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AUD the .aU grantors tor them8elves 'Illd their heir13 and logal representati'Yea. oovenant
with said grwltee. his holrs. legal repr~aentative8 and &aslgns: That said grantoru are
indefeasibly seised of said land i~ fee simple; that said grWltors have full pO"lfGr and lawful
right to oonvey said lands in fee simple. as aforesaid; that it shall be 1a\vful for said grantee
nls heirs. legal representatives and ~signa. at all times peaoeably ~,d quietly to enter upon.
hold. oO'CUP:I and enjoy -said land; ttlnt saId land is fl'ee' from a1l'inoumbrances; that said grantors.
their heirs WId legal representatives. will make suoh furthor assuranoes to pe~fect the fee simple
title to said land in said granteo. his heirs. legal representatives and assigns. 9.;3 may :reason-
ably be r6quirad i and that sald grwltors, do hereby fully ....arrant the t1 tle to said land and 'Ifill
defend' the same against the lawful claIms of all persons whomsoever.
WITlmSS the hands mId seals of. said grantors. the day a~d year first above ~ritten.
Signed. Sealod and Delivered in the Presence of
Chas. D. Toole
Hazel G. Swartwout
B. 'E. ~a1oho l ~}ea l))
, ~y P.lcho (5 e() \
;, ..
COUNTY OF st. Lucie
I HEREBY CER'rIFY. That O~l thia day personally appeared before me. an officer duly
autaorized to administer oaths and take ackno\dedgments, B. ::. Palcno and !.!ary Pelcho. his wife
to me well k~o.n and known to me to be the individuals described in and ~ho executed the forego-
i~~ deed. and taey acmo'.?led3ed before me that they exeouted the same freely and volllntaril1. for
toe purposes th~rein expressed.
.urn I iUR~iIER CERTH'Y. Th'.it the said 11ary Palcno lniown to :10 to be tho wife of the
l3aid B. E. Palcho 011 a separate and private exa.:ni~ation taken and made by and before me, separately
wld apart from hor said husband. did aokno~ledge that she ~nde herself a party to said d~ed for
tne purpose of renouncing. relinquishing and conveying all hor right. title and interest. whetIler'
of dower. homestead or of separate property. statutory or equitable. in ~~d to ~he lands described
therein, wld that she executed the said deod freely and vOluntarill. and witho'J.t any cOr.l!nlsion.
constraint. apprehension or fear of or from her said ilU<>band.
official seal at lero, County of St. Lucie and State-of ?lorida.
of Ja~'J.ary A. D. 1925
2nd day of Feb. A.
Hazel J. Swartaout.
:rotary Public. State of ~'lori:i!l at Large
~y commission ~xpirea ~ebruary 26, 1927.
P. C. Eldred. Clerk of the Circuit Court
By,.:11 f77A) k].Ji!!J;ti D. C.
TOilS INDENTUP~. Wade this 27th day of December A. D. 1~24. BETWEEU PHILLIP J. KEALY. a widower
of the County of Jaokson andStato of lJissouri party of the first' part. and Hattie,E. ,Chamberlin
~u.t~.~XIOltlxillx.---7.~~:nIIXa1 of the Qounty of Jackson and,
, ,
State of Uissouri party of the seoond pext. WI~llESSETH. that the said party of the first part.
for and in consideration of the sum of Tcm Dollars aud other good and val\lable considerations
t~ him in hund paid. tho reoeipt whe~eof is hereby acknowledged, has granted. bargained. sold ond
transferred. and by these presents does grant. bargain. sell and transfer unto the 981d party
of the socond 'part and her heirs and agsigns forever. all that oertain parcel of lan<< lyj~ and
being in the County of Saint Lucie and State of Florida more partioularly desoribed as follows:
~a8t Halt of llortheaat Qusrter of d~Tth.~8\ Quarter (Et of 1~ of nwt) of
Section T~entY-live (25); tae East Half of Southeast '~uarter of Southwest Quarter (Et of 3~*
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