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~outhwest oorner ot government lot four (t) . seotion twenty-six (26) township thirty-seven
(37' south of ra~e lo!ty-one (41' East, less the southeast three a.m sixteen one-hundred.the
(3.1,) aores, with three hundrod (300) teet foontage on the said St. Luoie Rlv~r. fOl~erly
deede~ to Ed t. Hosford. oOlltaining twelTe and sixty-tour ~nd-hundredths (12.04) aores more
or loss, together with ~ll and singular riparian rights with all In~ian River and St. Luoie
RiTer trontage.
TO\;ET:~R with all and singular the--------- ------ ------------tene::;ents, hereditaments
and appurtenanoes theretulto belonging
or in anY....lsG appertaini:,g. n.nd. the reversion and.
reversion$. remainder and remainders. rents. issues ar~ protits thereof; :J\D AlSO all the
e~atQ . right. title, interest. homeste~d, dower a~d right of dower. separate 6state, prop-
er;y, possession, claim and demand whatsoever. at law and in equity, either a~ both. of the
said party of'the first part. of, in, and to the sune. and every ,1art a.."'ld parcei thel'eo:f;
TO :!AV':; lJiD TO HOLD the above desoribed premises. eaoh and every, unto tho sa.id part~1 o~ the
second part. his heirs ar~ assigns. in. fee simple. 'absolute. indefeasibly, forever.
~d the said party of the f'irstpart. for himsel:f and his heirs. exe~~tors ~nd adminis-
trators, Jointly and sev~rally. covenant. promise and 83ree to and with the said party o:f
the second P~t.lhiS heirs. exeoutors. administrators ar~ assigns. that the said f&rty of
the first part, at the time ot the sealir.og l;nd delivery of.th'ese presents. is lawfully sei-
zed in fde simple of' a good. absolute and indefeasible estate o:f inheritance of and in all
and singular the above desoribed premises. aach and every. and has good right. :full power
and lawfUl authority to oonvey the sa~e in manner ~nd form aforesaid; that the said party
of the second part. his he irs and assigns. shall w1d may,' at all ti ::dS hereafter, peaceably
and quietly have. hold. use. oa~~y, possess and enjoy the above desoribed premises. and every
part and parcel thereof. without a~ let. suit. trouble. molestation. eviotion or disturbf~ce
of the aaid l&rty of the tirst part, his heirs or assigns. or af any other person or persons
lawfUlly olaimine or to claim the same;
that the same. all and s~lar. are free. clear.
discharged and un~noumbered of and from all former and other titles. oluuds and inoumbrances
of what nature and kind soever; that the said party of the :first part his heirs, executors
and administrators. each and every , shall cake . execut~ and aoknowledge s~ch further and other
deeds and assurances as by counsel learned in the law may be considered reasonably proper
to effectuate the 1\\11 intent nnd n6~ning of this instrument.
(Doc stamps cano ~IO.QO)
And the said party of the f'irst part f'or himself and his heirs, the above deso~ibed
premis~s. and every ,art and parcel thereof. unto the said party of the seoond part. his heirs,
ar.d assigns. against the s';.id party of the first part and his heirs. and against all am every
person or persons whomsofVer lawfUlly olaimir.g or to claim the same. shall and will warrant
and by these presents forever defend.
This alienation is with the Joint oonsent of husband and Wi~e, where that relation
IN HITNESS WHEREOF. the said party of the tirst part has hereunto eet his hwn and seal
each in the presenoe of two subscribing witnesses.
Signed, sealed and deliver~'
in 9resenoe of
R.R. 1loebuok
T. H. Get.ef,
comrrr OF PAL\[ BEACH
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