HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFING.Floridtt..Builitinig Code. 0111ih, �j " Page 1 of 4 SCANNEO St Lucie CdU* � r CEIVEDm ..� �. - , E . `BCIS.hOnia' tars to c U3rr RepiS a ,n N .g.tonl4�r f; ,4ut .EtSgNc x,a i $btm P.. acts 'PuiNtrrahnt i'� SS.ert i pClS 5 to wap - unkr tture. i plrr FEB 27 2018 Product Approval ST Lucie County, Permltting ST. LUC►E COUNTY IVISION • `"'� r "' . - , r Y ir' tr A - nwtYbROatail C sit Eia rAi<3u.;ia�;� REVIEWED FOR CO, AEVIEWE Y FL ?I` FL17022-R7 j1$ DATE tg A� Appiicatitin"'t}pa Revision PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB Code Version 20 7 Approved OR NO INSPICTION WILL BE MADE. Appircatran:'5tatu's Comments 08/is/2017v, date reapply. o0/21/17 Artlilved . Product Manufacturer• Extreme Metal Fabricators, LtUESE PLANS, AND ALL PROPOSED WORK Address/Phone/Email 21'fi0 SNf Poma Drive ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS �772 city, FL 34990 REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT 77z) a7a-t3034 flvaJlda"ontn�yahaa.tom MAY BE NECESSARY IN.ORDER TO Authorized Slgnature Richard MclCuhen AMPLY WITH 4 APPW4A§W ilva0dtitipn.�Yahao.com , Technical'Repressentative Richard Mc'Kuhen Add,essJPlwl b E mail 2160 StiY Poma Drive )�jCEAL6D FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS Palm City, FL 34990 t."xi 6emf b. ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE • richardnlremfab.neC Quality Assurance ttepresentative , . CONTRACTOR OF RECORD Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Sbbcategory. Metal Roofing Compliance Method :Evaluation, Report fvom a .Florida Registered.Archltect'or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer E_! Evaluation Report - Wardcopy g9ceived Florfda,Engineer or,Architect Narne who developed. LOCKE SOVIDEN' the EVaiu'Alon'Repojt Florida License PE-49764 Quahty:4ssurayi6d.Entity„ Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assueainc4-Contract Expiration Data 0 3/22J2024 Validated, 8V. Zachary, R. Priest, P.E. Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Wetenced.Staitdard and `fear (of StEffidard Equlvalence bf;ProductStandarrls Certified iiy: Section's from the^Cod's LI1L _L.L 4� is' 0 'k V CPI[' '' `5sr.ndf titmdaCg x.RA[ TAS 125 2063 U L"1897 2012 UL 560 .2006 M••1! 4�,I)V'Z l ttp.,I,hN.wW..flot(labuilding.org'pry/pr-app�dtl.aspl'?paratn--w�TF�+XQxvtl)gv.2a1.3QPIIPQQe... 118/20.18 6, e1, Number or,Name Descr.rptidn �44 17022i ° i1 ".5V Crimp°'xK•R+5) . 26 Gauge,steal 3J6 rib;helght 24" wide lapped roof,panel attached t415J32 plywood or LNaod Deck tultli i Imechanically fasteners .. Limits of Use !.Installation Approved for use, n HVHZ: Na instructions OZ2_ Rr � i ti V C.RI�iP s.,r xt tpprnvecd for use, outside Wke.; Yes ('Created Verifier{ By: Locke OnrrUen P E, 49704 by IndependenCThird Party'• Yes Impact; Resistant: No besign Pressurgs.+N7N-'r�ble.A 1 Evaluation Reports "s"sr.o -Other: mRefer to evaivatior repoit'orconditions:.Install the, assebly, in compilante with the Instan llatiomethod listed in j L1?t7 R+ 'kE PL L7Q22 ° 5 V CPP1P d#, Created by Independsrit:Third Party Yes, - this report and appi cable' code seLbons of TgCs Refer'to , rnanufackiirgr*.installatlon,instrucdons. g 17022 Z`: 2 "$V Crimp".CR6} 0.032 Aluminu'm, 3JB° .Rib hi3lght,-21 wide fapped,[oot petrel,; mechanJcaity attached t0 15/32 piyvrood oY Woad Dedk<ivith exposed fastenere . Limits of.;Use „_ APpraved I»s. . . . . . . . . . tallation 1n4tructi0tis Vertfled >3y LorJce i3owden, P ti L9704 Created by Independent Third Party Yes for ApprpVefor, ii ,use Zutsi&1HVHZ. Yoe, Impact Reslstaryt: No Design pressure .