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thl\t they were duly authorized b)' said oQrpl'ratlon to e)C~(\~e ,thllJ. m.el<Qin8 dQ~~ ill its beL..
-JJ.t ~ ,ILl. . ..,7~-.-tf.L.U.(" "A"}i.. e,.....~...
....1.(' ..-~ f."" .:t,.......v
half. and to sign its name and affix its seal theretoi,and that o~id deed was exeo~ted by said
corporation for the purposes therein expressed. and thoy severally aCknowledged tte exe-
oution thereof t.(\ be the~r free no~ and ._eed. 0.9 StlO:l off.l,oers for the uses and purposes
ther~ln mcntioneJ.. and t:.at t:~e said instrument is the. act an~ deed of said oorporation.
W ~':I'i'H~SS ~nC!:r"~OF. ! hav~ hereunto affixed my nar::le and effioial seal, thh 31st dn:: ....f July
1924. at t:10 Cit:; . f Clovelc.nd. Ccn:nt:, and State at;:resatd;
CD .
thi3 4th d~v of~~b.
c. E. Orcutt
Notary Public in e.."ld for the County
My co~~lssion expires vote 2~~ 1925.
F. G~ ~LDR~D. ClerA ~irc~:' Court
3y ~~~ lY-t~J..e-v~ _D.C.
h. i. ~OCfr~ ~T ~
H. l:Cr.1E~~ SE;;n.RD
~.lbR~:TY DZZD
T:!l"; IXD.-:~:-:t"~tz. ~~de this the
22nl d~: of January
.'loods and
wife Anr.a 3. Joods aLd ~. J. Moore and wife, Zlla C. ~oore, of the ~our.ty cf PaIn b~ach
arA State of Florida~parties of th~ first ~art. ~d ~. Fowell ~eward. o~ the Cour.ty ot
P~lm Beach. and State of Florida. ,part~' of the seccnd. part.
~IT}~SSETH, that the s~iQ'?ar~ies-of th~ first part. fer and in consid~ration of the
Burnt! Ten (910.00) Dollars. and other Good and valunble considerations. to them in hand
paid. the -rece ipt whereof is he reby acknowledged. have gran OOd.. bargair.ed. sold and tru:s-
fer.:.:ed. and by these presents do grm: t. bC'.rGain. s<)11 and transfer U.~lto the said ptl.rt~. ct
the secc.nd. }:ert, r..nd his heirs r..nd assigns forever. an u~d.ivided ene-third interest in
a~~ to all that certain parcel of land lying ani being in t~~ C.unty of St. ~cie, an~ state
of Florida, mc.e particularly d~scribed as follows, to-wit:
1..11 of dlock ('ne (1) , Thre~ (;:'). .)ix (cd 5even (7), E1evel\ \11). am Sixteen (16)
otthat certain subdivision kLO~L as Gosling. as shewn by the plat of record in the cffice
of the Cler~ of the Circuit vourt of st. Lucie County, ~lcrida. in Plat 300k 2, at page ~5;
Lots One (1). Two (2), Four (4), Jix (6) and seven (7), of rllook Two (2), of the sam~ sub-
division; Lets One (1) Two (2), ~ive (5). Six \~) Seven (7) ~~d.Eleht (8) of Dlock Five
(5). of the same subdivision; Lots Two (2). Three (~). Four t4J. ~ive (5) , ~ix (fi) Seve~
(7), ~ight (8). Nine (~) an~ Ten (10). o~ ~lock Zlght (8). of the same su~division; all
those portions of Jlocks nine (9), Ten (10). and twelve (12). of the said ~~bdivislon which
were not conveyed by George T. Goslir.g. ani wife l~y Gosline. to Charles H. Myers, by
deei dated November 19th. 1918. now of record in th~ ottice of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of St. u~cie County. Florida, in Deed Hook 36, at page 293; Lots Cne (1). Two \2)
ThrP,6 (3). of' jnoex nineteen (1:1). .01" the same subdivision; Lo~s nine (9). Ten (10). ~leven
(11). 'lV/el ve (12), Thirteen (l~). lline teen (19). Twenty (20). T"Renty-one (21). Twenty-two
. .
(22). Twenty-three (2:'>),/TwentY~four .f24), Twenty-i"ive (25), Twenty-si?C (26). Twenty-seven
(27). and twenty-eight (2&), of Block T~enty (20). of the SRme subdivision; Lots A and B,
of the same subdivision.
and aleo a~l that part of Govern~ent Lot Three (3). of Seotion Thirty-two (~2).
Township thirty-seven (~7) South. :(9nge Forty-one (41) Esst. desoribed as followa: Begin-
ning at a poln~ on the ilest line of "'overnment Lot Thr'Je (~) . of said Seotion Thirty-two(-3i)
...u~ .-I........tCuiil ,.~-( - t...~ :
,(iLd-e;;.sn--tenths 742:7; faut. liorth of the ;;tOU thwest oorner of said uoY~rnment .Lot 'l'hJ:ee
(3); thence run Easterly parallel with the south line of said Government Lot Three {31
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