HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0423 423 - --.."..~ - ~. - --- lilt - -~.. -,. - ""'-;.....~~.,.. u 1 hereby oertify t~t on thie the 19th day of Deoember A.D. 1926, belore ~e per~ .onal17 appeared Helen :;).-1laines and her hU.band, Charle' O. Baine8 to me known to be the perIoD' d..orlbed in and who exeouted the foregoing OOnye7SDOO to Orao. Cookrell, and . ..yeralll aoknowledged the exeoution thereof to be \heir ~ee aot and deed tor the u.e, a/' and purpoef'e therein mentioned; and the ea.id ~llen S. Hain08~ the wif. of the said Cht..\"- Ie. O. Hainee, on a eeparate end priyate examination taken and m~<de by and before me. and .eparately end apart fro. her JNeband. did aclmowledge that she made herself a party to the Baid Deed of CODye7anOe, tor the JlUr'poae ot renounoing, rel1nqu1Bhiug and oonyeyina all her right, Utle ~d interest, whether of clower or ot aeparate property, Btatuto17 or equ~table, In and to the lands therein desoribed, and that ebe exeouted said deed tree17 and yoluntari17, and wi thout ~ constraint, tear, apprehension or oompulsion ot or from her .ald. hus band, WITNESS ~ signature and oftioial seal at the ~ity of Norfolk in the State ot Virginia, the d~ and year last aforesaid. IT i; ! I, ~' Nanoy E. Edwards Nota17 Publio this G ... ii:' a: 6th day of Feb~ 1925. ~ o o \II u: P. C. ELDRED. Clerk Cirouit Court By /tU-, aIr Wz.~~.c. ~~ -.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.-- --.--.~--.--.- i: GLENli G. GIDDINGS TO ifAR.RlJiTY DEED J. K. HATFIELD I' t \ i f- I, t ~. ~ I I j 1 TaIS DEED, Ilad.e the 28th day of' Ja:nu.ary A.D. 1925. by Glenn G. Gid.-Hugs (unmarried) of the County ot Du.nl State ot Jf'lorida hereinafter oalled the grantor . to J .Y. Hatfield of the County ~t--~--------- State of Alab~'lla hereinafter oalled the grantee.. WITNESSETH, That tlhe said grantor, in oonsideration o~ One Thousand Dollare: the reoeipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged, does give, grant, bargain. sell. alien, remis e, release enfeott, oonyey and oonfirm unto the said grantee, and hls heirs and assigns in tee simple. the lands situate in st. Luoie County, State ot Florida, desoribed as tallows: West halt' of the southwest quarter and the louthwest quarter ot the northweet quarter ot Seotion twenty-seyen in Towuship thirty-two south o~ Range thirty-eight east of the Talla- hassee Keridian. ~'lorida. oontaining one hundred twenty and tourteen hundredths aoree. (Doo .tamp oano. $1.00) TO HAVE AlID TO HOLD the eame togeth,~ wi th the hereditaments and appurtenances, unto the aaid srantee, and his heirs and assign. in tee ai.ple. " ~D the said grantor. tor hi.selt and hie heirs and legal representatives, oovenants '" >- 1 I with said grantee, hie heire, legal repres8ntatiY8S and as.igns; Tb.L.1; said grantor i8 v Indeteasib17 seized of said land in tee B~plo; that said grantor has ~ll power and law- fUl right to oonY07 said lando in ree ai.ple, as aforesaid; that it shall be lawful tor 8ald grantee, hi. heir., legal repreBentat1 ves and a8signo, at all tilDes peaoeably and quietly to enter upon, hold, oooupy and enJoy said land; that said land 1s free rrolD all iDowabrano0J8; that said grantor, his heirs and legal repreoentatlvas, w11l make suoh further assuranoes to perfeot the tee sillple tl tie to said land in 8aid grantee, hie heira legal representatives and &8818>>8. a8 may reasonabl7 be required; and that 8aid grantor doee hftreb7fU1l7 warrant the title to ,aid. land and w111 detend the same again.t the (1 ! ~. . f f f I lcldul olai... of all poreODS wholl8ooyer. j , .:.: -::-. ;:.~ "~"~'~' /~~~;;t~~l~t~~~t~A~j; '. -", '.' ",::<;>,j~.?ti~t~~~~~