°tNjA/ table A Evriluatiart Reports iS 20222 5V`C M rim Other:,Rafertoevaluat9op.reportforcondltions;ins tall the tL-Ini1 R7 rt A assembly to camplfance;with the Installation^method tisted.`in this report and-$ppiloai3im cede sectlbnS;oF,FHC. Refer.to Created by,Independerititilyd.. Party "Yes: manufactver's install ._...... 17022 3 - 1 S h10ch^anitel.Seam (RS} i 5"+ib height, 16 wide; 24 gauge steel standing cam roof penei'mechanically attached tp 15/32 `}ilywocxl;or'wood • detk' avith ,clips:6nd fasteners ` Limits of Use 40-Pr6ved fnfr use in HVNZ"No Installation tnstructions Efji..022 1t7 IS �L IL92� 3 i�S Ct��AWZ APproVedformseo,utside.HVHZ:Yes beam h4s7a ssrud#" Veflfled By Locke Bowden, P E 4970+i Impact Resistant Nil Design Pressure: tN/p/•Tab1eA; Created by IndependenCThlyd Party Pas Other,` Refer. evaluation report for;condltiors and Iimitatia3i��0f usro theassemyly In camptiante,tiyith ( Evaluation Reports j i`L'762� Ri ri�F,_,1"4 X?a�z 3-?•?-f, f•IEt,NANIi;At: ,Snsta�l fire Installatian`metltadlisted; in this,report and ipOcabie' coda ser tions.of FBC,;Refer"to_manufacturer's Insptaliatlon arnm,�4ga i { Created !iy Independent ThirdParty. Yes: ' (nsiructlons: _ 1 5 rib height,,16 wido,:0 632 aluminuf»i-standing, seam roof panel mechanically;attathed,to 15J32° piytro ., or`tyaod 17022 aY 4 = "1 5 Mechanical Seam ;.RSj; Deck with clips and fasteners v ._.__ .. __ : Wmits of Use mm ._ No = In�taliahan Igstructio.ns F.I:1i07� R7 II �,-�aNANCIAI �EAr1:. Approved for.tise in HVNZ n � PProV.ed for use outsrdrs:HVHZ: Yes Resistant No AG!?lfl}Itldf Verified By Locke Bowden, P E 49704 Impact Design pressurej: +NJAJ cable A Othet+ Refer, to evaluatlon,iepart forcanditiohs,and Created by Independent Th(rd Party Evaliiatian Rejwrts Ilrrltatlons of use; install ttie;assenibl,y.to tompllance with tti701. R7r p.,P& Oir4'iLC a-irML?L+ A�Tiljlliir}Myrpelf Crested by IndependentThltd fo" Ye - the Installatlori.rnethodIlsted'InthIs,eaportand:appllcable; Installation. code sections of FBC Refer to maiiUisctunarp in3ttllCt�0715 "` -. ; •, ' 170Z2 5, S - °1 1n #lei(5trip 1 rib height; 6 wide; 26 gau&e itvel, `standing seam taof' ,(,R5) i panel mechanically ttached tri 1:SJ3? Pl ytbOd or wood deckwith ' Limits,of UY<e' .' installation Instructidnt; , I1170 ' R7 I pL 22 5 X Q FiAIL�ajsst.pfij;, Approved for use in HVH2 No Approved for use. 0titsidc H1i}iZ: as -- Verified By: ,locice Boyden, PIE., 49704 Impact Resistant tIn Created by Iridependant7i°frd Party Yes Evaluation 12epor,4 Design Pressure �N/aJ:TabieA .. '; Ofhep to etialuation;reportfortanditi6w and EL1�0 2„ - � HAS,„3i0c? S9 I AI�`�?l sC i z f ,Refer Ilmitations of nse; .In tall rile assertfbly ri comppancs;with Created by 16 ependebt Third parry Yes, l ttp ;'IWMv. flo6dabuAdihg.. or_lprlp' r_aPptt:asp�:?p,train=wGLVX(-1�'tDc1t2fiBQ. pl-IPQQe... 