HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEYLEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 114 In Block 1 of BLEAKER PINES according to the plot the, as recorded in Plat Book 2 pages 14. 14A through 14B of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. ABBREVIATIONS: SURVEYORS NOTES: SET - Set 6/8' iron rebar ilh yelloft cap marked 'PSY 551 ' 1. Unless other ise noted and lolled easements * y P FD=round 5/8' iron Reba, ore sho*n hereon. F.F.E.-Finished Floor Eleyollo 2. No underground utilities or improvements tare a-= Over Read Wires located unless olhet*ise sho*n. X—XX-- Chain Link Fence 3. This site lies *Rhin Flood Insurance Rate Mal R.O.W. - Right of Way ri ran Panel X Yopj12IIICD280J Dated 2/15/12 5LFIYood Fence PL Tronslarmer Pad 4. Flood Zone sho*n hereon Is on interpretation PL=Volue as plaited by the surveyor and is provided as o courtesy The Ilood zone should be verified b R = Radius al curve L = Length of curve a determination agency. y k= Della of Curve she9 5. Bearings hereon are based on the Center LEAS. = 41easured line of Brontnle Circle as befog S00'00'26'E CONC. = Concrete C.P.= Concrete according to the Plat described hereon. Pad ®= Water I,Ieter 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drafting ®®= Potcr Pole lily Bo: Easenenl. 7. All Lot dimensions sh* are per plat unless . Wcl1 9e1, olherl}ise sho*n. :rAm LOT 113 BLOCK 1 S 89,69,35" W 100.00' i STORY FRAVE Mitt;; N8573'38"W 100, 72' LOT 115 BLOCK 1 6852 Bronte Circle Corti I ied to: Carl P. Mighl, Jr. sChni-=3o• Atlantic Land Designs KRlle Company LLC Chicago Title Insuronce Co. DAlE:3 •1 15 / / of the treasure Coast. LBT468 is . h1C�JC 76i Jaeee Beech Otya, hmee atech. n 3197 Ma9ing Address: 1 hereby cerlily that the survey .Mdn hereon is Irve and mrrecl one is Oesed en ecloel aareur "vents lolen In Inc field. this P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 ryq eeels the Vint— Tahetcel standards of chapter 63-1y „ deride 2015-0123 ALOSS43Q9m811.e0m (772)3904290 od"InisiretI a code. DATE: REVISIONS James A. oho ydp ragiamwcusox. P9M 3543 orem.xmerAtis�=x.owu�me t..do.da�.w 7.1lDSHlapmr4ei"rru5 esiro Jr. mm7lrratu7rauvasso LAST FIELD DATE:3/3/15 . "s°ciuiu°rEaa°naH��hiAi"I�a ELE ciaavcs°i 40, 1 `f t � . | ( lift ) § ƒ� l9 } ELITE PANEL SPAN TABLES: 1. Net allowable loads are permitted to be multiplied by 1.67 to derive ultimate loads (psf). 3' x 0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 I L/120 I L/lB0 L/240 a t61J IS)6 1'.,Aa 1..10 zJ u.. ua luz la]5 ]0 10 )B IaJB 9A1 6 0 4J SD 922 0.1) 922 BJ) 6W aT9 Z85 61 )AO 6J9 490 )0 681 .31 - 4' x 0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/BO I L/120 I L/I80 L/240 1] 19A0 l9Al 1]J) 16!] 2J 1>tl 1l01 I501 1195 ]) .] 