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dred Twent~ fiTe& nO/100 Dollars ($625.CO) 1n haud. receipt wheroof 18 hereby aoknowledged, and
8ix hundred twenty-tlve & nO/100 Dollars ( $625.00) on the 30th day of January A.D. 1926. and
six hundred twenty five & nO/100 DollQrs (*625.00) on or before the 30th day of January. ~.D.
1927 ~ six hundred twenty tivo & nO/lOO (.6~5.00) on or betore January 30th. 1928. with~in-
tere8t at the rate of elght'per oent per annum, inter.:l8t pa.yable annually, upon f;he tottll
amount remaining then unpaid. until the full amount has been p.."\id.
and to llay all taxe8 and 8>>eoia1. assessments heraafter beool!llng d\.\~ and payable against said land
wld all improvements made thereon------------------
If said seoond party fail to ~ay any such taxes or speoial assess~ents before penalty or inter-
est aoor~es thereon. or when the same mayor should be paid. or it saId l~~d or a~ part thereof
be sold for non-payment of taxes or spe~ial a.ssessments. then said first parties may pay such
delinquent taxes or speoial assess~ents. or ~deem the property from any tax sale. in which
oase said seoond party shall repay the amount or amounts so expen~ed. with interest on all
so expended trom dates of expenditure at the rate of eilht per cent per annum ~til paid.
On full payment of the sums of ~oney and interest aforesaid. including all expended by the
first party on aocount of taxes and spaoial assessments and redemption from tax sales said first
parties shall oonvey said land to the said second party by deed duly aoknowledged. oontaining
a covenant that the first parties are well seizQd of said land at the date hereof. and a cove-
nant against enoumbrances. and warranti~g title as of date hereofj but deed to contain the
following provisIon. viz;
FROVID3D ~~VERT2E~SS, That these presents are made ~~bJeot.to the following express con~itions
restriotions and limi ta.tions. . ,)lying to the said il.ltadena. aooordiJl.g to the !ecol'led plat
of saId hltadena. and whIch conditions. restrictions and limitatIons are intended to be and
s~all b~ accepted as covenants running ~th t~e land and which shall be binding ali~e upon the
heirs. personal repraaentatives and ~ssigns of the party of the secorA part. who by his accept-
an?e of this instrument agrees to abide by and perform said restrictions. limitations and
conditions as one of the expross considel'ations of these presents.
1. no residence s~all be erected or constructed o~ a less cost t~an .~5,OOO and all residences
in said il.ltadena shall be constructed of coral rock. concrete. stucco. concrete block, hollow
tile. brick or mixed construotion. or veneered with coral rock or brioi., or frame veneered with
coral rock or brick, and shall be along Spanish._oorish.Venetian or similar harmonious types
of architeotUl'e and the aforesaid amount shall be act~ally expended on oonstruction and erection
of such building and not for fees in conneotion therewith.
2. No buildir~ shall be constru~t~d or erected on any of the lotz of Altadena until after
the plans. spe~ifications and looation of the same shall have been approved by the pnrt~ of the
first part, its suocessors. repre8entatives or assigns.
3. The oonstruotion or ereotion of a building is limited to one residence building and one
private garage on e6ch lot.
4. That no ~lawtul or immoral use shall be ffinde of the premises hereby agreed to be convey-
ed. nor shall the same n6r any part thercct. nor any inter~st therein. be sold. leased or other-
wise conveyed to any other yersonother than of the Caucasian race, provided that nothing herein
contained, shall prevent the keeping and maintaining cf servants on the said property for weas-
onab~e family use.
5. No asylum. nor hospital shall be ereoted or used for such purposes on any lot or lots
in Altadena.
6. That the parties ot the first pa~, their suooessors or assigns. shall have the right
~rom time to time to release any of the aooTe or foregoing re8trictions. conditions or ll~i-
tations by sealed in8trument dull exeouted. in aooordance with the laws of the State ot Florida
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