HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0384 o~':I -' , # ~ - ~ ~~ - ,~_. ~ 'T'......... ...... . -,_. _A ~_ ...-- .. T - _ ..~ WI'1'!f!SSftH. 'fbat the llI.ald I1'8mora In consideraUon of One Dollal' end other nluabl" Q"onp slderatloDB the reo.ipt wher.of 1. h.rebj aokncwl.d8e4. do 81'1'. seant. bersain. 8_11 . alien. 1"- ..18.. relea~.. e~.ott. oonT'y end oonti1'll unto the aaid I1'8nt..e' ana their hl1ra and aa.lpe In fee simple. the lende situate in St. Luoi. Count7. State of Plorlda. desorlb.d a8 tollo..: Weat t.n aor.e of e~et tw.nty aor.s of treot nin.. .Iotion SGTente'D. townahip sa aouth reuse 39 east. ae the saa~s deaipated on th. last general plat ot lanla O"f InU.n Bl.,er Parma COIllp8D7 ~1l1d in the ottio. ~ tbe Clen of the Ciroult Court of St. 'Luoie COUllt7. nor1da. 8UBJ!C'f TO ALL 'fAXES ABD ASSBSSIIBB'!S. if e~ be lertea. for the 7"1' 1926 and all subs.. quent 7.an. !O RAVE Al'ID 'f0 HOLD the same topth.J' nth the h.r.dl....nt. ant appurtenanoes unto th., s8id ~te.. and thelT h.lrs and a88isne in fe. simple. " JJID the seid' grantorw for theme.l'Yes and their heiJ's snd 18881 repreeentatiT's. ~oT.nant With 8aid grantees their~l repreeentatlTeB and 88SigD4: 'fha, said grantors art idot.aelb17 8.hed ot B8ld land In te. eimpl.: that aaid grantors leTe full pow.r and law-ful right to oonTq said lands iJl fee simple. a. aforesaid; tbat it shall be lawhl tor eail 81'IIIlteee their h.irs. 11- . gel repr.sentat1Tee ana a8signe. .t all times peaoea'b17 .nd qu1.t17 to enter upon. hold. oooupy and enjoy sai4 "al; that said lenl ie ~r.. trGm al~lnOUllb~noel; ihat aald grantors tbeir h.irs ana 1.gal representati'Yes .i1l make suoh furth.r aseur8no.. to pert.ot the teo simple title to ui4 lana in 8aid grante.s thoir heir.. 1'881 repr8s.ntati'Y'. aDd a8si8DB. as may rea80nab17 be required; and that said grantors do hereby tul17 warrant the title to said land and w111 4efend the %Xu. 88M a~lnat tbe lawtul o1alu ot all persons who1!l80e'Yer. WI'f1'lBSS the hands and seals of 8aid grantors the clq and 7081' ~irst abo'Y' written. , !i!Ded. e8ale4 and D81i'Yered in the pres.no. o~: Jo. w. YOUD,lt John LtB07 Hu",oh1son ~::' ICB1IIB B. WOODWARD (SEAL) C. A. WOODWARD ( SEAL ) JlAEBELLB L. WOODWARD J ~A'fB 0-. PLOBIDl C~ or g~. LUCIB. I HBRImY CER'fIlPY. ,bat on thi. dq ptrsonal17 appeared bator. me. an offioer du17 au- thorh.d to acltinister oathe and take aokn01rle4~nts. UIDl'fIB B. WOODWARD. widow. C. A. WOODWARD ADD ": '/ VA'RB'RJ.,T>B L. WOODWARD. hie wit. to _ well known aDd known to me to ~ the indi'Yiduale d980ribld in and .ho exeout.! the toregoing t..d. and tbel' ao~~ltdp/l before .e that tli.y IXlout.d the eelSe lr.e17 8 nd Tolunterl17 for tb.. purpOBt8 thft'tin express.d. !lID I nl1IThER CER'fU'r. !lat the sai4 )(a.b.Ue L. Woodward mown to Il' to b. the rife ot the eaid C.A. Woodward on a e.perate and pr1'Ysto examination taken aDil _d. b7 and befor. Ill.. eeparately and apart troll HI' aa 14 husband. did acknowl.dge that 8M made hentelf a part:r to 8ald dee4 "I' the purpoSI o~ renounoi1'18. relinqui8hing and oonTe71n8 all he right. title and intere8t. wh.th.r ot dowe:r'. ho1lHt8tead or of 8eperat.pro~rt7. statuto17 or .qu1tsble. in and to the lande desoribed therein eD4tht sh. execute4 the did free17 a04 'Yo1untari17. ~n4 .Uhout any oompulsion. constraint. appre- honai04 OJ' ~ear of or from her ea il huebanl.. /"--'\.WI'fDSS WI hand ana. offl01al elal at Vero Oount7 ot St. Luol. and State of noricJa. th1B ( 3181; de, 0\ Dlo_ber A.D. 1984. . i I .. ~ P, ~~~. Pllt<<"an4 -reoord.d tbi. Jan. 81. 1926., , '. Ct. Ot. Seal;; I . ' I . ..IIa' 1 j 'l\~ JIa!aJa l(ot817 .. fJl1c-tel1 tlM st&te o~ nor1da at "large. JIy CO..tSI~OD ,3P1re8 1la7. 9. 1928. " P. c. , . EL])RD(OLEBK 0' TUB CIRCtJI' COUft) ~~~~ D.O. BT//2~/ -------~....-_____~~_____.___________u__.______________.~~~_________._..___________________________ '- ..;,;'- ;?, "' () ............... \.1 . ~ . , .~ ~ . ..:. _ .1 ~t . . ..'M~~ -". ( , }. .., .. . . " . i ..' I 1 J . J ~ , ~ ~ 1 ! I '- . ~ ~ I' I i jll 4 I -"It:, I > - -. .. . ~~. ....';. ~~, "" ~..1~;.:~.~:t I . " .~_." ......;:-! :;;. ~,,-'t-J__-~}j ~)~?i~~~t.-; f ';'. :.;.~,~~:~.t?~Ii.i&i;