HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0407 IiU" _ ...____-.._.-....&.a.-..u....- ~.... - --~- - - . ,,- t~'t'"'Q' "'IV"" ... . _..,_.._~,~...~'IIttI"..._ ,~_w.__ . - - ~.-""''''''''' ~~.... _.,--...~.._. -......",... ~---._~ ._..........~~~~ .[ .eeisne. doe. her.bl OOTenant with 8aid part7 ot the .eoond part. hsr h.trD. l.gal represen- ts'h.s and .eeigDltl that it i8 indefeasibl1 8ehed ot eaSd land in f.. eilllpl.; tbL.t i' ~e fUll powlr and 1.wtul ri8ht to oonT'y said land in fee eimple. aD aforeaa&id; that it s~l '., b. 1I\Wful tor sald taJ't;,y ot tha 8Ioond part bel' heire 1'[l'81 repr88entaUTes and 88818118. tall times peaooab17 and qui.t17 to .niel' upon, hold oocupy. and enjoy said land; tb9t soid land i8 tree ~rom all:onoumbrano88; and tbat it doee htreb7 fully warrant the title to .8id lan4 and will d.fend the-eame ap1net tha 1awhl olaim of aU plrsons whomaoeTer. IN .WITImSS WHBREOlI'. the party of the firet part has hereunto affh:.d its name and Blal and .ar ~iret abo'YI written. ,t HOOSIER REAtTY COMPAIY. Hf 1f. B. 1f1tLIAKS,. PRESJDBJ'I'. U ; K. W. Skene' and deli'Yerel in the pr.s.no. of: Doo. StaBp Canc-----..60~ , garl Roth SIfAH 01' J'LORIDA COlJB'fY 0' VIGO. .. , l PERSONALLY app.ared before 1118 thie day W. E. .nuns. to me well known a8. thfj pre.ident , ofth. Ho08ler Realty COUlp8D1. -a Corporation of the State 01' '10r14&. !Bnd 811 the .ame peraon , desoribed in ani .. who ex.outld the foregoing ae.d and he aoknowledged that heXZ 8igned the , name ana atfixed the 8eal of 8sia Corporation to .aid aeed; that h. ..8 d1i17 suthoriua th.re- u\J.*o by the Boord of Di7'.otors of .aid Corporation. a.nl that eald deed i8 the act and d.ed of s ( ea i4 Corporation for the PUrpose8 eet forth. IN WITHESS WHEREOl I ban hereunto a1'fixed my naM and offioial e8al at 'l'err. ".nt.. V1go : Co.. Indiana thi8 12 d'7 of Deoember 1931. .r this 'Gb. 6. 1926. Q III ~ ~ IIJ > Q a: o o ~ JIy , (SEAL) P. COUR'l') . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEACHLAlfD .DEVELOPKD'l CO),(pAJr{ TO LOUIS YECKEL AND EDNA !ECKEL. . " ~tti WARRllf'fY DEED " THIS TIrnENTURE. Keele .this ~ ~ of January A.D.. 1926. between Be80hland D.velopment Company. 16orporation ex'stl~g under the laws of the State of '10ri48. perty of the first part. and Louis Y.ok.1 Jr. .nd Edna S. Yeokel. hie wite. ot tbt Oounty of St. Loui. in the State of Uissourl. parties of the 8.oond part; WlIfBESSMlI. Ifhat the said party of the tirst :part tor an<< In oonsideration of the su. of ~'l'en Dollars and other 'Yelnable consideratione. to it in hand paid by the partiel of the 8ec- 'ond ps:rt. the reooipt whereof is hereby acknlJWledged. )ms granted. barP1l1ned and sold to U.. sald perUee of ' the second rart. their 11811'. end aseips for''Y.r. the tollow1118 d'80rib~d lands 'sItuated. lyIng and bling in th9 Oounty of -St. ~uoie and State of llorida. to-wit: Lots forty(40) and 'orty-one (41) in Blook !Wo (2) of . Vero Beaoh Bstates. ae per plat on 1'11. in tbe offioe 01' the 'ltrJc of thl ~t Court 01' St. Luci. County . flor1da. TRI;"d ls g1'Y.n subjeot to taxes and BeeunEts aubs.qu.nt to 1924. AlQ) tbe eeld psni.. of tu s,0004 part tor th...lns their h.i1'8 or 8S81gu do here. ~ oovlnant ani agr.e to and with 88i4 part7 01' tbe ~lr8t part. its euooeS8or8. legal' repreuentativ.. or a88isue as tollo.a: - . . fa) '!bat th.)' _111 nner 6ell or ooonj any ~tMt 'ot the,pr.milll.e. or any ioilereet. uy deed. l.....or oth.rwie.. to a~ pereon oth.r than a p.rson b'longlng to the , ~ ! " \~ . .