HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT2018-10-11 09:05 FMr CLINIC # 7199 17724688254 » "'!+626443 P 2/4 rr J .r 4 SCANNED BY St Lu.de_ Cou•rity !J ...�_fir^ �M, -�� ,;r�,•18Planning �C C rev®9a���n� Services A Code an Division 2300 Virginia AveC �Fo i o 6I Fort Pierce, Ply 3a9�1210 d 011-1 77: 467-2172 Pax772-462-6441 Pc��h���t qa Er+ �j �I TIFIC, A HIE OF"N ERMI Y e TREATMENT cCONSTRtIJCTZON SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT . _ JiJB ADDRESS: , BUILDS �/CONTRACTOR: �. =� , J2 t�c PEST CONTRC►L � ,��� =—� - �_—_. CONTRACTOR: e ,IcnA•HUO'I'ERMn'E8 PsT(UNrRbI.IIqC. Ki-S " CONTROL L.�f.CENSE #: M1707ri1~`_.--.— _— Wt, the undersigned, hereby certify that welhlaVe prP.tl'Pc7ted the above Cje5crllae d conStructlr)rl for sul�tarranean termites in accordance with th0 standards OF the National Pe -St Control Assoclatlon. Square feei. If area tra_atoci: _ 1 CJ6 _ Pt'rcentagc of 5olutlow •o:+'va Date of Treatment: !' ;� f 2 ChOnlicals used: DOMINION 2L Total gallons used: __. 1o_ Time of Treatment: _ _ ? ,� o _...__Footing .15t Treatment — --Jlah 1r1 Treatrrient -- -,--......Driveway „—`.pools __ 1'' Troatni� rit V Treatment � .. .... _E:n-r -at•' „Re�Tre�tt _ _—Ptrimeter for r roar Inspection —1�=..19C Treatment _Re.•Treat z` S1 nati�relaf Exterminator D . Nolp 7hr_re mast be a mmp/rated for/rr for edch reyulr e,"Iment, vt ro-treatment and this Awn rrrust• t o on tz,, y site lv he p/tkead up by the lnspGCtar at dMl--. of edrh ir)Sp&C ffon fee chalgov �>r thr: scheduled inspection Wll/ F!/ and a ro-Inspect/on FEC104.2.6 CerUlicate ofproh%-&vP Ttefltn) rlttorpr :;hat/Go prpvlded to rL Lelve du/7/lcate Ii�,7tn)er)t certll providing a copy for the per .o)l the laeImitlr lssurd to CertlRcRte shall provide thp. pra(lUct rrserJ, lderrtl(y of 5 treated, chefmlyd used, prarcenf. coMcrlt On and)x(n prrrtFctive treatn)0,11t., If the. scr!l rhrn)Ic.9/ borrlermeth fie corr)p/e(ed prior to Anal bulld/nq approval. St Lucie county requa as for the lfinaP isnspeci the ellearicau panei b*x cover; OBstiiony ap thce '(/on of terl)-Wes A weather resistant jubs/te posting boany s 75 er36h requited protective lteat»>ent 15 completed; another cnpY for the bulld/nq /aermft. !7le'% The 7re,7tment 'p1lccitor, time and dato of the trPatmenf; slta /orst/on, area at"o/tuns c,sed, to establ/sh �� vatltleti/n mrnrd of Ir termlld pnevendon is rased, iinal exterior troatrmentshal/ fer Co, a Plarrotancnt SUCW* to be placed orr� Btments alnd dates of applicrait ons, 2018-10-11 09:05 e, cL'.INIC 4 7199 17724688254 >> 7--�4626443 P 3/4 .Al tspegu p. Pr T�ft 77 3-w 792-4. 2*3 2 nt t-C lot. -7724414010 I TV EmaJI: Eviclabug ftmEdlicbm: L Inc, - 4293-SW High Meadows -Ave Palm Clly, FL. 34990., Revontative Troutr"ofit-for Term Res 100is iland Ono*ffO County FgC 1052,2) - f RODENT EXCLUSION & AEM6VI WHITEF AL Ly TRWIVIOT TIM$ dE IM, 11 V,*%�o CbRTACYPERSO CITY 4TATE COW ty All r All -)T ap,wm LLL Lf 13 -57 a-Z PWV -COMM _2t A41WIMM00T --LI1 RUPP, .t f -0bYAIL§-: ZAGG -.000 .' 'Ay 13MMWALLIFOPTERS 0AbDITIQN T 'REAT 0 ORA.' ORA. "AR"PaQTM9.Ur PLUMUNPATOUT.8 GY SIDEWAV AC Q.BORACARE t1PREMQ UTAkSTM a or. the the PrOV11fitloffillf Subtdf�Aftajpt"Itoo.. nersol 'thop — TrWtboof is Id accordoh" Aft rules.. . w. .10fldigilildfligooll 'm 2018-10-11 09:06 GMT CLINIC # 7199 17724688254 >> .714626443 P 4/4 Pest it 40,• l hrist Ig I o CAffidt A-Bq ra r,W1�duc ��`' Termite 8 l.lr;, ,IH775i75 W , -4} Pest _ Control, tints Termite Protection THIS NOM F� POSTED PURSUANT TO SFGTION 104.2 7, FLORIDA f [MLDING CODE AND CHAPTrR AH'2..'J.'26 FLORIDA"TAT UTES Date of WUC) Il,ti noel" m (I( (Made) L_I l:vidunce I.1 Activity I -11Jo AChvity Date of lnlllal 1 lnmld Malcduls Used Du1C of ' ial Fxtgrior I leahll Workthwd S r wood DesUoyldg Orpnlsm rreated Fix rho: prppwly has Goer'TO 'toll and plruaur wilin a ferrommook pnif Gphl"OU16r emuforrenron I061as. This conicm' l m mndgnNf? by paymcnl oil milpfd :aa 'f ho awnot Is tmudry atIOA 10 havn the: pnlpnfly inSpCcled nnmwly by f vlrl •.M Rug TWrirdte R Fr:d Cnulrol. hoc. ` rvea vb Hop lormito RIPn:n Cmrhol, Irv_. Vro�.dod 1hp lerrhih! 1uuh.1001% -, on i1w t mpnrty CALLUZ to!Wdinp out Ggcl Pm•mulluu. rue Am Low S,.,vice mid NAM $QNIco. 772.323-7�921 • 1-877-365-99900.1 wylw• . viraabugposlconlral.rrnn • evw[,ibuq a.nm:a9l.coTn �� •. W3 SW F{lph Mrtudown Avo. - Palm Chy, FL 3090 �'' i - •r Call Tn 9C1fY,718 YAW h6101e 611a>+a171ee Jose Femrandez wvnv.ovlctlabugpeslcolrlrol.com r,,,lcrahm Akninil mm