inoumbranoe.; that eald grantor. his hell'S and legal reprelentatlves will make suoh further aS8Uranoel to perfect the fee 8iaple title to 8aid land In Baid grantee, hi, he'*a legal represontatives and ..Bigns. a8..J: reaeoD.6b17 be required; and th~t said grantor dO'es hereb7 fully warrant the un. to laid land and rill defend the .... against the lawhl olaim. of all persOQ l ~ (, Signed. eealed and 4elfTerod .in the pres.noe ot 8ha1. D. 'oole. Mr8. Chae. !oole. Jas. H. Gambill (Seal) I I' ~ whOll8oe'Yor. . WI!lrB8S the hand and seal of said grantor the day and year firet abO'Y8 written. \ \ ~.. of :--,:,,, ,,:;S'ill~*,~