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THIS m;)~I,:'U:{E. lade thiS.6th de.:,' of Deoon:ber A. n. 19a. 3,Eltween :n1ilabeth 1:. zay:f.
:11111;ur.ried of the oouuty of ~uyahogll Ulld 3t to of Ohio }ll. rty of the first r~rt. end C'lcr i1b. &ist :;Oag-\;
"lailRuy ~omJ~ny. tl oorporatlon orgtl.uhed ulld tn;i8tiug under th~ ItlW'is of t:t:> Stcte of ::'1o.ride..
;~rt~. 0 f tho second '~rt.
1':l1'::E3S::TII, th::. t the uu:td Farty of the first !1l rt, for ulid il~ oonsideration of t!:e
"UL: of One Dollar Ulldrther "::..Iuuble coneidcr8tiol:O to her in ht\nd ruid by the suid 'rarty of the
.3~cond part.. the recei!'t whereof is hereby sc~:no',\'ledged, hus ;~r,hted, b:.r~;d..ied , aOld, ~liened,
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:-er.:ised. rele!;.sed. oonveyed und oon~irr;:ed uwl b~; these }1reeen..s docs gr~ut, b~,rl?!:i!l .:ell, :.1ie::, re-
foro\'c1',Hll that cert~Li >.11'oe1 of len-l lying: Uu.o b iq~ in the ~:)ullt~'O;;" ~t. Iucie C;.::d st:;,.tt> of
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::1so, rclet.;._c, O,)):\'OJ.' uwi.. oonflrt~ ~to the said lo;:u-t,}' of the se.:lond ; urt. it.:: 2UOC€::3S~rs und ..SSlt1l3
,.n~rid~, !.lore 1;~~rticulc:.rl:: described t:s fOllo,'"s; to-'tiit:
All of her uHHvided ::r.Et half interest :0 und to Ei. stri!' 0 f land t'.\"E,nt::-five (t5) fEe t
'ride on tl~e eEtstc1'l:.' side of L,l~d Ci.djoini!~g the €.o;;!;f;fl~' r~t3ht of '/.~y li::it of ~:'.e ?lcr i,:L,. ::<-~t
:;o..:.~t !re.il',v,;;~r said et.sterl:: rl~ht of '/;;:::, L.:-.:it eiilg t?ie!:t~. fh'e(25) feet eastel'l:.; fro::, "-lid ct::.r-
u.~ Ie 1 to the ccr. ~or 111..6 01" the rresent rr"::i'~14ck 0 f Sd-j~-.;a nT.C~'; s!.:.id strip ox';er.1 iug l.c1'o:::;; the
'::;JUth four h:l.!ld:-:d !:..:;.d thirt;r-four ~ud five teIlt:l:J (~~.5)' .:.eet of the ll::>rth 8,,',;(;1. h',<::d1'"a ...r.d '\
t'leHt~; t-u1 fhe t&nt::~(n;O.5) feet of the ::ortheast q-...arter vi the .:;:)uthwest (,U!Lrt€:r (l:Z. ;jf .);.~)
.:;.:05. :;OYCrnH:ent 'lot ~our (4) .Jf .3ecti:n;. ~u, 7,n:n.::c.ip 35 South, :~~e 40 ;-:U3t, an1 bein~ the s:,:.,e
r >.',
L.H1 con'1;eyed to tte E:li,J Zl1':abeth 1:" t.uFf b~ l'hllo C. Eldred aud ;tite by (Ieed :a. ~cd ;~ ;'~<.lI:y ....::,
lS'EC. 8f!d rec)r1ed in Je€:d .look 35, ::age, 2.21,
StUffip. ~tilic. -------C. 50/------. '\
':'0 T!';":=: ~:D 7':> :::01:;; ~ $~Le, together '.ri.th l:ll the tom'r:.ents, hc-:"e1 it
Public :::ecords .)f St. lucie :.)unt~-, ?lOrid:,.( Doc.
:::*".:ll~S ~n:] '~:..r ;'ur-
tE::;.:. nces thereto telon~ing or in en~;-"Ii ise c.F~'ertC;.ining, :.n fEe z 1:;'1:'le forc,"<-r.
..;~;D the sei1 :p~~rt~1' of' t'h2 firz~' ~ ~ rt does u~.i'~...el~~~t 7:ith the ';:f;. id :l'.,rt:t I:) f ..t:E . s.;~:.~d
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:~ rt thut Slle is ID,'.';ful1r seized:Jf the 2cd :rerr:ises; ':;rbt z:.id ::rcLisc.::; ",1'" :;'ree of ~~l h..::ud)rsnCtl3 .1
;..:;..3. that sr.e h~s good right ~ud lc..7;ful- ~uthorit~ to ~eJ..l the ~L.;:.e; ":...;.l~j thr:.t s~d .:-.:..rt~~ 0: t:.S fi:-st
: ~
_crt doe3 ::ereb:,' full:; ':.qrrant tc.e title t::> s~,id L:n-"z, s.;d. '..:ill defend ":;he zli~.e t:.fLll.i.;>t the 1-'1,-
::u.l cl,~in,s of :0:.;"1 l)srSOns '~,ho!:'.soG,er.
I:: i:I~~Z33 ~.;E:'::~O?t the s:; 1d F!.irty Jf ~..!:e first ~'c.rt c...-.:-e here~Jlto set ::er l:~ud
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3<"::.1 the :j~:l b.11d lear firs-:; abo,e ,t.ri-ttell.
Sig!:t! d and se'c.led ~nd d<:li...-ered ir: ttcE: ::re6Elioe ~;
~1i::;;.beth 1:. ZGl'f
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I. ~~
II. 8. King
thia January ::;~, 1926.
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St....te ofChio
:;~ty of ~(o.hog...
r HZ?.~3Y ~2:::::FY, Tr.bt Oi1 th!.s dey ; orson;.lly aPI;e&red bef.)re n:e. \n of:"ioer Ijul~- C.:u.-
t:.orized to ~\dr;:ini2ter o~the ",ud '~e.~:o tlck:jo':led~~nts ~lizabeth ].:. Zapf, un:.arried, to;;;e 1;(::1
.:nnu to be the Iera.:lU desoribed in and .....i:O e7.eouted the fo ragoing instru:.:ent f:.nd she o.C~:t.(l'r.1E dEed
and ",oluhtarlly for the ::,ury,036S therein expres:ocd.
11; r,,17~;:;SS j'i}=...E~OP,' I 1:ereUiJto aet r:.:,; i:uad aud oi'ficis.l l3e~l tti;> ,:ti: d~;;"~f i)eoeLCf:ll"
R. F. Zggt:rs
ltotar;>' !ublio 3t~:tE of Onio. ~UYf:.r.o[t:. ~.JUIi~Y.
My co:r.;,~i<i;;:i:m eJ-=1.i1'e.. Sept. 19t.,.
1 ,. "'ld ed (....-~.,,' 0"" "IR....l" "'OU."M)
.. ". L r "...:';-4>. Il~
BY () n -"~ /d. ':.
~ D. =!
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