HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0427 f?;427 i ! ~..~' r _. - ~-. --- '" ~ ,~. . "'.& -1 -- .~ t-l ...- ~.- _.......~.Il.. - -~ ._ __r_~ wa1"ftn~.:the title to said land and w111 de~end the eaae 8<<aln8t the lawful olatal o~ all c:. persona whomeoever. " r, \ PROVIDED, NEVERTHELESS. That theeepre8ents arB made subJeot to the following e%prese oondi~10D8, reetrlotionl and li.1tatlons, applying to the laid MAravilla, aoool~ing to ~he reoorded plat o~ said Maravilla, and whioh oondition8, reetrlotion8 and l1.1tationl are intended to be aDd Ihall be aooepted as oovenants running with the land and whioh shall be binding allke upon the heirs, personal representative8 and a88igns of the party or the seoond part, who, by her aooeptanoo o~ this in.trument agrees to abide by and per- f'om aaid reetriotion8, limitations and conditione 8e one o~ the expre.s con(METatiAW o~ these pre.enta. 1. Bo residenoe shall be erected or conBtruoted o~ a less oost than f3,OOO.OO, and all residenoes in said Maravilla shall be construoted o~ ooral rook, oonorete. stuoco. oonorete block, hollow tile, briok er mixed con8~ruotion, or veneered with ooral rook or ~riok . or ~2ame veneered with stuooo, and shall be along Spanish. Moorish. VenetIan or similar harmonious ty:;:es of arohi teoture. and the af'oresaid amount shall be aotually . . ~ expended on construotion and ereotion of s'i.oh buildIng and not for ~ees in oonneotion therewith. 2. No building shall be oonstruoted or ereoted on any of the lots of Varavilla until af'ter the plans specirications and location or the same shall have been approved by the ' party or the rirst part, its suooessors. representatives or assigns. 3. The oonetruotion or ereotion or a building is limited to one reeldenQe bqilding , r ~ and one private g&~ on eaoh lot, 100x160 reet fronting on ~rise Boulevard. . 4. that no unlawful or immoral use shall be made of' the premlaes hereby be conveyed. t! ,"",w ,\U"" nor Shal~L~ part thereof. nor any interest therein. be sold. leased cr otherwise uOll- veyed to &n7 person other than or the Cauoasian raoe. provided that nothing herein oon- tained 8hall prevent the keepi~3 and maintaining or servants on the said property ror reasonable rami17 use. 5. 110 building oommonly known as an apart~ent house for eooupation of more than one ramily, nor asylum, nor hosp1ta~ ehall be ereoted or used torsuoh purposes on any lot or lots in Karav1lla, exoept that dea1gnated for business property by party of rirst.. \ part, u 6. o!hat if said 8eOOD~ party her heirs. personal representatives. or assigns, or ~ holder or holders or the property hereby oonveyed. by virtue of any Judioial pro- oee~ings shall rail to oomply with any of the above and roregoing restriotions. oondi- tions or limitations within sixty days Qrter written notice to the said seoond party her heirs, personal representatives or assigns, or any of them. at Ft. Pieroe. F1a. o. their last known addre8s, by the said party or the rirst part, i te suooessors. personal rep- resentatives or assign., or either or them, then the said above de80ribed and oonveyed ."" property shall.immediately revert to the said rirst party. its 8Uooeesors or assign8, who shall be entitled to 1..ediately enter upon said property without notioe. and take pos8ossion or the same with tull title in ~ee simple, together with all improvements thereon, and no waiver or any o~ thes. oonditlon., limitations or restriotions. expre.. or lIlpl1ed, or ra11ure -'ror all7 length or time to enfol"Oe the same. IIhall Gon8tHu,t., a bar to auoh edoroement at alQ' time. 7. 'fha~/~he party of the rire' part, its auooeeaon or aesigns, shall have the r:lgh~ fiolll t1me to time, to release any or the above or roregoing restriotion, oonditione or limitations by sealed instrument duly exeouted 1n acoordance with the laws or the state or Plorlda ror the conveyance of real ..tat.. n 1 ( ~