HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0457 '. ':It>" ~'7~ ..., ~. -,- -~- _._-"""'-~,.......---- .~ ._~ ~ .~-~ - ~~ ..- . -qr .,,-- ~, - -'<< [ leoond part, who, by her aooeptanoe of this inetrument ~reea to abide bf and perform said reatrlotlono, limitation8 a~~ oonditione as one of the expreas oonsid9ratlon8 of theee presents. . 1. Bo residenoe shall bo ereoted or oonstruoted of a less oost than $3,000.00 and all re8idenoes in said Maravilla shall be oonstruoted ot ooral rook, oon~rete. etuooo, oonorete bl~ok. hollow tile, brlok or mixed oonstruotion, or veneered with ooral rook or briok. or frame veneered wI th stuooo, and shall be along Spanish, Moorish. VenetIan or similar har- monious types of arohiteoture. and the atoresaid amount shall be aotually expended on oons- truction and ereotion ot suoh building and not tor fees in oonneotion therewith. 2. No buildIng shall be ooustruoted or ereote~ on any of' the lots of Maravilla u~til after the plans speoitioations and looation of the same shall have bsen approved by the party -.,,' of the til~t part, its BUcoe.sora, representatives or assigns. '3. The oonstruotion or ereotion of a buildIng is limited to one residenoe buildIng and one private garage on eaoh lot, lOOxl50 teet fronting on Sunrise Bculevard. 4. That no unlar.ful or immoral use shall be made of the premises hereby be oonveyed. nor shall the same nor any part thereof, nor any interest therein. be sold. leased or other- wise oonveyed to any person other than of the Cauoasian raoe provide4 that nothing herein oontained shall prevent the keeping nnd maintaining of servants on the said property tor reasonable tamily use. 'l ,', L io-( f ,,-f ,it; 11. ! 5. No building oommonly known as an apartment house of more than one family, nor asy- .1 lum, nor hospital shall be erected or used for suoh p"rposes on any lot or lots in Maravilla. r i l exoept that designated for ~u8iness property by party of f'irst part. 6. That if said party her heirs. personal 'representatives, or assigns, or any holder{~h~)Jos _ t , of the property hereby oonveyed, by virtue of any Judicial proceedings shall fail to comply with any of the above and toregoir~ restrictions. oor.ditions or limitations within sixty days atter written notice to the said second party her heirs. personal repres~ntatives or assigns, or any ot them. at Ft. Pl~rce. Fla. or their last known address, by the said party \l of the first part.its 9Uocesso~. personal represontatives or nssigns. or e~ther of them. then the said above desoribed and conveyed property shall immediataly revert to the said first party, its suocessors or assigns, who shall be entItled to immediately enter upon sakL property without notice. and take possession of the same with full title In fee simple. to- gether with all improvements thereon. and no waiver of any of these oonditions, limitations or restriotions, express oriimplied. or failure tor any length of time to enforce the same, shall constitute a bar to s~ch enforoem~nt at any time. 7. That the pbrty of the tirat part, its sucoessors o~ assigns. shall have the right, trom time to tiDB, to release any of the above or foregoing restriotions. conditions or limitations bf sealed instrument duly executed in acoordance with the laws of the State of Florida for the oonveyance ot ~eal estate. AND THE SAID FARTY OF TEE FIRST P~T~ tor itselt. its suocesaors and assigns. does here- by oo-~onant and 88ree '!Jith the said party of the seoond. part, her heirs and assigns. in the follOWing manner; 1. That the a~ove and toregoing restricttons, limitations mld oonditions shall be in- ol~ded in all deeds and agreements for deed in the said ),{aravilla, except in that portion set apart tor busineBs purposes. Lots 54 and 56 above mentioned are subjeot to & first mortgage dated 10/1/24 and due Oot. 1, 1938. whloh mortgage_ party of the second part as- sumes and agrees to pay to th9 extent ot '800.00. Said mortgage authori~es the release ot ani lot on the p~ment of t40o~oo ..a r - II WI~~SS ~iEREOF the 3aid party ot the tirst part has caused these presents to be sign- ed in its name by its Prosidont. and its oorporate 8~al to be attixed, attested by its .......~: ';."/~:1~.~li