HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0405 ':Iut) " . - _-._,",-..~.~..&,Jr,-",-:",",-""",-"",---~ - ~_...~ ~~~-.....__.-....~_._ _ ~_ ~___........_. _ ~......__~~~ _u __....~~_ . __ ehall haTe a 11lli tel time in wblC)h to pel"teot e814 deteate. 1 f a~ are .,~. end the pUl'Ob8a.. er ahall then baye ten(10) daye after final d61iTer7 of abstraot efte~ whioh the ~ran880tion . ~P'W.,(~1U(., , shall be oloaed b1 the d811..17 of warrant, d..d hertinabo'Ye OI"."'ed to be 'IiTen and the ( purahaser w111 take oare of tho pvo188e IIOneT. I! IS rUK'l'dR UNDERSTOOD A1fD AGREED that 811 tex.. and aa8lsemente on the abo'Ye de80ri bed ProPl!'t7 shall be pro..rated &S of date of tranater:of t1~e. ~h~ puroliaRe prioe ot sald lena shall be the eum of 'hent, Thousand fiTe lInndred ('80.600) dollan. to h paid in the :tollow. lng uanner: One thousand ($..000) dollan oash. reoeipt ot wh10h ie hereb7 aOknowled"d; Bineteen thousand Pive Hundred (.19.&00) Dollara at the time ot deli'Yer,y ot deed hereinabove oOTenant,d to be giVen. l' IS lURTlIER UNDERSTOOD .urn AGREED 'lilt t1me 18 made the IB8ential part of this agreement and in the eTent the purchaser _hall teil to keep .. perfon the 88me etriotly to its terms. the 'Yendors shall bave the option to doolare thts oontraot terminated and forteited and a~ ; pa1Jllmts made undtr this aontraot shall bG forfu tea al liqUidated damages. I! 18 PURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AORBBD that in the eTent a free and ol,ar markltable tltl. aan not b, g1TVD b.V the vendors. the e8rD1S' mone7 herein paid by the puroblser shall be rG- fnnd.d and not dama~8 shall be allseesed by either party. Thi8 oontraot shall extend to and be oblieator,y upon the heirs. exeontore. assigns. and personal repr68entati'Ye8. of th,re- apeat1Te parties. IIf WITlIBSS WHEREOP. the TeDdors ba'Ye hereunto set the ir hands and sea 18.8 nd the pur- ohaser has oaused Its oorpo~ate 8eal to be affixed. 'hereunto. and signed bT its presid..t. " " , j \... WI'R88: " A. H. Danforth , Helen Platte (Row.) A. !. Bquell. Matilda Gr..nberR ", r BY Carl H. Ratfarty President ( . I'f IS HER7:gf UBD3RS'r00D .AND AGR8ED that the party of the flr8~ ~rt shall remove all pine-apple sheds on 8ald propertT. and aame shall be remowed within s1xty dews after the deliver,r of ..rrantT deed. _GEORGE S. SAYLOR JEBBIE K. SAYLOR PARTY OP 'fHE PIRS'P PAM. , HAPnMY-JONES IBC~ . 1AR'rY OP !Im sEGal>> PAR'!. , BY YIR'rLiS B. ZBGLAR AGlUfT. S'fA!B OP nOR1>>! ) . COUlf1'Y OP 8'l.LUCIB) Olf THIS d87 plrsonal17 appeared before me. an offloer. duly authorlled to take aomowledg- : ments ot deede. eto.. George S. 887101' and JellJ11e M. .Saylor. hls .lfe. to me well known and - aoknowledged / , known to be the penons who exeouted the within agr..mc.t. to h:tfert~nes. Inc.. andftlat they exeouted the eame tor the purpo8e therein expressed. And tbe sa i(\ Jennie K. Saylor. Wife of tho Bald Gtorse S. S&710r. upon an examination taken b7 me. separate aM apart from her .:;;:. i sald husband. acknowledged tba t she n:eOl1ted the s814 agreement freely and voluntari17 GOllpulsion. epprehluion or fear of or from her Ba1;ueband. band and soal tbaa 29th day otbDeoemb.r. 1924. and \S -. I f;, thia Pe\. 4. 1926. o &II ~ ~ "",.uJ " '> \ ~ o (,) ~- Helen Platts IRowe) 1I0terT Publio. nate 8t large Jq ooaai881on exPifllJ Jail. 11. 1926. o '~~i._--.i. ~.,,;. .'f'... -_"': -_.\ -.... -.-. f-:-.~ -., ~ ; Ot. .:t.. Seal. ) ~ P. D(CLERK 07 CIRcUi~ C COOR,) , ~L'~~ . ~ I i ------------------------~--------. I I , ~ , ---------------------------------------------------------- · .;~. .~r{i1~f~~~ff~