HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0436 /jat)o I t------' . -- r I I I " -- .-- ~ ~- .........~.....-t....-~ ..- i -r~ ... ~ B Conley NOta17 Publio MY oommie.lon exp~r's 12/21/1925. '" ~ COOK COUlftY. I, ROBF.R! K. SIEI!ZER. County Clerk of the County of Cook, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I am the lawtul oustodian of the offioial reoords of Notaries Publio of said County, and &S suoh offioer am duly authorized to is~~e oertifioates of magiotraoty. that ~ B Conley whose name is subooribed to the proof of aoknowledgments ot the annexed instrument in writing, was. at the time of taking suoh proof ot aOknowled8ment, " lfota17 .l'ublio in and for Cook County du17 oommissioned, aworn and aoting as euoh and authoriled to take aoknowledgments and proots of deed. or oonveyanoes of lands, tenements or hereditaments, in said state ot Illinois. and to administer oaths. all of whioh appear. from the reoords and files in ~ oftice. that I am well aoquainted with the handwriting of said ~otar.r and verily believe that the signature to the said proof ot aoknowledgment is genuIne. , .' C IN TESTIJlOlIY 'lHEREQF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County . a in the City of Chicago, in the said County, this 4 day of Feb. ~25. u. Robert U. sweitzer, County C~rk > o cr; o () \II D.C. a: f Filed this 7th day of Feb. 1925. F. C. ELDRED. ~lerk Cirouit Court By' /~4 -.aT Lu./Pfi, f .r7~ , , 'l .--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.- . ' rdrwlv A 111ft it. L STINSON f..l&l , t Georgia. Talbot County. Know all men by these presGnt. . That E.H. Spivey and his wi~ Kate Leonard Spivey of the County and State aforesaid parties of the tirst patt are held and tirmly bound unto A.L. Stinson ot St. Luoie County, Florida, party ,of the seoond part. his heirs and assigns. in the penal sum of eighty four hundred (~8400.) dollars, for the payment ot which well and truly to be made the parties of the tlrst part hereby bind their heirs, executors and ad- ministrators . Jointly, severally and tl~ly by these presents, signed with their hands and . ., - . sealed with their seala this 11th day of June, 1923. The oondition ot the toregoing obligation is, That whereas the said partias of tm first part hath this day agreed to sell to the said party ot the seoond part a certain traot ot land with improvements thereon, situated. lying ur4 being in the C~nty of st. Luoie. State ot Florida, desoribed as tollows: BBeginnlng at a stake eight hundred and tifty tour (854) teet West ot the Southeast oorner ot the Southwest ~uarter of the Northwest quarter ot section twenty eight (28),foWD- sbip tbirty one (31) South, Range thirty nine {39} East an~ running ~orth six hundred and sixty tiTe (665 ) feet, thence Eaat tour hun4red and ten (410) feet. to the middle ot the public road. thence in a Borthwest.~rly direotion in Baid road three hundred and ninety seven (397) teet, thence Southwest six hundred and eighty six (686) teet, tbeno~ South eight hun- dred and thirty11DO) ;feet, thence &ast to',uo hua4red and sixty aix (466) .teet, to poiAlt oi beginning, saId to oontain ,thirteen and one half (13& i) aores mor, or lesaR. tor the sua ot J'or'y ~o Ilun4.red ("'200.00) 'Dollars, Baid sua to' be pai4 as tollow.: Vitt.en hundred ($1600.00) dollars, this day }mid, the reoeipt whereot 18 hereby aoknowledged, and Thirteen ha.nllnd 8D4 fUt)" (.1360.00) Dollars po,yable on or betore the 16th day ot June, 192f and !hlrteell hundred a114, tifty ($1360.00) Dollars pl.7&ble on or betoN the 16th cl~ ot June, 1926 i tor whioh deterred P8lJl8llt. the laiel party ot ,he leoond part hath glnn two proft1eso17 . .-" .' . ; ;). '"\ . ~ ,..: i '. .J. ';" . .~: ~'! ..... ..-- .~ ~... . ... :::'~;';:.5.~:~~fil{~~ . ..