HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTr PERMIT# I / (9 6 .'mac•, —O 0 a ' I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVEL®PYMN'I' SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUR-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Kd Ir / i�zd v 6'r� f0 --Ci d i r)P) (oI lnC RECEIVED MAR 0 4 2019 Ltdt t� �6tlfiiy, Ptrri�ifiiir)g have agreed to be (CAnnpa yj-yameAndividual Name) the 0, l) /1 r Sub -contractor for r— 69100-7 eMsh`7C'7 a'P09 (Type of Tra (Primary Contractor) r-"!:q reiohsC -nffine j For the project located at qo) CI ccl nd 1 r) -r 077Y, ei-L (Project Street Address or Probdty Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTR CTORSIGNATURE�Q ilifle r�r PRINT NAME 26727 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florlda, County of ' �-btxu Thhe``ff'or�egoing instrumettntt was signed before me lliills� dqy of `ram, 2&, by �f.t�-v� th-ram—.' who Is personally lurowt�z-r has produced a ns Idcutl(icntlan. guaturc oflToiary Public Prtn ,,,, , • • t. DAVI�TTi •{.,, EXPIRE$: September 22, 2p 2' � l �+ h` Bonded Thal NolalY NWO Underrrtftars Revised 11/16/2016 r -7, sm-co TRACroRs GNAT E(Quallner) tJ S. 4/oPiiir /'-) PRINT NAME V COUNTY CERTIFICATIONnNUNIBER p Stale of Florida, County of'd t (It C ) L The foregoing instrument tans signed before me thl—a day of MCV14,206, JJby d CS' i who Is personal y !mown Y or has produced a as idontifiention. STA1•IP STAMP signature ofNolnry Pnblle J� Print Name of Notary Publio .1�e v'�` Ada r v�� Notary Puhllc Stale of Florldo } F Jennlfet IDVIs ,�rF o P,ty o6minisalun FF.etiso2e "b or fro* FNplres oWIV202o RECEIVE MAR 11 2019 IIPERMIT # I ` f�� %I O /� �i/1 I ISSUE DATE I ?Ts Lucie, Cpwnty, Pprrmnit PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division I36ILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT .Card rr 4 I p v d�� � ��d�,-��, e0, Ir , have agreed to be (CfjmpanyYame/Individual Name) the Sub -contractor for IL 69OE7 CMfhlC'f d-Y7 (Type ofTra (Primary Con(ractor) For the project located at A 0,P f077fz_1 JG'fL C�OI) (Project Street Address or Pro ty Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTR CTORSIGNAI'URE�Qt tliQet• PRINT NAME 26727 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Sialc of Florida, County of 75411,du The for egoing instrument was signed before ntch t/ls� dny of 2OLk, by 1.t�yt VD—r wlto Is personally lutowt�Z-r has produced a asidcnfincntton. guature of otaq Public Prtn , , , �• DAVI0 PAOLMI ` MY COMMISSION # CG 248433 EXPIRES; SWOMbar 212022' ° B4adsd TW Notary NW U(40jwors , 00 Revised 11/1612016 SUB -CO TRACTORS GNAT E (Quallfler) rc� d - lox, PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER pp Stale of Florida, Comity of � e_ 4'a C, _ 'I'lic foregobtg instrument was signed before me titiw/a day of 106,Jby 6 d � 2i I i� who Is fs pe�'own Y or has pro du cod n as Identifienlion. 51'A�IP % �J STAMP af Slgnurc orxot.ry Public Print Namc of Notary Public �f�rNotary o�av �wor lory Puhllr, Stole of Florlde E Jennifer DRAS Nly cominlSfll°a FF.909029 3 0t `e Eaplros OZ12?12020 0 CP-.,10 the PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES �' r Building & Code Compliance ](division RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT r d Iry, l red v 6r� f Q �j d/ /-) (�-, C 0, ln6 . (CAnnp� �ame/individual Name) V o /1 C Sub -contractor for (Type of Tra FEB 2 810i8 Permitting DepAment St. Lucie County have agreed to be 14� 6nd n emshw-fi im 059 (Primary Contractor) 10014 C WffX21teJ f f For the project located at C%�Go� �J ill n�//^7 �1 �1"7YC JG' L C� (Project Street Address or Pro ty Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTTRR CTORSIGNATURE�Qi lifter PRINT NAME 26727 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of 75 —tu-u The foregoing instrumentntt was signed before me tlds� day of �, 2&1 by 6. r— ,, Who Is personally ImowtkZ0r has produced a as identification, ,ignatnrc