HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0404 'iU':I, "" << ~ l~ ,,- I' ~ I ..... ~ ~ , -~ '~ , , , -- - - . ~ ~~~ , < - ~',.-- -- .~.. epplered tuo iUB S. Brown and Annie B Brown. to me kllom to .. the pftlona 4oeoribed in and who n:eollt.d the toygoing agreemen\.'and e'Terally a~knowleage4 the .zeottt10n th~reof to bt their tree aot and a.ed for the uBee and purpose., thateln melltlobld; and the sd d Annie B. Brown. the wife of t~ said Luo1us S. Brown on a eeparate and printe IZ8Il1naUon taken and "*41 by and b.tore me. anD eepa- nate17 and apart troll h~r eaid hueband . ~ld a~no.le4ge tlwt ehl made h'l'Otlt a perty to the 8al d agnemln\. for the pupo.. of r.nounoill8. relinqu1eh1r~g and oonnylng all her r1gM,Il. t1t~ _d intereat. whither ot do.er or of lISeparah prop ert7. . tstutory or loui table. in a nd to the land8 tbtr.in desoribed.and that ahe Izeouted eaid d.ea. t~le17 and 'Yoluntar117 ana without any oonstrain~ fear. apprlhension or ooapulelon of or f~om her eaid husband. Wl'rnSS 1117 signature and otfio1al eeal at Uelbourne in the Oounty of BrenI'c}. and State the day and year last aforesaid. Allen Gibson Wotar,v Publio. State or 7lor14a Jq oo_ill81 on expirl. JlOT. 13. 215. COUftY OP S'f. t1JCIlt. I HEREBY CER'l''!n. that on th11 ,Uh 4a7 o-r pe)ruaJ7 A. D. 1926. before ml pereona117 Joseph H. Optner. to ~ known to be the p.rson aeeoribed In and who exeout.d the for.going agree- ment. and he aoknowledged the ezeoution th.reot to bt his fret aot and dled'for the usee ana p~r- poate thlrein M.ntioned. offioial eeal at Port Pitroe in the County of Q W i4 a: UI > a :r ,:> o ~ "C St. Luell. ana r1da. the d81 and 7eer laet aforesaid. this rib. 4. 1926. KarRret E.' ROf,ra llou!'7 bllo. Sta e of' P10rlda. K1 oo-.ileion expirle S.pt. 10.1926. P. C. ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- GEORGE S. SAYLOR. ABD JRBlIIE K. SAYLOR. 'to RAl'lI'BR'fY JOns. IlIC. . J.GRElWRlI'! . THIS AGR!EME1l'r Ilsde and entered into this 18th day of Deo'lIber, A. D. 1924. by and bltw.en GEOICE S . SAYLOR. a114 JElfRIE)I. SAYLOR. "'9 wife.County of St. Luale. State of 'lorlda. hereinafter "eferred to as the vendora. and Ratfert7 Jones. IIfC.. a corporation d1ll7 01'8&*1.... under the ln8 of thl Btetl of l'1or14,a. anA d01118 bueinllB iJI W1f8t Palm Beaoh. hlrl1natter 1'If.rre. 61' the ~er. '; :.> - WI'fIlESSE'fH? THat the Veudora hlreby oonlent .D4 agree to sell and. thl puroha8er agre.s and promlses to purcha.l. u~on the terms and omU tione hereinafter .tated. paroll of land 81 tuate and being in St. Luoie Count7. State ot Plorlda. known and desoribed al follows. to-wit: Beg1l1Dill8 at . 8takl at thl waters edge of ~Indlan BITer 1908.87 ft.. South of Seotion 11n. diTiding Seotion 'rwent7 (20) and Saotlon 'rwent7-ninl(29); thlnol running north 761 feet. mtanaerl~ the watere Idge of IndianiBb,r to a .take; th.noe run due We8t SOM 2400 fl.t to the wl8t quart.r seotion line of t~ lest half of south le8t qu"rter .eotion thirt7 (SQ); theno. run South~follo.in8 8aid lint 700 fe.~ to a stek8; thine. run due east 2600 f~. to Indian Ri'Yer and point of beginning. b~ing in Soot ion Twenty-nin. (89) ani .e.t halt of 80uth.B8t quarter of S.o- tion thinI' (SO). 'fownship thirty~.lx (36); South of Ranse(41)fortJ-one with all riparian rlght~. and ocnte1nhl<< fort)". (40) aoree of land mo... or less. but, resenin8 out or and ..~pti.ng :fr~1D thl lmcl abon de~oribed 0 a right of "7 of one lnmlred( 100) . tost in '1clth. "iq flft7 (60) feet in Width on taoh side of the Mnt.r ot tbe traok of tho 'lor1cia East Coa.t RaUwQ COmp~8 aB oonstructtd thoqh lalde. , . If IS PlJR'lHBR-UlIDERMOOD IJID AGR&BJ) that thl paroel ot land abaT. desoribed .hall bl oonTqed b;r c:ood and 81lftio1entnrron1l7 deea aDll that abetre. of title ehowlD8 a good mark.tabl. t1t1AJ ehall be turnleue at th.earli.' pOI.lble date. The puroba.lr lhal1 haTe th1r;\y(80) ~s; L . bOil the .4a. 7' ot. 1'1. OdP. '.O..f. iibo'ye rHn\1onecl a.b8tr8ot td t~n .~U~in. "14 iftaiJ'WD_t and i __~u the @T'JJl~ :t~,1;_ t~L~b~trao'~2f UU.oOJ' th. 1)~b110 nOQrc18 ....I~ allY ,.ft . I '. . ........ --;00 i)' , .. \ : , ' . " 1 :)1 . I' ~~~~ii~~~~iit~i~~