HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISIONOFFICE USE ONLY: / SCANNED DATE FILED: G/as-1 1 i BY REVISION FEE: r% I . 51 Lucie CO Unt�� PERMIT # 1802-0340 RECEIPT # 6I 3 KING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772) 462.1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: I .. 1010 Nettles Blvd, Jensen Beach 1 RECEIVED JUN`2"8 7uij Permitting pez,� ;•a; St, Luain CO:.,r.. i DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: I - .Revise product installed to FL17022.1 - - CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERTI'# cCC1326574 BUSINESS NAME: CodelRed Roofers Inc. QUALIFIERS NAME: Douglas E Roe' ADDRESS: 3341 SE Slater.St 'CITY: Stuart -j- - :. _. - -STATE: FL PHONE (DAYTIME): 772; 287-2829 I OWNERIBUILDER INFORMATION: I NAME: ADDRE CITY: PHONE ARCHI NAME: ST: LUCIE CO -CERT #: ZIP: 34997 FAX: 772-287-7763 TECT/ENGINEER SS: STAF. (DAYTIME: INFORMATION:=1 ' , F rc ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): File Copy SLCCC: 9123109 Revised 06130/17 STATE: - ZIP: .Flfa�Yd. Btlc�ing Ld t�nlxne .. ` Pd a 0 ' .: u product Approval Mel field Mikhod % tfption D; Date Submifed "68J18J2037 �.., ' - Dalo Ml ldatefS 08125J20 � Date- Pend(n j F8C,Approvai > led �10jI412t71J .. ' Somme' of Products Description 1J022 S:; 1 ASV Crimp (Rfi} 25 Gaug l Jt3 rib i>ei �ht,p24 ±ide lapped roo .,P n, - . mechon ` Ily thed ba 1 plY. .. br +sat} Die$` tivitir jL.-�_._ �32 fasteners _ L mite of iJ&e Insta!latron instrucharnf. Approved far use n HVt{ AOprb4ed':far use duterde HVHZ Yes' -f rtt L irif7O? _ RiraPgsr �+ Ueri ied'9 rULa a BaWden P E 49704 y Isnpaet iLesrstent No ,, Created by independetitThird Party ,Yes pesign Pfessur4 +fJ/A/ TaGle A . Evaluatian Repatts this report=antl applleaore Cone'secnPns?r raw .{w m� w - rianafafu�i'S,instailadon Iristruction3. 3T022 2 2 5Y �rlrnp" (.R6} 0 033 Rillmlhurti; 3J8 Rib"height, Z, wide lapped panel, mechankai(y attached tw i5/32" plywooitot wood. Dadk with ekposed fasteners mt of Use [ Approved fa.t,use,i TnstalleHan InsEruetions r: li0'2 Y Cli2S1P 2°` t) i 44dF Approved for: use autsrde,FiVHZ Yes . - veiYfW By Locke aowd6h`# P E 49704 xfnpact R®sistant:;Na Created by IndAependentThird Party Yes fJesi®n Pressure +NJAJ Taste A Ev�luatran Repm'rts Other Iferta evaluation report Torconditians In tall the assembly'in carnpliar to with the InsWi laborl methdd'listsd'Iri thls report d6d appilcab� cotle�sertiand of FBC PefentoInd®pe-77 kLil . ssr nnf ndent third Party 'Veil ' - '�enufaCttirsr'sinsteilatlan!ins`truCiiarl5;,. > _ _ _.., _... 7'i022 3 '- 3 1 S Mecfianicai Seam' R5j � Y S rib hesght,'i6 wida,y24 gauge steei, standing edrrf .:' tuofkpaiI rnechsrtcaity ati ached to i iS/82 plyinood,or wood- . � dec "riith clipsanil tastenetrs tniw OfAlsC : jCpprovUd, tar ose n,HVNz ';ffo , inrteilatintr liistructiona I Ei x s422 :#3Y TF t4 �..5.-f1:€iAG11t' I ililjrbved fdr,,trse a}uteide HVHz Yes. 3r»pept Resistant `;tJa :',. 5U91ii "toe 1 Uertfiad 6y Locke Bowdetj, P E 49iO4 besign Pressure j+NJAf Tbble other, Refer evaluation roport for ronditions and Created by IndependentTfihri Party Yes Evaiustron d' ' 'its' i(mitations'Dt use Install the assembly 1p.OMiPM 60kWith El a70Z" ti7 1},1:;t ttte Installation method listedairi this repbrt,and mpplicabie seam 24ga s.r }�df code sections of FBG' feria irianufacairer� lnstaiiatian I Cued by independent T(rlyd Partyi Yes i inSirU ctitlrr5 % I _ t70az a ' a 4r pa 5" Pteehanical seaYn" (RS t S s rlb.