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ond part, ~ITh~S~KfH. that th~ said party of the f'irst part. for and in oonsideration of
the sum cf Ten Dollars and other vnl~able co~sld8r~tlon8 to it in hand paid, the receipt
whereof Is hereby aoknowledged, has granted. bargair.ed, sold, aliened. remised. released,
oonveyed and oontirmad. and ~ these presents doth e~ant. bargain. sell. alien. remise. re-
lease. oonvey. and oonfirm. unto the Stild ?arti~s of the seoond part 8nd their heirs and
assigns forever. all that certain paroel of land lying and baIng in the Count~ of :3t. Luoie
and State of Florida more ~artioularly deeoribed as follows:
Nt ~f' N'Ni ; SE~ of W~. an1 NEi of sWi- of Seotion 7. To~~shlp 31 South or Range
39 East. containing 160 aores. more or less. Exoepting. however. a 100 foot right-of'-wny
through said premises conveyed to The Fellsoere Farms Com;a~v, by J.L. Stinson and wife, on
July 5, 1910, by deed recorded in Deed Book 8, page 196. records of' St. ~ucie County Florida.
TCG::T~~~ with all the teno::)€:nta, hereditu!:lents and. appurtenanoes. ',iith evary privil-
egf;'. right, title. interest and estate. reversion. remainder l1nd ea,so;;:c:,.t t::eret70 b~longing
or in anywise appertaining; '1'0 E..;'V:-; iu\D, T0 HOLD the same in fee sir.rple fo:!"ever.
And the said party of the first part doth covenant with the said :Jartias' of the
second part that it is luwfull:r seized of the said premises; that t':e:r :.:.1'e fret: of all
inoumbrances. and that it has good right and law~l authority to sell t~e sace; and the
said 9arty cf the first part does hereby ~~lly war~ant the title to said land. and. will
defend the SUffie against the lawtul claims of all persons whomsoever.
IN nITllES5 ~-~OF. The said party of t~e first ~art ~as caus~Q these presents to
! >
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be sig~ed in its n~me by its Presi~s..t. and its corporatd seal to be affixed., at~e3ted
its 3ecretary thd day and ye~r above ~ritten.
y' ~ 2a~T::mS
Q~rfl-1.d~ .Jtll.!
BY Geo. F Vic~ers
~ttcst ~ W Vickers
Its Seoretary
Signed s:Jaled'a~d -delive~d.
in our presence
~7 R R~'all
A ilarl'ell
I ?..EREBY CERTH"'Y T:Ul.t en this 14 day of Februar.' A.D. D25, before :r.e personally
: J
appeared George E 'licli:ers ar.d E. 'H. Viokers r'::specti vely President and ;;>ecretary of Vici.:ers
Brot~ers a corporation under the laws cf the ~tate of Florida to me kno~n to be tt:e persons
desoribed in and who exeo..tedthe foregoing oonveyance to ~anieoe l~theson ar,d C. C.Bras-
well arid severally aoknowledged the exeo:.l.t ion t:lereof to be tile lr free act and deed _or- such
officers. tor the uses and pu~poses therein ocentionedj and that they affixed t~ereto the
- o~ticial seal of said oorporation. and the sai~ instru~ent is the aot ~nd desd of said
oori>o ration.
WITNESS my signaturt and offioial s;;al at Sebastian in the County. t ::it. ......lcie and if
(il(l-~-) a.
stat,e o~ Florida at Larg~
Nove~ber 11. 1925 ~
end, year last aforesaid.
- H Y Horten
Notary PublIc for the
"y co:nmlssion -expires
16th day ::Jf Feb. 192:>.
r..- $1~.rJ.e Ati"1' P. C. ZLDRZll. el....k Ciro.!O Coort
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