oC otary Public Prim ",,,�, . DAVID PAOL.ETTI ,�ti,I' .. i . , s W COMMIsSION # GG 248433 �,t EXPIRES; September 2, 2022• �Sf° f , ot, Baldtsd Thtu Nolaty Pu . un4awhGM Revised 11/16/2016 SUB-C TRACTORS J11E (Qualifier) CJ PRINT NAME gvf)2- COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER p State of Florida, Comity of'- , t tw C L The foregoing instrument was signed before me tlt1 ."I'l;;�y of 6110 /Ma'14, 2010I, fby C -"(•/ � 'J" 0 1 Y) who is personal y luiown d/ or has produced it as identification. J~-L/�,✓/ STAMP I I v , 2X2 Signature orNotnry Public -C� r');&— ,[>Gt l']S Print Name of Notary Public ".JV n, ,'IV rp,< Notary Publlr, State of Florida h r Jennifer Davis f41y Camfmisslon FF.966029 6 Auas 02I2912020 STANIP J PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & :DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code'Compliance Division ,BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control Electric have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Electrical Sub -contractor far Paradise,.Hol'rtes Group (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 9629 Landings Drive, Port St Lucie (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID W) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County, will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contr ctor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE. (Qualifier) Karen Gordon PRINTNAME CGC1518913 COWTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florldn, County of<� Th foregoing Instrumen�t1 s signed b fore me tldssLi day�of 201•, by 'NQ�. r 60 fr—e " who Is personally lotmvn Zor has produced n . U 11 CTOR IGNATURE (Qualifier) It PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Floridn, County orNU; . J ! U/1 16 The foregoing Instrument %vas signed before me thk 11day of Ake u , 20j y 0?4e 4 7ill � svho'is personally known • ✓ ' ar has produced a as Identification. as Id c tiac'rtlon STANIP ' '� STAMP •Slgimture of Notary Public Si natu/r�eyof�Nottaarry P t ic. �Ir �` s FT71 ��Jl4Vf'I ,SrmoN Prinl n + issiD0 # FF 153351 Pt ini Name or Notmy Public i Esplles.September 2, 20181o1s � • � • t 906dr811uuTIDY fdnlmurerKue00395• r •;, t "r `._.. _. .. opt$" °o Notary Public Stele of Florida Kimia J Simone Revised 11/16/2016 My Commission FF 091331 '+oeao Expires0511012020 13/17/2018 PARADISE 9629 LANDINGS DR SLC SUB PERMIT.jpg PERMIT N ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT S6-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Aqua Dimensions have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for Paradise Homes Group (Type of Trade). (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 9629 Landings Drive, Port St Lucie (Project Street Address or Properly Tax 1D it) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. L;_%CTOltSIGNATUR (Qu IIRer) Karen Gordon PRINT IVA\9C CGC1518913 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florlda, County of 51-- L& Tlie foregoing htsh•umeut was slgucd%beforc me this L day of Al ,, , C +' .20 1h, by who Is personally known known m• has produced a as I ]tlReatloH. Slgnaiurc of Notary Public D AETTr Print trtt I;sIon a :.;•. _.: ommis# FF 153351 Expires BandSeptember 2, 2018 ed l u Tiny Fein lnswenoo 0003t15.7019 Revised 11/1612016 SUBCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ((QQuallner) PRINT NANIE l ! C5 � C� COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUDIBER State of rlorldn, County or ,5¢'44rel e The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this "Iday of ,� I`T , 20 /Eby 6e,7` 1, //< Aw, who Is Personally luiown 1_0 or has produced n as id t10canan. _,L— • LISA LESTER (/X„Jn� NOTARY t1pB��44tn_C STA bIP A7E 0�1 I'l7RIDA gn ure of Notary Publlc a 9 '� comn*GG127647 �l gift 11_ eSAK 1 iExpires 7/24/2021 Print Name of Nalaty Public https:Hmall.google.com/mailiu/0l#inboxII6547bO85d9ba6ce?projector=1&messagePartld=0.1 1/1