HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL SKYLIGHTBCIS.Home 1 Log.In_ I "ser-Regis - r i 'Product proval '�;� 1 _ USER:'PNb11c ser- r,',:iv2;ii;a ST. Lu FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Con ments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authonzed Signature 2 7 2018 Technical Representative• Address/Phone%Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone%Emell Category Subcategory Compliance Method Certification. Agency Validated By Referenced Standard arid Year (of'Standiird) Equivalence .of Product Standards Certified By ry v re)UNTV Ft .1' DIVISION > ApplicationDetail t.A FOR COS E • i��� ED Y FL2418-R10 I Affirmation, i S :,AD PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB 201"7 Q I\SPECTION WILL BE MADE. Validated _ THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK Maxi n;lndustrfi s, InARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS 1636 Terr e.Col on.y CREQUIRED BY FIEF INSPECTORS THAT Dallas, TX 75212-62 (214)' 905-2021 UAY BE NECE89ARY"IN ORDER TO Info@maxlmskylIght 9lp�d WITI. 4APP1 1049 90% ; David Thornton; Info @maxlmskyl Ightscom ONCFALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY Of THE CONTRACTOR OF RICOM Sky LIq its; Skylight Certification Mark or.Usting National. Accreditation & Management Institute National Accreditation & Management Institute, standard US 201 Year 1494 TAS 202• 1994 TAS 203 .1994 ,v 'I "affirm that there are. no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affecrmy•product(s) and my prodUct(s) are in compliance with the•new Florida "Building Coder Documentation from approved Evaluation or -Validation Entity' ,, Yes v No f N/A FL2418 R10 CO f4, O A tloU 71 Product Approval MethodMethod Option A Date' Submitted Date'validated 02/22/2018 02/22/2018 Model, Number or'Warne Description 2418.1 Dade Curb,Mount'skylight -Polycarbonaie Glazed Aumjnum,Skylightt UllniiS.oi"Use' Cerilfica.tiorkA enc Certificate Approved foruse'in HVHZ: Yet -FL24 8R16CggCNT009198A-R4 -ndf, Approyed for usec.outsida--HVHZ,YeS Quality'Assurance'Contract Expiration bate Unpact�Resistant: Yes 12/31/2017 :beiign Pressure: +60/°60; Installation1instructidns ,Other: +U18 R10 11 DCM1'507.pd Verified -BY: National Accreditation, & Management Institute Created by Independent Third Party:, Evaluation Reports, F1241$ P10 AE EvalUatiQn Reil)oetTBA 15-()71%OLVd Created by In dependent. Thi rd'P a rty:, Yes 2418.2' Dadd SOf Flashing Skylight PolyCarboinate'Glazed Aluminum Skylight Limits ofUse, dved'fd'r use in'HVHZ: Yes Xeirtificeition Agency Ciirtificate k2 1'8- UO C:CAC N1009198-94.nd outside Approved - , 4dr "use p' Y" QUa1itV'A4s rAnce Contract Eilpihition Dbtii U Ifnpact Rtikistant., yes; 12/3,1/2017 .Design Pressure. +60/-60' ifistallatibn-Iristructicins FL2419 RIO 11 QSF15aZpf Verified By'i Natibnil,Acrr6Ait;ition';gL'Man'a'gqm e nt Instit ute, Created by.. kqdepe 0 9 ent.,Third,Party: Evelluation Reports FL2418 RV) AE F%t6lLiation-ReaurtTBA15-C)715.OZ.pd Created. by In.depeqdent7hird -Party: Yes ED EED Contact Us Stone. Road. Tallahassee FL 32399,Ph6ne: 850=487-1624 The State,cf Florlda,Wan.,WEEOemp loyer.. ccpaight 2037-2113 Rate of;fInrida, !: Privacy Statement Acressit) lity. Statement':: Refund Statement Florida l6wj,eniail.acld�essdi are public i&ordsjf,you do hot warli your ewmal'ad6e§s released in �tesponse'to a public-rikords request, do not send elcctronlc. 3Vto this entity. Instead, contact the offi I cc -by phone or by'traditional mad. IF yowhave any questions; please contact bSGA87;1395: *Pursuant to Section Floeld�'.'Stat6tei;,,i�ffecilve'Oct'ober.'I, 20 1 , 2,'licenseeis licensed und4 Chapter 455;, F,S.,mdst'6rovide.the'Dep6rtment witli.ah'ernail address il"ItheV have a I ... nlc6iion�wlth th� 11ce sc�'k6i�evir email addresses ��e public record, if you do �hot wlsh't6 supply b personal 1� c used Ft)r,pfrj a 'commu n . e 5; please p r4wildethe Department with an emall address' which can be inade,avallable! to th ei pbbljc. to dewrnln6 if, you are a llcensee under Chapter. 455, F.S. please click, here •Pioc!66t Approial Accepts;,, ff"T SaM, .5�elj rftyx. i:�`r I MAXIM INDUSTRIES, INC. DADE CURB MOUNT SKYLIGHT 10.50" MAX. 4" MAX. FROM O.C. TYP. CORNERS TYP. T T T T T �i---------------ice 0 I I LL� w I I I I g0 I I I I I I I I I I �j-1 I I as I 1 00 W X 4 o F-- I I 1 I LL o a Z. I I � I I � � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I 1 1 1 1 1 48" MAX. O.A. FIXED D.L.O. WIDTH 5216 MAX. O.A. WIDTH ELEVATION AND ANCHOR LAYOUT I! GENERAL NOTES: 1. This Product has been designed and tested to conform to the requirements as determined in the Florida Building Code 5th Edition (2014). 2. This product is designed forwilhin and outside High Velocity Hurricane Zone. 3. The Details and specifications shown herein represent product engineered and tested for water, air, impact, cyclic and uniform static air pressure testing in conformance with TAS 201, TAS 202, TAS 203. 4. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with Sections 1609.1.2 and 1626 of the Florida Building Code 5th Edition (2014) and does not require an impact resistance covering. 5. Building structure must be designed by licensed professional engineer to carry the loads applied from this product. 6. All anchors to surrounding structure to be as listed and spaced as specified in these drawings, any substitutions shall be approved by licensed professional Engineer. 7. Skylight Material is 6063-T6 Extruded Aluminum. Skylight Inner and Outer Dome Material is Polycarbonate, NOA# 12-0605.05. 8. Substrate material: Wood, minimum specific gravity of 0.42. DESIGN PRESURE RATING (PSF) I IMPACT RATING t 60.0 LARGE MISSILE IMPACT U J O O CV O O U CO Mt` > O - .6 ChO O ai New V a Q O NtOD (0 i3 ❑ co < O Co - -a (D m O 0 � 0 Esc co V < Gl Q <n CV -O O W )-- NO 09814 %v e0' STATE OF ;1�7w T EODOREEERM ,P.E. NO.0014 07110115 DATE: 07/10/15 DWG #: DCM1507 SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET: 1 of 2