HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCP-AM JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK 0-' -HE CIRCUIT COURT — SAIR �i JRIDRUNTY FILE # 4402346 OR BOOK ',8 PAGE 1524, RecordedS 'Q 11:33:13 TIMYtiq CERTIFY THAT HIS IS A RECEIVED Y,. TRU AN CORRECT t�Y OF THE FEB 16 2018 y 5T. Permit No. State of Florida, County or St. Lucle �CANNEu . BY Property Tax 10 No. i The Undersigned hereby gives notice that lmprovement will be made to certain Peal property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, C1orlda Statutes, the following information is provided In this Notice of commencement, Interest in propertyt UAAWf - Fee Simple Title holder (if other than owner) Surety A Phone# Address "" Fax # Amount of Bond Lender Phone # Address + Fax # •"'� Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents inay beserveci as llroyided • ' by Seet o' M.33 (a) 7., Florida Statues: Name Phone # ..---. Address Fax # In addition to himself, owner designates NIA of ' Phoue# ^ _ Fax# to receive a copy of the 11enor's Notice as provided in Section 71.3.13 (1) (b), Flot-lda Statutes. Expiration-da'te of notice of. - commencement is one year -from the elate of recording unless a different date is specified. NVARNING TQ.OV4'lVGit •:'-r r ANY PAYMENTS MADE'SY THE OWNER AFTER TI III EXPIRATION OP TILE NOTICE OF COMMWCEMENf'A1th' CO'NfSID, EkW IMPRQrER; PAYMENTS UNDER CH.713.I3, F,S., AND CAN RESULT IN Y.OURPAYING TWICE FOR IMJ`16V&ENTS TO. YOUR 1'ROPE'RTY. A NOTE CIr, OF COMMENCEMENTMUSTEERECORDED AND POSTED ONTIWORSITRDr. rOI18.i71LTtRSTINSPFCTTON.JI'YO[T1irl2IDTOOBTAlN 4 FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR A13 ATTORNEY bEFORP COMMb'NCIN0; `�iOIkX OR' RECORDINt7 igUR' NOTIP8 'OF COMMENCMENT. Owner ce, orOwner's or.LcsseosAulhorizo OtAcer/Director/Pa,•tncAManagerl.Signature Signatory sTiticlOtlke • �'f .:: _ . ••: . � ; •.',•;',.:','. State or Florida, County of Acicnoarted ed before me this 15"� . da of 20Ir wh perso Ily known to me or who has reduce i� of otary Type orPrintNnmeorjq Title., Notnry Public Commission Numbe Fil PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN�,••''.- MY _O1HMIS510N#GG137624 EXPIRES September 26, 2021 ,, ,v+S �'c.•�:: :.;•.t.•as isieiitif►catson%'v',:r •, t.:'; tip:.; ;�•`,� � �..;,;r-_...:, , t:Y e;:••Vc�;!k'"+'c�' y� Seal)'•r "k�'-x� ';��'s#:�'x�'..NO