HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER ROOF SPECIFICATIONSic sc N ED i Arch tecton Inc. c� 0 1Iria C©ur, February 5, 2018 Saint Lucie County Building Department iii@gS PLANS AND ALL PROPOSFD woRK Attn: Roof Permit Plan Review AnpE gU6JEG7 TO ANY CORRFCTIONS VAEOUIRGn BY NEI_D I`r1Si'l:C"fi;F;3'1IIAT 2300 Virginia AvenuenY Gar_ p;FCt t;, I;Y l'I'�I�AO� GOOFS - Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 cow,LY 1Ni7H ALL Re: Roofing specification prepared for the St. Lucie County Building Dept. for the structure located at, 1267 Nettles Blvd., Saint Lucie County, Florida CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE Manufacturer: Extreme Metall Fabricators, LLC. CONTRACTOR OF RECORD Profiles: #1 Nailstrip 0.32" Aluminum. Roof Panel Code: FBC 2017; Section R 905 Wind Speed: 165 MPH; Ultimate Design Wind Speeds Exposure: C Mean Roof Height: 30' Maximum Pitch: 5/12 Minimum Required Design Pressure: Zone1: -31 Zone 2: -51.5 Zone3: -77.3 Maximum Uplift Pressure: -101@ 8" o.c. Fasteners: #10 x 1-1/2" (or of sufficient length to meet 3/16" min. penetration through deck or 5/8" min. embedment into wood plank) Underlayment: Owen's Corning Weatherlock, FL# 9777.5 (self -adhering) Roof Decking: Existing 5/8" plywood sheathing to be nailed w/8d x 2" ring shank @ 6" O.C. thru out zone 1, 4" O.C. perimeter, and 6" O.C. field zone 2, and 4" O.C. thru out zone 3. The above approved, as per Florida Building Code Compliance acceptances, 2017 Florida Building Code, and the Manufacturer's recommendations. �C•O� FL'O40 16pectf ly itf 0: G�Nt J " (- Rg�89g • C � 'hAl Seal f $d 2-0 3 -7/ 'ST. L UCIE COij` TY EL-ILD NG DIVIS101N �ii�4�`IENIVIED POIt Ir7 NCE REVIE411'E BY � DATE c'av�G PLANESAND PE?t 41T NIUST BE IaPT ON JOB 0R ,N0 I.15PECT'IOV WILL BE INIAIDE. Film copy 806 Delaware Avenue Tel: 772 460 7751 www.architectonicinc.com Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 Fax: 772 460 4244 FL Reg #AA26003348 1 of 1 I