HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0400 '. . .' '~', ',:'~f;;'~~t~~i~~ 4UU ~ ~- - 'f' PWW ~ - ~ _.~ _._-~-~-~ _. ._~ . ~ - '" . --.- - -..- - - ~-. --- - - 3. 'fHA! no unlawtal or iBllonl us. aball be maae of the premi.e. he:re'b7 oOnvt7e4. nor sball the S81111 be used for .D,J oOllllleroial purpo.e; nor .hall the sa" or an.y part thereof. or 8D,J tnterest therein be sola. rele.8ea or otherwi.e oonT'7ed to .Q7 persons othlr than the Cauoaeien rao.; provtaed that nothing htrein ooatalned shall pre'Yent the keeping .nd maintaining usual and nlOG8Sary eerY8n\1 on the propert, for reasonable f.m117 UB'. This provision. however. .hall not c oause forfeiture unless the bolder ot the te. 1s ehown to be at fault. 4. That no building shall b. oonstruoted or ereo.ea at a les8 aietanoe than tw.nt7 flet from thl tront line of said 10\. or elther of thlm. 6. That if oaid part7 o~ the .Ioond part. her heirs. rep~sentati'Yee or assign8. or 8nJ holder ot the property h.reby oon'Y.yed \J Tirtue of any Judioial prooe.dings. shall fall to ~omp11 with anJ of the above and foregoing restriotlone. oonditions or limitation8 within Sixty da18 after written notiol b~ mail to the said party of th. .eoond part. her heirs. personal repree.ntati'Y8a oraesigns. or aD,J of them. at the last known address. b7 the eaid parties of the firet part. their 8UOOeIUJOn. personal represent8tiTes or a8~igne. or either ot them. then the e814 above desoribed and conveyed property shall immediately revert to tbe .61d parties of the first part. their suc- oessora or 8ssigns. who ehall bt entitled to immediately ental' upon said propert7 Without notice. and. take posseesion of the 88me .ith tull Utle in tee a1llple. together .ith all impronments thereon. and no waiTer of aD,J of these oonditione. limitatione or restriotions. exprelsed or i.- ~l!ed. or f~!lur' to? ~~ leno-th of tIme t~ enfor.e the sa~ 8hall oonetitutl a bar to IUch en- forcement at 8~ tim.. It i8 turthar understood and agreed that panie8 of 4;he first part will no.< maJee. a".../ deed to aIV' lot in Biltmore Park prior to Janna%7 1. 1936. without the a~oreslll d pro'Yisions and nstriot- 10ns. toGETHER with all ~he tenements. hereditaments and a~urtenanoes. with eV0ry privilege right. title. interest ant estate. dower and right of.dower. revor8ion. remainder and easement thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining: ~ HAVE AND ~o HOLD the 8a_ in fee simple fOr8'Yer. AIm the eai~rties of the first part do ooVlnant With the said part7 of the seoond part that the7 are lawtull1 sei.ed of <the oaid premiael; that they are fre. of 011 incumbranoes; and that th.y ha'Ye good right and lewhl authority to sell the salDl; and that said part1ls of ..e first ~rt do hereb7 tully .arrant the title to saId land. and w1l1 defend tbe same againet the lawful olaims ot ell persons whomeoe'Yer. II WITlESS WHEREOr. the 8ald parties of tbe flrs~ oart baTe hereunto eft their bands andseals the dill' and year aOOTe written. Signld 8.aled and deliTered in pres enol of: AnQ John8on O. C.BRASWBLL (SEAL) RIlen Platte Rowe Doc. Stamp Oano. --.1.00--- Ruby Braewell (SEAL) SUT!: or PLORIDA l ) COUlWf 07 8!'. LUCIE) <- I hereb7 cert1~ that on thill 2"1th da.1 of Ka;r .l.n. 1924. before m. persona11.y appear.d C. C. Branell aD4 Rub7 Bran.ll. his witt. to ml known tG be the persons desoribed in and who ez.outed the foreso1ng oonTe7anoe to Ida Or1ner, and .everel17 aoknowledged tht exeoution thereof to ,e th.1r tree aot IDd d'" for the USI., aDd purpOl1ea therein mentioned. and the e81' Ru~ h'aswell on separate aud priT8to .xealnation taiten and _d. 'bJl aDll before 118. an" seperetel7 ani apart fro. her siad husbaDll. d14 aoknowledge t}at .he .".e hers.lf e pert7 +'0 the ea1d I>ud ot / OonT'''D~. tl)r the purp081 of renounOing. "l1nqUl.hi~and oonTeylag all her right. t1 tIe aM interut. .h.ther of clower or of s.paratt prop~1't7."etatuto17 1)1' equitable. in and to the lands ~ - tbe:nln de.or1,"1. and t~ .he .xeoated saie! de,d b-"17 and Toluntar1l7 and "ithout al17 oontltralnt of 01" frQ. blr-'61d huaban4. ~ \1 1 \ , ~ . . .1 '..