HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0419 419J -'-.__......~~ 4.4_~ ,._~~. j _ ~ ~ --.--. -- -"". _. .- ~. - - .,~-.....- -- -- - . --. -- _.~... after doe. hereb7 agree to purohase said ~ot ot land &8 above de8ignated. SECOND I The purohastJ prioe is TEll 'taOUSABD DOLLARS (110.000.00) p~able o.s tol.. [- 'lows: ... Ox;nnmRED DOLLARS (.100.00) on the eigni118 and del1vo17 of theee pre.ents, the reoe1p~ whereot 18 hereb7 aoknowlec\6ed.. BllETEEB HUBDRED DOLLARS (.1900.00) on the delivor" ot deed a. hereinatter stated. r- EIGHT TROnSAND DOLLARS (.6000.00) by the pu.rohaser ghing to ,the seller its mortgage note. bearing interest a' the rate ot eight (8) peroent per annua, P&7able sellll-annually, said note. . to be seoured b~ a mortgage on the said premises, P&7able in ODe . two . three and tour year. trom date ot deed. - THIRD: 'the seller will. give the bUTer a full oovenant and..-rranty deed free and olear from all and &Il)" liens or enoumbranoel:1 ot an.y nature whatsoever. FOURTH: All taxes and adJu8tments are to be prOrated. .....~.., l: i FIFTH: A :properly executed and aoknowledged deed 18 to bo delivered to the purohaser or its assigns through the Fort Pieroe Bank and Trust Company at the Ci ty ot Fort Pie roe, State of Florida. The seller agrees to pay the G and S Realt7 Company a oommi8sion ot tive peroen~ tor oonsumating this deal. SIXTH: The seller agrees to furnish the buyer an abstraot to the above desoribed property at hIe earliest oonvenient date. an~ the puroha~er shall have thtrt7 da7S, in which to examine said abstraot. Should the abstraot reveal any deteota, t he seller sha11 have thirt7 d&7s in whioh to CU1~ suoh deteots. SEVENTH: The atipulationa herein contained shall be binding upon and enure to the benetits ot the parties hereto, their respeotive heirs and assigne. Inl\Witne.s Whereot. the part7 ot the tirst part or seller has set his hand and seal hereunto and the party ot the .eoond part, the purchaser, bas oauaed. also to set his hand and aeal her.unto the da7 and year tirst abo~e written. r Witnesses ."1 ~ I. t. Whitney ., Erioh Schroeder H.C. Daniels Roee P WhUD8Y Rudolph Geeverb Leon I. Chester f n ot ab. 1925. ~ ~ P. C. ELDRED, (;lerlc Ciroui 10 Court ~ By' I~Ay l<r/fJkp~1 D.C. -.--.--.-~-.--.-.-.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.-- A. J. EVilS TO ~~-~- STANDARD GROWERS EXCHAKGE .,n THIS IBDEB7URE made and entered into this the 26th day o~ December, A.D. 1924, by and between A.J. Evans ot i'ort Valle7, Georgia. party ot the tir.t part, and Standard Growers Ex- ohana-, a o\JrporaUon under the b1l'8 ot the Sta" ot I'lorida, party ot the .eoond 'par", WHEBS.lS~ tha partie. hereto d1d, on the 10th da7 ot Novellber, A.D. 1922, enter into & oertain written -<<reemeni, wherein the party ~ the ..oond par" hereto -<<reed to sell and. ~. - oonny unto -the partl' ot the 1'ire\ part hereto, Bn undiTided 46~ interest in the tOllow1~ d..oribe4. Iota ancl parGel. ot 1&D4 in the Count7 of 310. w.oie, and state ot norida, tc..w1~: !he E&8t halt ot ~he Borthea8t quarter, The Sou.~h halt ot the Borthwe.t qu&l")er ot the .orth....t ctuarter; !he Scn1th...t quarter ot the lforthe&st quu;er. and the north halt ot the southeast quarter ot Seo~iOD 27, Townahl>> 30 South, ot Range a9 t t~ I, J I ~ .;.......;~~