HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0461 I I ~'H'~ . I..' I: If IL I I" I' ' 461. -~-._-~~~"'-....n........ - ... .... ~ -- - -~ --- __-4 ..j,>.... J__.._ ~_ _.-.,- "IT __ - - _.~... ~..;:~~ of ground. situated in the County of St. Luoie Stato of Florida known and desoribed 8s fol- lows. to-wit: B$ginning three ohains north of the southeast oorner of lot Fiv& in Seotion Twenty-eight, Township thir~l one s~th, range thirty-nine East, and runnIng w8st om thous- and and eighty-three feet, theilce north one thousand one hundred and forty feet. thenoe eas~ one thousand and. e 19hty..one .teet ,- thenoe s ~th to beginniug, oontaining tl'lsnty-e1ght aoree of land, more or lesD. said tract being bounded 'on the west by the present DixIe Highway and on the north by the river road. And the said pn'rty of the ssoond part hereby oovenants \.. and agreea to p~ to the said ~artie8 of the first part the swm of Twenty.Thousand Dollars, in the manner following ~500.00 in oash. reoeipt of whioh is hereby aoknowleiged. $2.000.00 upon delivery of deed with mero~~table abstraot of title acceptable to attornf7 of party of the second ,art. balfu,oe to be paid as follows: .2.600.00 in sIx months and $15,000.00 on or before ten years. deferred If'. yments to bear interest at the rate of eight per centum per annum payable semi-annually on the whole sum remaining from time to time unpaid; &~d to pay all taxes, assessments or impositions that may be legally levied or imposed upon said land subsequent to the year Nineteen hundred twent~our and to k~ep the buildIngs upon said pr- emises insured in some oomp~y sati'factory to the part of the first part. in a sum not less tban---------------Dollars during the term of this agreement. And in oase cf' failure of the said party of the second part to make either of the payments or any part thereof. or to perform any of the oovenants on his part hereby ~de and entered into, this con- traot shall, at the option of the parties of the first part. be forfeited and terminated, and the party ot the seoond part shall forteit all payments made by him on this contraot. and suoh payments shall be retained by the said parties of the first part in fUll satis- faotion and li~idation of all damages by them sustained, and said parties of the first part shall have tho rIght to re-enter and take pos&ession of the premises aforesaid without being liable to any aotion therefor. Farty of the second part to be allowed to plat said property into streets and lots and to release lots on prorata basis pl~s 25~ on ., r the front lots. IT IS YUTU~~LY AGREED, by and between the parties hereto. that the time of payment shall be essential part of' thIs oontract, and that all covenants and agree~ents herein contained shall exte~d to and Be oblIgatory upon the heirs. exeoutors, administrators and assigns of the respeotive parties. IN WITh~SS ~~REOF. The parties to these pres~nts have hereunto .et their har.da and seals the d~ and year ~1rst above written. Signed, sealed and delivered Alioe Iby (seal) in presenoe of H K Horton Adam Eby (seal) Laura F. Falmer (seal) , A B ~ i.tM.e'\ ST..TE OF FLORID~~,"t. Luoie County ~hos F Palmer (seal) u On thi9 day personally appeared before me. an officer authorized to take a~know- le~nts of deeds etc. liioe Eby and ~am Eby, her husband arid La~ra F Palmer and Thos. F. Falmer, her husband. to me well known. and known to "e the persons who execut ed the with- in agreement. arA aoknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein express~ ed. And the said Alice Eby and Laura F ,P&.lmer, wives of the said Adam Eby and Thos. F. Falmer; ,respootively, upon an examination taken as me separate and ap~ from their aaid husbands aoknowledged that they executed the said 88t:eelJ".en't freely and voluntarily, and 'IIi th~ apprehension or tear of or trom hhelr aaid husband. seal this 13th day of D60ember 1924. I ! I i I I I i I . J r l a~ ; ,...:.;:~~:ii~~~l.t.~~