HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0333 333 this Jan. 26. 192b: o ~ -;E' au > c er: o (J &IJ cr 1.1. G,!. Cox D018ry rublio 3tote of Fla. At Laree My oOOJnlssl o,xrxpires lfaroh 17. 1927. P. c. ~dred(CL3RK OF CIRCUIT COURT) B~~ ~A..-u__ ~ D.C.: l.__..... -'-~._~....... - - ......-'.........--~-- T ..~--~ ...- __r _ - ~- -- ~... --~ -~- --~ ._- - ,I I tzed to administer oaths and toke aoknowled8msn\8, c. , " idesoribed in an~~ho exeeuted the fo~going de$d. and I 80me freely and voluntarilY for the purposes tharein A. Robel't8 to IIlD woll known to be the peram' ~~ ! aoknowled8e1 before, that he eX$outed 1h e e1-presBed. official soal at Miami Oounty 0 f :>ado and 3tute of ~lorida. this 6th ~ 1924 -.,-------------..-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- . D. L. 3H3PFBLD :"U:;) ~3?1t"m M. 3H.3P}'I3LD. TO 3. 3. Lro033. . . " C011 TP..ACT " , THIS Agreement. made this 23rd day of January, 1925. betweon I).L. Sheffield and ::Bther l!. 'Shoffiold l . his wife. hereinafter oalled the Vendors. of St, I,uoie "ClAnty. :!?l<rlda.. and E. 3. Moore. hereinafter coIled the Vendee. of 3t. Luoie County ?lorida. ~itnesseth: The Vendors hereby agree to sell and convey to th:..e Vendeo the following ':': desoribed real estate in St. Lucie County.. 1l'lorida. -to: ",:1: Lot "!lo. Seven in ::nook 1;0. Three situated In Vero nIHQ Terraoe. 0 subdivision to the 01 ty - Ye(! oTd J n t he.. of Vero. norida aocordlng to the plat of Baid Vero Terrace Sub<iivislon Filed for ..,....ho office ot the olerk of tile Cirouit Court of St. Luoie County. Flori;~a., (1) The Venda~ t~rees to purchase taid lot aforesaid and to pay to the Vendors therefor the ~ , [ " , sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars. os :follows: Five Hundre a &lla'TS ~, oash. the reoeipt whereof is \ ~ hereby aoknowledged. and the b~lance of One Thousand nollars ifi two aqual instolmants. to beco~o due and payable in six and twelve months respectively from the dtiy8 of this agroerJent, and to be!:r intiJrest f!"oc:l the dote hereof until pc.id, E. t the u.t() of eight per cent per annum. 'J>8JAble seI:1i- ..... ., annually. sa"ld (2) ilhen all P81Il1ents of Ula purchase price for'~ Lot hove been pnid, including interest, liS ~ above stipulated the Vendors shall execute to the'Vendee a Warranty deed fer said lot and celiver wi th said deed an abstract showing good title up to the dote of said deed. (3) '!'he Vendee hereby coven:nts 6.'1d B8reea with the 'lendors that he will not osuse or perI:1it any ree~denoe to be built upon said above described proporty which will C08~ les5 than Porty ?ive Hundred do1.111rs, i nil that said residolnoe It'll} D8 built on a I1ne thirty .feet b~ck from the front ~Qt line of the slIi d Ileteinbefore desoribe d lot. anr6id resi 1ence Sholl be of 3ponish or t:oorish ~esign. (~) ':'he her'1in de3cribed property sr.nll nev~r under f.t1ly circUI:istm:ces be poss.J3sed, owned or ' occupied by finy person other thtill those belonging to thJ Caucasian raoe, exoept servnl:ts. (5) The Vendors reserve to the proper outhoritie~ the right of eosement over th9 rear five r I , ! ~-::. IF I- I foet of the above desoribed property for water pipes, storm sewera. telepi:oDe tillU light poles or condui tat (6) It Is M~"'ll:; agroed that fill lions. assessments or il:'lprovol!:cnts, including taxes. ocoming after the dote of t1:i8 COl;traot shE.ll be p61d b;. tte Vend6a. (7) It Is cutuolly ngreed that in the event the 'lendo") violates on;: of too coven~nt,; herein P..v~.." 1DV 0" ~rd~ "'f-"" .-n '" '"c9.1'f 'He~a1:~ hnei~ \1cf.,.c 6pe ~;fi(c:\ J. or fnns to cake My pay::.al'1t herein ....61. speci fieo.~ ts.J.d og:t"ecd upon. time being exp~e8al"fBdo "'6- t# ; tbe eesende of thIs controot. th& '/endorsClaY decla}-e ell rights of the Vendee under thi. egree- ' ~nt to be t<r folted and oaDOoled without gi~D8not1oo to tho Yendee o. making any de~&ald of th& I Vendee whntsoever and tho 80id Vendee sholl lOBe &11 rlgh~" in end to s8id I-.ereinbefore dl)soribed property. and the Vendors shell retoin on .:ncl1oys paid under thie ngro;Jmont os ront for sai1d ls.nd i ! fRPe~e~ll sotisfaotion os liqUidated domo~os, and not os a ponalt7. for thol breaoh of thi8 and the Vondora may immediately re-enter ond re-teke poasetDton !1~1l1l~4r~-~~~~}~ A~"~ ..:.;. f~~it~~_-.c....~l....J.J?;fl'~"''',.:-~~ ..~~.. :1~ s;.~. ;"t..-: ;~ "'_a-: ~ '"i ! .;;~:~ t ~,~4'~:'~~~":- ~ "i.;:! .;,:\'" -':.-t'~- ..,1'.;.-~