HomeMy WebLinkAboutBP-51177 ELEVATION CERTIFICATEFEDERAlrEht;Zr:E CY I NAI NATIO�FlIS INE POST GONARUCTION ELEVATION CERT _ OMB 026-R-00026 IANAGEMENT AGENCY d'F� URANCE PROGRAM LO'7 - FICATEIFLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATE COMMUNITY NUMBER St. Lucie Co., F1. (UNINCORPORATED AREAS) �. 120285 INSTRUCTIONS The registered professional engineer, architect, surveyor or community permit official completes Section I below. Section Il may be completed by any of the professionals listed at the beginning of Section II, or by a similarly qualified local permit official. Print or type the information on this form: This form is to be used for new (POST -FIRM) construction and for substantial improvements to existing structures in Zones Al-A30, AH and VI-V30 and existing (PRE -FIRM) buildings to be rated under POST -FIRM rules and rates. SECTION I (TO BE COMPLETED BY COMMUNITY PERMIT OFFICIAL) 'ROPERTY ADDRESS (or lot and block numbers tf address is unavailable) Harbour Ridge, Ltd. 1545 Buttonbush Circle (NAME: J & N Const. Inc. BP 51177 ) 'IA MAP PANEL ON WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED FIA MAP ZONE IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED 0406-BAH IA MAP EFFECTIVE DATE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION AT THE PROPOSED SITE January 5, 1984 12 r TART OF CONSTRUCTION DATE frame and Title PHONE (with Area Code) 11/89 Terry L. Virta-Community Develo ment Di e 2300._Virginia Ave., Ft, Pierce, Fl. 33450 _ 11/15/89 � I (Date) 110 SECTION II SCANNED INSTRUCTIONS St Lucie County Complete only the Elevation Certification unless the building has been floodproofed at least to the base flood elevation. If floodproofing is used, complete only the Floodproofing Certification. The Elevation Certification may be completed by a registered professional engineer, architect, or surveyor. The Floodproofing Certification may only be completed by a registered professional engineer or architect.1 - — -ELEVA T ION CENTI FICA I IOhf — - I certify that the building at the property location described above has the lowest floor at an elevation of laq ® feet, NGVD (mean sea level). FLOODPROOFING I certify to the best of my knowledge, information, and be watertight to an elevation of. impermeable to the passage of water and structural comps hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy that would be and uplift forces associated with the base flood.. In the event of flooding, will this degree of floodproofing be a Will the structure be occupied as a residence? :RTIFICATION that the structure is designed so•that the structure is st NGVD (mean sea level), with walls substantially .nts having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and ised by the flood depths, pressures, velocities, impact with human intervention?*. If the answer to both questions is Yes, the floodproofing cannot. be credited for rating purposes and the elevation certification must be completed instead. *Floodproofed with human intervention means that water will enter the structure when floods up'to the tease hood level oc-cur, unless measures are. taken prior to the flood to I prevent entry of water (e.g. molting metal shields over doors and windows). ITL.E - l_s ✓L #- " [,:; 7 Z DDRESS MOB ROO S Q• A_5S 0 C 12o Co,r r2o rot k___ 1A,_k - w •'P Y3 r-1e": AFFIX SEAL OR WRITEPROFESSIONAL \ LICENSE NO. BELOW: ct, a�.,Y �,��� P)AL 13 A IP G 2$ P C_s 3— 3 H. V j 0 A Yr 0� V % 3--� (Signature) j(Date) The inslance agent. attaches the second copy of the completed form tlo the flood insurance policy application for new (POST -FIRM) construction or substantial improvements. Be sure that the second copy is certified.