HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT0411112018 06:17 I SCANNED. BY St Lucie Cauvity. 'Planning & Dev6l'crprnent.5ervfcts: Building& Code, Regulation D!Vis!6n 12300 Wgirlia-Avellue P.0011002 RECEIVED APR 11 MIR �I : Permitting Diaparth Fort Pierce, FL 3-4982 St. Lucie (7-ot, 1772-462-2165 or 77*2462-2172 Tax: 712-462-6443 ROOF lN;SPEiCTl0'N.AFFl DAVIT k6: Permit t Juan Martinez licensed as a(n)Cohtr,actor*/Engineer/Architact (Please prin't name & circle ftcense-ty'pe) *FS468 Building lnspgctoe RECEIVED APR I X ?018 Permitting Departmen, St. Lucie County i *Genvlrul, Building, Res[denticticfrRbraftn-gConrracror()rtrnY individual CerVfXdunder 468F.S. ro-Iffelkesikh an; inspection. On or abotit, I did I 1petsonally inspect the r6of jeck, nafli.n '(04te) Work at, 3311 Hatcher Street, Ft. pierce (Job site address) ia-s-eupon that examination I have determined the installation was don!6 amordin' g to the current 6r�ition df4h-iefforida Existing Buildihg Code Section 708 or the product approval sUbmittia'd (whichever. is Signa teand Seal, STATE or FLORIDA COUNTY OF Martin CCC 1830788 License # Sworh to and subsdribed before n-fe this day of April 20 a by JU-th MElArf0Z I . - Who i a to rhe- or who ha's produced as identification. Notary Public, State of F1 da 5ignitu'r6 of Notafyfn Commission Number: -,- En BOUNIE 10VITT • my dOMM1510-N 9 GG143436 EXPIRES Seo*fiper 17.2021