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One a 00/100 an! otber '-lua~l. oonelderations~lawfQl money ot the Unit.d States of imtriOI. to ..
iD band paid b7 the sa!d par~ ot the 81cond part. at ot before the eneealing an! deli'Y~tr ot these
prluDte. the reoeipt wh.reot 1.. hereb7 aoJmowledse4 b7 thee. presents do Bi'YI. grant. barpln. 8111.
alien. .nteotf. ~emle.. release. oon'Ye7 aDd oonfl~ unto the said part, of the .eoon4 pa~. and hi.
heirs. that oertain propert7 in the Oonnt7 ot St. Luol1 and State of rlorlda d.sorib.d a8 follows:
Lot B. Seotion 4 of , Vera Beaoh Subdi'Yieion .0. 1. b.ins a part of Stotions 30 ana 31. !own'hlp 32
South. Rlmse 40 ~a8t. St. Luoie Count7.. P10r14&. aooor4ing 'to the plat reoorc1td tn pase 33 of PIDt
BoO~. R.corda of It. Luoie County. '~ori4a.
It ia understo04 an' egtged that thl reotriotiona in this Deid are thl ..me ae thoee in ta-
Deed Binn Karoh 10th. 1819 b7 the Tero Beaoh Denlopment OOJlPaD71JO Cha!'lel !I. H1r4u
TOGB!'HKR 11TH all and einsular the tenements. hereditamente .nd appurtenanoeo thereunto belonging. o~
in anvwlse appertaining. and the re'Yeraion anA reverslona. remainder end remainders. rente. issues
.and profits therlot; .AID ALS~11 the lotate. ri~ht. title. intereot. homeotead. dower and rtsht of
dower. 8eperate eatate. propert,. poeeeaston. 618im and demand whataoe'Yer. at law and in equit1.
eUher and bqh. ot the sald party ot the fi!!!. ~~.~ot,~~_a~__t_~_~h.~n~~....nd, e'Yfty part and
paro~} th.reof; TO HAVE .urn 'f0 HOLD the aboTe d8soribed premisee. each and ne!7. unto the said party
ot th.~B.cond part. his heirs and aSligne. in fee Simple. absolutl. indefeasibly. fore'Yer.
AID the eaid party of the, firet part. for him and his heirs. executon and admin1etrators
30int17 and 88'Yeral1y oO'Yenant. prol:ltBe an4 agree to aDd with the eaid p.~ ot the second part
his heire. exeoutors. aclminietrators and ..signs. tlat the Bait} part7 of the first part. at the t1_
of the sealing end deli'Ye~ of theee presents baa lawfully sei.ed in tee Simple of . sood. absolute
and indetea8ibla estate of inheritanoe of aDd in all and sin8UlaJ' the abo'Ye desoribed-premises. eaoh
ani e'YeJ7. and has BOod right. full power aDd la1rtnl autho!,U7,to oon'Yey tbe salDl in mann.r and f01:Jll
.tore"'4; tJsat~;the 881d part,J ot tbe eeoond part. his heirs and aS8i8D8. .hall and 11I9. at all Um..
herlatt.r. peaoeab17 and quietlJ bJ'Ye. hold. uee. ooouP7. pos.ess ana en30Y the abo'Ye desoribed pre-
miefs. and e'Yer,J part and paroel thereot. without any let. suit. trouble. molestation. e'Yiotlon.
or disturbanoe ot the .aid part7 ot the firBt part. hie heirs or a1818118. or of any othlr person or
persona 1~111 olaiming or to olaim th..ame; 10mt th. same all and singular. are :free. olear.
d1aohBrg:ed and unlncuabered of and :trom all t"o11D8r and other *1tle8. olouds and inoumbranoes of
what nature and kind sOf'Yer; tbat the eaid part.J of the :first part. his heirs. executors and ad-
ministrators. each snd e'Yer,r. shall make. eXlo.te aDd aoknowledgl suoh further and other deeds and
aawranoee as by oounBel learned in the 1... may be oonsidered reaaonable proper to etfeotuate the
~ll intent and meanin<< of thiB inetrumen'\.
AIm the aaid pa~y of the firat-rt. for himself and his heirs'" the abo'Ye deeorlbed
premis.s. and e'YeJ7 JlSrt aDd paroel thereot. unto tbe 88id pal'tJ of thl seoond osrt. hie heirs and
assitne. againet the saId part7 of the first part. and hie heirs. and against all and e'Yery person
or ~DOIUJ whoJD8oenr la1rhll1 olaimina or to claim the same ahall and w11l warrant and b7 theee
pre..nt. forever defend.
'HIS elienatton 1s with the Joint ooneent ot hUBband and wlfe. .here tbat relatlon exi8te.
II WI'flfBSS WHBRBOP. the uid porttes of the firBt pan be'Ye hereuntu eet their hands and
aeal~ eaoh in the prelonoe of two subscribing .itnea....
81sned .ealed and deliTered in prlsenoe of u.:
H. B. Pounde'
Oharles !I. 1I1r4
H. W. Bid
B41 th K. Birt
~.icOt OJtio.
Count7 O'f CuJshop.
. '
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