1 J 10.9) 1 0 10.9) 1230 10.9: IIJB B8D !0 9.92 9.92 9..4 622 60 9.1] 9.IJ 131 ]0 B32 B32 _0 10) B] BAE 0A2 3b. - 6' x 0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX, ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/BO I L/120 I L/IBO I L/240 u z]DD ztz. LL47 I EM5 v sees Itlos Ise 1v] lean uu 0la]..4 1 Ito 121e 1L10 60 )0 11J) 10.41 1L1i ILI] 10.N 11]0 0.1l 193 BJ 985 98! B..] aA> 3' x 0.032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/BO I L/120 I L/I80 I L/240 IL 17.!0 WAO IQ91 ra.94 20 16b. IS% I.A6 1- 14A6 1121 BJ6 .0 40 CIA, 1L14 BS6 50 1u22e 10.26 S51 0.16 60 BJ6 2b6 70 2) 927 BO 4' x 0.032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN 6T) I L/BO I L/120 I L/180 I L/240 10 2a51 19b1 20.50 1 1 1- ]0 131i A9 48) 122. 50 IQ]2 a20 IS)4 1}99 122. 9b2 a)1 ]2! 60 1J8. 12N )AO L)5 JO 12.0 11.9 .AB BO 10.9a B.J4 L)5 6' x 0.032 x I - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAIL A' LOVABLE SPAN (FT) L/BD L/12o L/I80 I L/240 a zaJ z.Ao wAJ es- 20 2]J. '2]21 21b2 ]0 2L0 21b] 19A2 1]A' I-' .D zD es zaAG n.o2 uez I 19b2 10.) 1.82 10.62 60 IBJB 1009 1222 )Ai. i0 BO 1)1. IS91 ISJe 1}]z 982 )..2 .22 IA21 3' x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/BO T L/t20 L/180 I L/240 1] 19]l 10.93 IOJI 1TL6 2J Itlll N.66 16J6 15A6 ]1 1680 16]6 14.41 12.46 4) IS.9 ISAL IL.4 985 50 60 14JB I28! Il.J6 -1 ) BS116 )2681 . )0 111' b2 2AJ B) I026 1.2 980 .b] - 4' x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 I L/120 I L/IBg I L/240 I] 2a 2L91 2L9> a]l 2Ll2 198n 219) 1B )n 11 19 J 1821 1655 !0 1- I.IJ, SBJ6 1)Jn 16A3 1.89 I.J. 12.11 60 IS96 IS96 1]2. 9.9J JJ INS . 1..15 - ).)2 B) 1.a 1)35 9.9] 351 6' x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)1 MAX. ALLOVABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 I L/180 I L/240 ID 20.9J ia91 2J8B 2]60 2J 2]20 2J2a 20.3 1 za16 ]] 2L4] 2L.7 2LIB 1 J .0 L]S 21J ! 21JJ 20 tDW 50 21A2 21A2 20.9 1-16! 20.29 20.29 19.5. 11.94 iJ 193) 193J 10.)9 1601 1BB4 GrNrRAL NOTES I. Composite pancls.1.11 be anslncted using type 303-11154 Dlumimmm fueings, I or 2 I'CF ASTNI C-578 arpcnter bound FPS adlxte to aluminum facings with Ashland Chemical 20200 ISO grip. Fobriation to be by Elite panel products only in accordance with appmvcd fabrication mahods. '. Flim morlmnels resinLdn a Ul. 1715 But) claus'0'(ap rating and arc NER-501 approved. 3. This Neifiatiun hasbeendesigned and .lull be fatxiamed in asunlance vith We req.henemsorlhe riuida luilding Clxle Ss Glition (FUC), Composite panels comply with Chapter 7 Section 720. Chapter S Section 803. Class A interior finish, and Chapter 26 Section 2603. All local building code amendllamz shall be adhered to os required. 4. The de,'IS-shall determine by Ampted engineering pmnke the allounble loads for site speiftc load Conditions(including load eornbirathuts) Wing Ile data from the allowable bads cables and spans in this approval. 