HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0337 337 ..!..._.........---.,..~~---- -- ~ .........-~-~.. - - --- ....-... .. . ~- I I . 6. w_ -.-.-."-.......-- ___ ~ __~ _ _ . _ _.Jo.~ _~ Taxeq of ever7 nbture on the withln desoribed pro.pertJ e~all be paid by the purohaser 1.[ , beginn1.nlt with the nXD year followins the year in whio), the p1lrOMSe ls made. statetftotnt for whioh ehall oe direoted by the Company eaoh year until.i8suanoe of deQd to the purohaser. after ; which time the taxes .111 be a8sessed direot against the purohaser by the County Taa Asses80r. 'bould the purol'.o~er fall to reimbure. tbe Company tor taxes paid by the Company on the w1 thin. detortbed ~roperties. then all suoh Sum8 ehall be oharlted against suoh land and against the ~ithin named,onrohaser and ahall bear interest at tbe rate of o~ par annum until euoh time as ,paid. '. 6. That should purohaser be dlsabled by illness from following his usual vooation ,and furnish a physioian's oertifioate satisfaotory to th9 Company. a payment or l)aymentsmay ;be extended for a period of sixty days. 7. That this oontract is not transferable or aS8iltnable exoept by written oonsent of the Company. 8. That should t~e ourohaser fail to make payments 8S herein speoified time being the essenoe of this agreement. the purohaser forfeits his right and interest in this contraot and all moneys paid therein not as a ~enalty, but as liquidated damages. 9. That the purohaser will oonstruot aocording to the specifioations and directione of tho oommicsioners and their engineer of the Vero Drainare District. in whioh the lands here- . in epeolfied are located all fa~ditches and flumes to conneot with the sub-laterial ditches : in the drainere district which the oommissioners and engineer of said distriot may oonBidor 8'- :visable and neoessary for the proper drainage of the lands desoribed in thi8 contract and the 'land owners shall oomp17 with all the wales and regulations of said Drainage Distriot. 10. That no a~enoy, oompany or other pereon has the power or authority to bir:d the . Company by any aot or statement not Bet out herein, or in the geniral literature of the Company AlfD NOW TH3REFORE. the said ap~lication i8 hereby aocepted b7 said Indian Ri'Yer , Parms Company and beoomes and constitutes a Contraot bet~een said C. J. Brown and said Indian l .' River Farms Com~any. In WITH3SS "YHEREOF, we have set our hand and sesl this '!'wenty-fourth,day of April ,in tlByear of Our It~rd, On~ Thousand Hine~undred and llineteE!n. "!lfDIAlJ RI'V:;R FARllS CO!IPANY. BY Hermon J. Zeuch. '0 President.. "~ .~ "* .~ .. , -q #~ BY ~/L 00 ~ ------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------- this Jan. 26. 1925. COURT 1 P. C. Eldred(CLERK OF CIRCUIT) .~~~.P~/ D.C w. E. BURCH TO L.S. SHAW. n WARRAJITY DEED . .! ( U THIS DEED. Uade the 3rd day of J.aua~ A.DI 1925 by W. E. Burch, single, of the C~unty of St. luoie State of Flori~a her~ln9ftor oalled the grantor. to 1. S. Shaw of the . County ~f St. Lucie State of Florida h8reiT~fter oalled the grantee. , nTUES~ETH, Tha t the said gnntor \n o.;onl3ideratlon of Ten\DOllars and other val- : nable coneidolstioDS the rooeipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged. doea give, grant, bargain i sell. alien, rem1s e. release, enfeoff. oon'Yey and oonfirm unto the said grantee and his heirs : and assigns in fee simple. the lands situate 1n St. Luoie County, state of'Plorida, desoribed as follows: '0 ! ~ i I I l -. I ' I ~ I I ,. (-: ~, SOUTH halt of BoutbAl88t quarter of south-east ouorter of the north-west Quarter of ' Seotion thirty-two. township thirty-one, south range 39 eaEt containing five aores. more, or lesD, SUbJeot to all taxes or 8B8eSSDU13 ts if any be 1 evied for the year 1925 end 811 subsequent yaars. ....' ...... ::.:.',:~~1Itl1~~~