HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0499 ':Itll1 , p ~ - ~. . - .~'- --- -.-a......... - . > L......... . -- -...- 4-~ ~ - .-- .~ - -........,. "" - ..~......,..,-,_. ~ ~"'~ .........- . - --.. ~.. -.----- - ..~-~ _, ~ ,.at...&.... CHARIES - HAi1RlS !' WIn TO ).M. KNIGHT & R G FRENCH AGREE:!;N1 Io'VR. DZ:D [ ARTICLES OF ~GREZ'~XT, Uade this loth iay of uecember in the year of our Lord, one thous- and nine hundred and,wentYfour Between Charles Harris. and Helle Harris. hi~ife parties of the f'irst part. and J.K. Knight and ~.G. Frenoh parties of tho seoond part. ~IT.K~SSETlI, That if the said parties of the seoond ~art shall first make the payments and perform the oovennnts hereinafter mentioned on thoir part to be made nndperf'ormed. the said parties 6~ tha f'irst part hereby covenant and agree to oonvey and assure to the said parties of the seoond part. their heirs, exeoutors . ad~inlstrators or assigns. in fee simple. clea.r of all Inownbrance3 whatever. by a good and suffioient deed. -the lots. pieues or par- cels cf ground. sit~ated in the County of' ~t. Luoie State ~f Florida known find described a.s .., follows, to-wit: ",- . . Beginnine at the North-west corner of tho S.l!.: ~f' t!~e U.E. ~- of .)ecticn lZ, Township 33 South. Range 39 East. thence running east on the north line of tha said ;;i.... t" of th~ NE t 1325.8 feet; thence running so~th on the east line of the sait S.rt. ~ of the X.~. i 996.45 feet; thenoe runnIng west and parallel with the south line of the sa"d S.W. i of the N.E. ~ to the center line of the Dixie HIghway as now est~blished; thence runr.ine north westerly along the 6enter lIne of the Dixie nishway to the wast line of the said S.d. i of the said r Ii E ~-; thence runnine north 551.7 fe.;t to point of beginnir.g. excepting the r:g:1t-of-way of' the Flor id!::;. E~st Coast Rai lroad. andronta inir~ 47.3'1 aores, more cr 1 ass. Also that certain tract or parcel of Im:d. beglnniru; at ~oint which is 2~6 teet south 'of the north-wJst corner of the 3.8.~ of t~e N.3.~ of ~e~tior. l~. T~"uship ~3 Jouth, Range I' I: ... i l 39 Zast. and thence runl:ing west to the center iUne of the Dixie ;{ighway as noVl established. " thence runnine south-west3rly on the center lint: of t1:e Dixie Highway to t!'-.e west line (jf the said S...... ~ of the N.Z. .. . t1'!ence running north 395.7 f'eet to the point ~~begimlin&. . cobtaining o.:=:{) .acr:;;s. more ~r less. kr.d the said parties of the second part hereby covenat(tand agree to ~ar to the said parties of the first part the ~um of Eleven Thous~d Er.d ~ixty eight .Dol.ars. in t~e ~an- ner followir~ $1400 cash. the receipt whereof is hereby ac}~owledged; $1367. u~on delivery of abstract showing clear title in and to the parties of th~ first part; i2767, cn1Year after date; $2767. two years after date; $2767. three yebrs after date with interest at ----- the rate ot eight per centum p~r annum. payable semi-annually annually on the whole sum remaining from time to time unpaid; and to pay all taxes. assessments or imposItions that may be legally levied or imposed upon said lend subsell,.ent to the y~ar 1924 an1 to keep the buildings upon said premises ins~red in some company satisfactory to the parties of tr.e first part. in a sum not less than ------------~-Dollars durir~ the term of this agreement. i I I I ! I I IT .- f' . ~ r~ U~ ADd in case ot fail~re of' the said parties 0: the secord part to make either ~f' the p~ents or any part thereGf. or to perform any of' the covenants on their part hereby mets and en- tered into._thia contract shall. at the option of the part---- of the first part. be for- feited and terminated. and the parti~8 of the second part shall forfeit all pa~ents made by them on this oontract; and such ?a;yments shall be retaired by the saId parties of the first part in full satisfaction and liquidatIon of all damages by them ~~stained . and said par- ties of the first part shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of the premises aforesaid ~ithOQt beIng liable to &ny aotion therefor. IT IS UU1UAL1Y AGHEED, by and ~etween the parties hereto . that the time of paym~n~ shall ; be an essential part of this contraot. ar4 that all covenants and agre~ments herein contaired i shall extend to and be Obligatory upon the he irs. executo1's. admInistrators B:.d assIgns of the respeotive parties. - - --~-,---_..-