1/8/2018 Palm City, FL 34990 Compliant with Florida .Building Code 2017 (61' ed.) Compliant with Florida Product Approval°Rule #i} 61G20-3 Compliant: Keystone ;Certiticatioris Product: 5 V Cramp 2bGA Stee#,,Rggf Panel,FBC Sec.1501.4.2: . Yield strength: 50 ksi min., Attached to min. i5/32" plywood or Wood Deck W/ min: 0.42 specif is gravityvith screws., 24'' Coverage Rib,Height 3/8,, . Corrosion Resistant Compliant FBC Sec.1507.4.3 .. Fastener 1(Method .I Attachment):,#0,x.,1 A/2" Hex-Washer...-Head'wood screiv'� to.penetrate 3/16" ruin. thru deck or.5/8" embedment into wood plank. (*or sufficient length :to meet requirements)' Fastener 2 (method 2,3, & 4 Attachment):410 x 1-1/2"' He)( -Washer Head wood screw* to penetrate-3/16" ,ruin. thru deck ui 5*' embedment into wood plank. (*.or sufficient length to meet requirements) Underlalyme'nt: To: be compliant with. FBC Sec. Chart 1507.14 Slope: Shali be In compliance_ with FBC Sec.1507. , r F'-See.fastener attachment specifications -above Install Details: labN A Allovvable°tads ., Y; METHOD 1 :...METHt b, METHOD X , ; :.:METHOD 4, DESIGN PRESSURE' -4fi PSF - 3 5 PSF -161 PSF -228 PSF__ _. ROW SPACING_ 16" o.c. 16" o.c. _ .. 8" o.c ,. 6" o.c . FASTENER SPACING (ALONG Panel width) .12" o:c, 12" ox. 12"b. c- 12",ox. FASTENER SIZE #9 #10. , . L. .#10' . .. #10 _ Reference Data! -ARCHITECTURAL TESTING.jANC. TST ID#:152i � UL 580-06 &.1997-04'1Test Report -US893AI-450-18 05/92/14 , Test Report F3166.01-450-18 12/18/15 TAS 125-03 Test Report D05893.02-450-18 07/22/14 *EQUIVALENCY-UL 1897-04 is equivalent to test standard UL 1897-1& p *Design pressure margin of safety 2:1 Locke Bowden, P.E: does not have, notwill acquire a financial int�tr} a�� c±�#►h tm.0f(pfacturing or distributing products 414 Y �,., {w,;, .. :.• %• Jam. .. under this evaluation. Locke Bowden,'P 9 is not owned, operated, or. controlled by a0v coApaftitr bilabatures,.or distributing products under this report. � • 21 FL17022.1 ,* Crimp( . 26GA Steel), 24" 'Wide 'Re— . 5'ane'l -'Details Limitations: 1. Underlayrnent to be compliance with current Florida Building Code (FBC)'2017 611, ed. 2. Minimum slope to be compliant with ,Florida Building Code 2017 61h ed., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products are compliant for State offlorids product approval per Rule 61 G20-3. Compliance Method: 1 -D oI registered 4. Engineering analysis for "project specific approval by local authorities w/jurisdiction is allowed by other regis engineers. 5. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are outside this report 6. Support framing "in compilan . ce w/FBC,2017 611, 6d., Chaoter-22 for Steel, Chapter 213 for Wood and Chapter 16 for Structural Loading. 7. This reportidoes not imply warranty., installation, recommended product use outside of this report. ­ Fasteners - Wi'll-112"Min. or tHl)xi-117Min, perTabla'A"for Row 54CHrnp Roof Panel Spacing and DeS1911 Pressures Hex Washer Head Wood Scram Dock: 1513Tor greater PiyvxW, or Wood plank 24- low NS" Panel Profile Nominal 12" I Nominal 12" 6,c, O.C. Fasten P71 71 /2" Min. or #10 x 1-1 /2" Min.. per -Table "A" Hex WasherHead Screw Spaced 12" o.c. across the Panel Wdth Panel Refer to Table 'W'for Spacing Along Panel Overlap Length Deck- 15/32" or greater Plywood, or .-V.\bod plank