HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0408 'fU~' T - 'lC.....'_a - .~ --- - _..-....~- ~ -- Cauoas1an reOt. 8nd will not Pormi~ anf in~i'Yidual other than one belonglns to the Cauoapian reo. to oooupy an;y portion ot .atd premise. e~oepting onl7 domeetio serTante oom1oilld upon the premisee where.aotually em~lo,.d. (b) !his lot eball be uSld tor resi~ln~1.1 purpoee8 oDl1 end the main building ereoted thereon 8hall OOBt not leB8 than. 2600.00 nor ahall it b. ereoted oloB'~ than 26 t.et to the front lot Une. Bo &haoks or unsightly structure. of an, kind shall be peJ1D1tted on al\J portion ot thl. lot. No fenoe. eKo.pt hedge fenoe. _ill b. permitted. nor .blll any di.play slgne of 8D1 kind exoept by oonsent ot\the S.ller. ble a.eigna anA les-l represent.ti'Ye.. be per.dtted on this lot. , . (0) !hey may. heweTer. ereot or oonatruot on aD7 plat in oonjunotion with 8Dy priT8te rel- . idenoe ereoted thereon. a garage. sUoh as .ill b~ appropriate1, appurtenant to the building ereot ed on said plot. o~ided soid garage ie ereoted at least seventy-fi'Ye feet from the front line of property.-.~ at l..ot fiftun feet trom .. altt street. Cd) !hat nelth.rrea'IKPftro~ser nor hie heirs. exeoutore. administrators or assi@n8 8hall or Will manufaoture or ee1l. or oauee,or permit to be manufaotured or sold on any portion of tbt premiees hereby oon'Yeyed. any goodB or .erohandlel of any kind exoept where expressl, permitted. and will not oarry on or permit any matter or thing whioh Bhall be a nuisanoe. unwho1e80me. or offensl.e to the neighborhooa. THE toregoing oovenants shall be oonstrued a8 running with the land. exoept. howe'Yer~ itfs mutual17 underetood:and agreed tbat the above covenants and reotriotlons as to ell o~ 8a1 portlons of said lands may be altered or modifiea at any time after Janua~ 18t. 1936. by written agreement by 'and be\we.n the Seller or ite suooessors. legal representatives or assignR and the owner tor the , time being of the premises ~~h it is agreed to alter or modify said oO'YenantB and restrlotionll. _,I and suo~eeJD8nt shall be to alter or modify suoh 00'Yenant8 am. restriotions as to suoh premiae' Without the oonsent of OWBer or owners of aqr'adjaoent premises: modifioatlon of restrict- ions 8S to portions of the lena shall not affe~ impair the restrlotions as to the balanoe thereot. . . AIm the said partl of the f1ret pert does hereby fully warrant the title to 8aid lAnd and Will defend the same against the l8Wfu~ olaims of all perBons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WREREOP? the said party of the first part has oaused thsse presents to be name by ita President and ite oorporate SIal to be affixed. attested by its S.ore- year abo'Ye written. Dao. Stamp. Cano--Ctl.OO) BEACHLA lID DEVELOPl.fEB'f C (I(p ANY Dr PRED R. TRBI PRESID:-;II'l' deli'Yered in the presenoe of: . Jas. O. Watson AftES!: E. c. J'ande1 S!A'!E OP PLORIDA. ) ) S8 COUlfTY OpTS!. LUCIE) J. H. Crawford seoretaJ'1. BEPORE the underSigned authority personally appeared Pred R. '1'reu and J.H.Cra.f.~ Pres- ident ana Seoretary, respeotively of B.aohland ....~... uJ'l CompanT. who. b.ing first duly sworn Bay that they executed the 6bo'Ye and foregoing InDt~t and .evera111 aoknowledged the exeoution ,..,...r to be their ir.. aot and deed "8 noh offioers. for t.be Ut8 BOO purposes therein mentioned; . - and that they affixed thereto Use offio.al leal of s8id Mrporation. ana th. said inetrummt i. the act and d.ed of 8aid oorporation. l I' I I I I j S. 1925. 'fto. in the Oount7 of St. Luoie 8l\4 tbl StJaU ii: i2 tIJ > Ja.. O. WaYon a Iota:'7 Publio. If; oOIlll1aeon api res 2/14:/28 I a:: o o II) 'l: P. o. RL)UIEDfcr,El<< OP CIBCUPf C!OOR') , JJf/.JO~ ~~~-,~.Ce h . {>.:;.-~'~jil~i~ UY si~ature .04 offloial se.l at his 26th day of JallUJ7 A.D. 1926 .