-height,;5 wtde,0 032 sitrminumr 3tanditig-seam roof panoi meohanlcaAy attached tosJ32 piyvrood or'V(aod t)ecis with `clips and tastenets : . Crmits df, Use W installation Iirstructrans Approved far use,in HVHi stdo� r F 7b�2� Ri IY.:FL 17ri?,�:'t f9ECHt�PICYAi �EAbi . gpproveij far use;qul=grde HVk�Z Yes � 13.1 �11::1�f�L� 4pdf ' Impact Ti`esrsteMtr:No . Uerifit By tocke Bowden, P E A9r,04 t?esrgrr pressure.:+tdJA1 tableA Created by Independentihird Party: Yes IfltherrSReferto evaluation n3partfOi- 'rtions vnd Iimitatlans of user Tnstail the &ssemhy in compilar!ce Evafuatian fte(wrts FLt702+7 A.E > L0fM atlCl�t SEAM 13re! inSta(latian meor� {}>ted !n this report anri applicableILLfiI,(l} t s,r pnf corlg sections of FBC, Refer ta;'manufacfurors`tnstailatisn :. Ct:Third }!arty; Yes' 17022 s _, 5 °1 1n Nail Strlp",(R5} 1 nb itieighi, 16" wlde, 26 gauge steel, standing seam'rpo, ` . pale ` hanicatly efts �2 ptywaotl - d{scKvath fastei�ars i:lmrts of'rJse 4 _ xnstaliatrdn 7nstrUctianea , Appraved for use,'fn WVHZC;Na PL1 t5 �2 R7...i7 t �70 5� O...T� LSjit2P_ si pt j:. Approved for use`outsi&' HVHZ 'Yes Verifiod 6� Loflte savrd�h, P E 49704 Trnpact:itesi9talit fio` t reateri by independent Third Party Yes .. Design Pressure; �t3jAJ-TableA -. Evaiustt+on tjepart� flth... Refartoevaluatron.cert pofoi tonditions'and Ei�7S? 2 ff AE i1x ?� � d 0 ftAAtl 7tSp t,R !' - limitations of use ATn taN thd,ssserhbl .'7n com dance with. t�reateti by xgtle endent:,?hard party Yew y p p http //Www. (jAdAbx'uHdingoorg; prlprLapp 'chl aspx?pa'ratn wC.y',EN�t���Dgv,2a�3QpIt�(�Qe 1l$12a1-g 1. , 11 x �,I.11�1 i. 3. i - ii l y 1.�, .. ..., �.- ,2„ , �.. ,P._11. �. 'r' . X,,. �• R1. � ri iti 215ii,SW:Pa�M xO rve Y Paim City,,Fi. 34990 + �� � � x Tr> �8. 8D34 � . r. �• s . 1 s t ' i. .tRx �$ - h i X ., ', FL17622.1 .6V'+Crirhp (2WA Steel); 24" Wide.Roof Panel -Details Limitations; 1. Underlayment to t e,compliance with currentTlorida Building Code.(FBC)2017 61h: ed, 2. Minimum slope to be compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 6ft edj., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products ;are compliant for State, of Floridap"rgduct approval per Rule 6.1G20 3. Compliance'Metho& I-D 4. Engineering analysis for "project specific approval by local authorities wljurisdiction is allowed by. other registered engineers. 5. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance:'Sh6ardiaphr8gm values are outside this;repo"rt: 6. Support framing incompliance w/FBC 2017 6th ed., Chapter 22 for Steel, -Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for Structural Loading 7. This "report does not;imply warranty, installation,' recommended:product u'se outside`of this report: Panel Overlap ! ` V Gib Roof Panel - Vftq plank i 24 Parisi P;ruftle . Nominal'12" Nominal 12" o.c., Fasten -x 1/2" Min. or #10 x- -1/2" Min. per 'Table"N' Hex:Washer Head Screw` SpacedI2 oze across the Panel 1Mdth Refer, to Table "A" for Spacing Along Panel Length De6k--15/V or greater Plywood;`or Mod plank,