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;LUCIUS S. BOOn l1fD AIflfIB D. BROWlf, 'fO
" .I.01lBBJlB Rr
!'US AGRE8)(EWf. I18de this 31st 487 ot Deoltllber. 19U, by and betwe.n Luo1u. S. Brown and
Annte B.Brown. bIs wife. o~ Velbourne, Plor1da. part11s of tho tiret part. and 10S.pli~0~tn~r
of Ch1oa~. Illinois. pert;, of thl seoond part, WITlf!SSB'rH;
TRAT the parties of the first ~rt hlreb7 agree to sell aDd oonny b7 good end sut1101tnt
warrant;, dlld. tr.. from aU enoUllbranoe. in f'ee simple to the part;, of the sloond part. hiB
heil"8 and essIgns. upon the term8 and oonditione hereinafter .It torth. the following dlsoribed
real estete in St. Luoie Coun~. 'lorlda. to-wit:
TH8 north....t Quarter of the Southe.st quarter of Seotton 36. Tw1m8h1p 32 South. Range 39
Belt. except ri8ht of w.y tor drainage 08nel. preTious17 oonnyed to Ind.i. Hi 'Ye I' 'arms d......."
DTalnage Dietriot .
X. boneideratIon "ereof the plrtJ' ot thl Beoonel . _rt agre.s to PItY to the parties of the
flnt part the eum of 16.390.00 in the manner followiD8:
!'DB sum o~ 1200.00 in oash upo~ the eXloution and delivery of thi8 agreement. the reoeipt
whereot by the parties of the first part ie hereby aoknowledged. the balanoe of eald purohase
prioe amounting to 16,198.00 8hall be paid to the parties of the first part on or before two
7ean after date. Said deterrid paJllllnts shall bear interest at the rate of Eight percent
plr annum from date until paid.
I!' IS expres817 understooel and agreed tlat said Luolue S. Brown Will bring a suit to
quilt/title of thl abo'Ye desoribed real est8~ as soon as praotioable.and that the expense
of suoh Bui t shall be borne onl-halt by thl partile of the :first part. and oae-half by the
perties ot thl seoond part. It is further expressly understood tla t in the Innt the title
to said propert7 18 not quieted .1th1n no years from the cle.te of this agreement. then the
time of p~nt of the balanoe of purohasl prioe ot thl abo'Ye desoribed p.operty shall be IX-
tlndld until a final deoree quieting said title has been obtained and entered and one year
thereafter has elapsed. and said final d~oree has beoome absolute.
1-!1 18 IIlUtua1l7 agreed and 1.1nderstood that the ,anil. of th8 ft rut part shall P87 ILll
taxIs on saiel prope~ up to and Inoluding those a8se88ed for the yesI' 1924.. but that all
subslquent taxIs still bl paid by the perty of the seoond part.
AT THE END OF two years .tter the date hereof, or as 800n thereafter as seiel title is
absolutely qai.ted a8 herein .royided. the parties of tbt first part 8hall exeonte and deliver
warranty deed free from all enouabrano... Ixoep~ taxe8 ae herein stated. and exoept aD1 en-
oumbnnols plaoed thu'.on by the party of the sloond part, snd ~the ~rt.Y of the second
part shell pay the balanoe of sald purohas. prioe. together with interest thereon. to the per-
tils ot the first part.
!BIS AGREEMEN! ehell be bindIng on and enurl to the benefit of the heirs. suocessore.
legal representati'Yee and assignelor the respeotl'Ye parties here~Q.
I~ YITBESS WHEREOF. we haTe hereunto affixeel our re8pootive names end aeals o~ the day
and year firBt above written. Thi8 agre.mIDt ~ing ex.outld 1n duplioate.
I fI
9igned. sealed and
)(an 1. P.~
L. W. l'airohlld
deli'Y6rtd in the p~..no.lar U8:
CAs to Luoius 8. Brown)
(ud Annie B. ~rc)1m .)
~uo~us B. Brown,
(SilL)' ·
l."n..,Iil~.. Bro-.n.
.:JoB'J)h R.. O:p~na.,.
,P. -1,. BhDiD<<8
Kar<<8ret B. BO~r8
(J,8 ~o 10B.ph H.' Optlllr)
f I
'9TAB 01 !'LOBIDA.
COUllfl" 01' BRBVARD.
I HKREBY ORR'nn. !'bat 011 this !t... U7 o~ Jaua17. A. D. 1926. before .e per80nally