HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0386 ~ " ~ " ;/..:-; ':' ~~ jr;'~Wi~~~~.~~{{,~~ . , . t --, "........:~ ,~l..:.J'""""'}~.~'~"" ..'.~<r "> ,-"-r;:~ (\,;:;;~~;j~lili!~f; 386 I r-- ! 11. E. DALE. Aft ,RtJS'i?1IE 'OR nLrX POPPELL POft 189. ......riofln L'~on. · WA1mAllft DUD ~. .. ~ - ""l'n - !(J Al,BBRf SCItUVlll. . .. 'RI8 DBBD. ..4e the 16th da7 of JaDUa17 A.D. 1926. b7 11. B. Dele. a8 !ruetee tor 'e11% Poppell Poet #39. "erioan LeSion. a sinsle ~n. of the Oount7 of 8t. Luoie. State ot J'10r14a. . hertinafter oalled tM grantn.-. to Albert 80huaan of the Gount7 of St. Luoh. State ot 'lorio hireinaft.r o.lled the grantee. WI'lIESSftH. "bat tht said grII\tor. in O1Ou14eraUon of "tll Dollan and other Taluab1e oonl1derat1on. the reoeipt "hereot 18 herebl aQ)[nowled~i. 40 SiTt;o 81'8nt. barpin. eell. alien. rf'lIieo. rllease. enteoff. oonTe~ aDd oontira unto tht .aY gran'.. and hi. lit ire and a.ei8'D8 in te. el11lple. thlt laDIs sUuate in St. Luoie OounV. State of 'lori4a. deeorib.d a. follow8: ~ 1.0'1 tourt..n (1.). Blook th1rtJ'-.i~ (38) Oril1na1 'lown ot Tero. norida. now oitl of V,ro. aa the 8am. Ie de.lsnattd on p1et ot Ind1an RiTtr .am. ColIP~ flle4 in offio, ot Clerk ot the Circuit oourt of 8t. Luo1' Oount7. P1orida. SUBJEC! to all u%e. end .......m.. If 8~ b. lerted for the 7ear 1926 and all 8ub- aequent 7eerso_ ~------- DOC 8!AYE8 CAlIC. .20OC----~-------------------------------------- 'fO HAVS ABD 'f0 HOLD the 8811. together .1th the bereUtnllllts ana appurtenanoee unto tla Baid gr~utee. and hi. heirs .nel ..118D8 -in tee all1Pl,e. ABD the 88id grantor tor MIlI.1t .nd hie hell'. and lege1 representaUT8s. cO'Yenant with ~ 88id grantee. hi. heir8. 1.<<&1 representati-.o ani assign.. ~hat 8aid greator i. indefeas- Ib1l seized of 8aid land in fee 8imple; that satl grantor has fUll power and lawfUl right to con- T'y e814 lands in :tee .imple. aa afore.aid; that it shall be lawful for ...Id grantee. hie heirs ~eBt'l#'ep. Bentati 'Ye. aDd a.algn.. at all time8 peaoeably and qulet17 to enter upon. hold. oooupy and en,o)' Baid land; tlat s.-.ld lsnd i8 fre. tram all Inoumbranoee; that said grantor bis heirs. and legal repnsentati'Y..a. w11l make suoh :turther aaeunno.. to perfoot the fee simple title to 881d lanl in said grante.. bis heir_. legal reore8entati'Yes .nd .8si~. a. .~ rea.onably be re~ qainl; aut ttat eaid grantor doe. oorebl full)' wrrant the title to BB1 d land and will defend t~ eame againet tbe ~a.fUl olaims of all persons whomsoever. WI'f1JB9S the band and. seal 01 aaid grantor the day and lear first a~O'Ye written. 9igm d. Sealed and Delhered in the Preunoe of ,.1118 K. Babb 11. B. Dale a8 'rue-( SEAL) ( SEAL) A. W. Yo~ . ~AlfB 0' noRIDA COUB'fY 0' SIf. LUCIB I HEREBY CBRTIPT. that on th18 da7 pera0ll811)' appe.red before m.. an offioer duly auth- ori..a to adminieter oaths and take aoknowldegmenta. B. B. Dale. 88 Truetee for 'eli% popp.ll Post #39. ADlIrioan Legion. Vero. norida. . lingle men to .. well known and known tOIl1le.1 to be ~he in- Unae1 ~eBoribed infJin4 who exeouted the foregoiq d.ed, and he .om~.1Idg6d before 1M that he .%eout.d the 88l1e truly and TUuntari17 for the puJ-pose8 therein ...U...~. ~--L-" ARD 1 PuH1R5K CERTIYY. That the eeia -~--known to me to be the wite ot the s.II--------- on a .eparate and prl'Yat. eDll1nat1on taken .Dd made ~ ana before .... sepe~tel:f and apal't from her eald husband. di~ aGknowlGdg. that .he Daae hera_1f . ptlrt7 toO sala deel foY tb-rnrpo.e, of re nounal ng. relinqui.hing ana oca'Y871n8 811 her ript. t1 U. and interest .b.ther ot dower. home- "te.a or of separate prcplltrv, 8tawt01"7 or equitable. in a!i4 to the len4a deeor1bed therein, and that 8he .xoouhl.th. .a14 a..d trol17 an4 To1untarl17. and without eD1' OOlltpulelon. conetralnt. apprehension or f...r of or troll Mr -'I hallan4. 1Jl'fnS8 rq t.anl 'and DII offioia1 ...1 at V_ro Count7 of St. ~W'h .nd State of 1'10r1d. Jane&l1'1 A ,D. 1986 lIe111. K. ft . 0- 10tat'1 ~"11.. 8tot. 0 orlda ., Large. HT 00.-1.81 on expire. .... 9. 1928. l , " I .. 1 1