HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0329 I [, I I" ~~,...".... ---.. - -..--' '-~, -'-"-"""~"-'- - I I' I ,. . If o2lJ T -- ~~~ _,r__ - -.- - - ~- - - ''''lir- ___.~...~...._...,-..r' -' J. . ~.........._ ~~.. ...........,~ , Signed. _~..ealed and Delivered in the presenoft ot i ! 0.0. T. 'M.ppiu L. N. De!lerJl8J1 (S&AL) , lIrB. AUAhtman iUla De11erman (SUL) i SfATB OF nOR IDA ~ .-. ~ OOUNn OF ST. LUCIE I H3R3BY C1RTIYf. That on thi8 day perBonallr appeared before me an officer du17 authol'- iS8d to adminieter oaths and ~.ke aoknowledgmont8. L. B. Dellerman and 311a Dellerman. his wife. . . : to me well known and known to me1i'o b8 the 'individuals desoribed in and who exeouted the fore- ; going deed. and they. olmowledged before. me that they exoouted the ~ :freely and voluntar1l7 , for the purp.oses therein expressed. AIm 1 PURTH3R C3RTITf. That the 8aid 311a De11erman known to m. to b~ the wife of the said L. 11. >>ellerman on a separate e.nd private examins.t1on t9.ken and made by and before me. sepa:rntely and apart from he180id hu~and dld aoknow16dge that she ma.de herself a party to said (ieed ~or the Purp9" of renounoing. relinqui8h1ng and oonveying all her rlght. title and int . erest. whether of dower. homestead or of separcte property. statutory ~ equitable. in and to th~ - lsnds de80ribed therein. and that .he exeouted the 8aid deed freely and VOluntarily. and wlthout oompul-aion. oonetraint. approhension or fe~ of or from her Baid husband. ( '. 53 my hand and offioial seal at Vero County at 3t. Luoie And 5tate of Florida. this A.D. 192'. Cl tal llellle M. Babb u: Notary Pub1io. state of ~lorida at target '0: My oonmiaBion e~lr68 rr8~ 9. 1928. rded this Jan. 26. 1926. uJ . >. P. c. BLDR3D( CL3RK OF CIHCUI~ COURT) ~ BY L2a ~~___ *~~'c.--~- . 0 /' /" D.C. ~. L/ 11122____________________________________________________________________________________________ C. L. DAVI:>3011 A!lD !:A.:lY L. DA.'lID50l; TO R033RT CAl!PBUL " W.ARRA1ITY D33D " TH!S I:;D~~ITtTR3. made this eight day of Uovec"er. A.D. 1924. "getween C. L. DaVidson anli ,. .. Uay L. Davidaon. husband and wife of the Gounty of Sedgwick and State of Kansas parties of the ~ first 18rt, and Robert Campbell of the Uounty of Sedgwick and Stute of Zans8s party of the seconi party. WIT1BS33TH. that the said rarties of tho first !Brt. fcrr and in InSideration of the sum " of One :>Ollar and other valuable oonsideration. to thee in hand paid. <he rOde'iPt whereof is , hereby aoknowledged. have granted. bargained. so14 and transferred, and by the.e presents do grant. bargain. sell. ond tr&l:sfer unto the 8aid !B rty of the sooond part:l and his ho1 rs and assigns .forever all their t1 tIe to and intorest in t1ul t certain parcel of land lying and being in tls Gounty 0 f st. Luoie and Strie of Florida. more particularly descrlbed 88 follows: The south Sixty (60) aores of the 3ast Hal' of the Southwest ~uarter (~i 3W{) and the :iortht.., ~terUl1:l of Seotion ':'bree (3) and ths !Iorthwest lp.arter llWi of Section Tel) fl0) \. 811 in Township thirty-six (36) South. Range Thirty-nine (39) 3aat. ~ Togother with 011 tenements. hereditaments and appurtenonces. with every privilege. right. title. intere8t and estate, dower and right of dower. reversion. remainder and eOS9~ent thereto b T . - belonging or in any wise appertaining : TO HAV3 MID TO HOLD the 80100 in feo simple forever. And the am <i partie. 0 f the first par' do oovenant wi th the sni d Ie rty or tho second pert that thoy are lawfully &e1zed of the interest -horeby oonveyed In said premis 8a, and that they have good right and law:tri1. authority to sell the same; and the eel d Iarties of the first ~_ part. do-hereby tully warrant the title to suid land against saId partiee of the fir8t part "J::)H1~~._JX'ftTYJ their heirs and assigns. and wU:' dofend the at-me againat the lawful I.:lalms of all persons whomsoever. alaimlng ~y. through or under flrat parties. IH WI~J333 WH3R301. the Baid parties of the firet part have hereunto sot their hands $Dd Reals the 'dsJl and leu above witten. i' I I · I ! r ... , .... ..... ;:...: "~':"~;:~1il.1