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held 'said landB as truetee8 under the name. 8tyle and title of Vero Real Estate 'truet.
Affiant8 turthar say that there are no other person or p~r80nsr natural or arti-
fioial. whi.oh have any right. title and interest 1'1 or to said lands other than these af-
fiants. and. that the only person or persons who ha'Ye al\Y right. title 01' interest in and
to said lands are these atfiants and that ~hese affiants are holding title to said lands
as Trustees for and on behalf and for the uses and benefit of themselves.
, .~
Atfiants further say they they have not issued or nogotiated al~ c~rtificates
or other evidenoes of beneficial interest to said trust to any other person or persons.
natural or artifioial. and that affiants a~e the sol~ and absolute benefioial owners of
said lands in fee simple.
Atfiants further say that they make this affidavit tor the purpose of induoing
Rudolph Lederer named as grantee in a oertain indenture of deed exeouted this date to ao-
oept as ~ll and oomplete title in fee simple to the afore desorlbed lands in aooordanoe
with the terms. oonditions and agr~ements in said indenture of warranty deed oontained.
and to pay the p~ohase prioe therefor.
Sworn to and subsoribed this 27th day of January. ~.D. 1925. at Vero, Florida.
John LeRoy Hutohison
Witness to all signatures
lsador Becker
A"N. Young
~... .B. Thurston
l...H. Hill
I HERE3Y CERTIFY, that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly author-
ized to administer oaths and take acknowledge~ents, John LeRoy Hutchison. ~.a. Yo'~ and
A.M. Hill. to me well knO\Yn and known to me to be the individuals who beine severally sworn
each for himself deposed and made the statements contained in the above affi~avit, and
they aaoh stated they executed t~e same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein
WIT~~SS my hand and offioial seal at Vero. St. Lucie County Flor~da. this 27th day
of January.
raul H. Bisle ~
~otary Public State of Florida at Large.g
14y cOlliliilssion expires Dec. 6th 1928. ::0
28th d:;q ot Jan. :'..'J25.. <
P. C. ELDRED, Clerk Circuit.~ourt. ~
By /(p,~ At 1A.n/~L4/7":' ____~_.~..._ ~
.File.f ~d
THIS DEED, l.iada the seoond day of January A.D. 1925, by Coreita Register DaVis and
He~~ S. Davis. her husband of the County of Allegheny state of Pennsylvania hereinafter
! '
called the grantors.
to Harold Clinton Koran of the County of Allegheny State of ?elU1syl~
. "
I. '
vania hereinafter oalled the grantee,
'iIlTIiESSETH, That the said grantors. in oonsideration of Ten Dollars and otrer
good and, valuable oonsideration the reoeipt whereof 1s hereby aoknowledged. do gi'Ye. grant,
bargain, soIl, alIen. remiso, release. enfeoff. oonvey and confirm unto the said grantee,
and his heirs and assigns, In fee aimple. the lands ai~ate in St. Luoie Oounty, state of
Floridft. desoribeA as follows:
An undi'Yidod one-third interest' in all that ~aot of, land and marsh in Seotion
two. township thlr~l-two south. r~o thirty-nine East (2-Z2S-Z9') lJing and being in thl
.' ...., :....':;~';j;~~~.'i~