5. DcBeedon limits and allowable spans have hen listed to meet FBC including the HVH'L In IIV] (L this produr Meill be used in a metu-"not to be Considered living areas per Section 1616 unless Impact resistance 1. accordJncc to the 1IV117- requi-,ts are met. 6. Safety fxtorof2.0 has been case l•develop allowable loads and spans fmm testing in accordance to the Guidelines for Aluminum Struetures Not I and mnfom s to the FBC Chapter 16 And 20. 7, Testing has burrs condllctLd in accordance to ASTS1 E72-051 Strength Test of ilanels for Building Commission. F. Referv..test reports! IIF11.05.1988,111311-06.2104. IIE11.0( 2066,111,rI.06.2105,111%FI-06.2067. I I1:11-05-10112,IIFT1- 06.2107,IIC-fl-05.1987. IIETI.06.2069,IIM-06.2070, IIETI-06-2071. IIETI.03.1994. IIETE-03.1991.11CT1-06.2072. HET1-06.2073, HITI-O&2074. IICTI-05-1996, HETI.03.1999, 11M-05.1993. I IFTI-OS. 1985, 11ETI-03.1993, 11f:T1-OS- 1990,11ET1-05.1997,1OTI-05.2037,IIL•TI.052029, IIB11.05.2039, 1IITI-05.2030,111.Fl-05.204I.I1L•-11.05.2018.IIETI- OS2036,)IETI-05-'-0i1.1IED-05.2038, IIE11.05.2065, 1iCri-05.2040. I IL•TI.OS-2042. 9. Limn interpolation shall be allowed for figures within the tables shown. ID. Panels with fan bants.sh all be considered equivalent to similar pawls without fan bam t. Ddsign Froressionals may include the smroslh.'abe t ham to -Cud sh.- five- 4. non °fsil-mific Creireedne. 3' x 0.030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSh1 MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 I L/120 I L/180 L/240 ID Zan 20A] 191 I-I 20 19A2 IB81 A. 16.]5 )0 It- 1 .!B IS ] 1]09 .0 168J -5 Ise, IL43 59 111. eiu2 12d 8.91 1246 sag 6b2 ]0 80 -512b6 IL.4 J6 IL4] 652 .A6 Ib0 4' x 0.030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/BD I L/120 I L/180 I L/240 10 2U> L.J] E4.17 21J7 20 Ja 2Jb. 2L57 2Jb4 2L3I 2141 2L50 2J.n , 2131 2131 2aJ9 1 0.91 50 2L45 2}.5 IBBB 1681 9]9 ITJ) 70 DO 14]] I)26 ID l 1J26 IS96 I.JS 1239 10..9 6' x 0.030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/BO L/120 L/180 L/240 10 24W NAD z.0] 2J.B4 2}65 E]b! 2]J4 228. a0 2L94 e-I 2239 2105 .0 2223 222] 2L25 2a.85 50 .133 zl.]] e"F 1986 60 2402 20.92 20.]6 10.8) BO 2a11 19..0 2D Il 19..0 19b1 IB8] ITAJ 1688 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •lei iee °0 YK us cauc ILB OR 2LB O,�°�°�°j DO KIM 6 ASSOCIATES. LLC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS PaBOYnso, ,-.Raa6)9 -(O1a169].9059 Q N > W O V EL f > ° T OZO e'RW a -a O U- ODE E t m In 0 E F a cm U C� V?F m J p 0 :1 aU yahoo f C a r< W a LL 1 ALUxIMD4 BOTTC1 0o s Ix)1rf1 rACINGS 1- EPS } ri1. P Y BaR ro I CLEAR SPAN ) PRIDE To Ns�- Fes- LE 4 (l I I E INSIDE On 0 •TAT4TPW R]]6�+r ORIDt' OIGINEER CF REC111 TD 111111E CC!:NcCTIGVS LADD TN]AY IN FRm1f L 25XSUPPORTMG ST2aCTURE D[TAtL BT VALI. Or P \2L VIDT11 x SIDES AL -zs-ts THIS DR ANy OTHER ENGINEER. P'SraESIDrawing No.-FL-1001 ROOF PANEL/ SPAN DESCRIPTION SKEET I OF 1