HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0507 507 ---~~.....~ .~ . ,. ~.......,."---.-.~.~~.-,.q,~-....+..~ _r.-.-.-e:__. __ ._.......-.. _ ~ _.........___ _~ Il ~ _.........~ - - -.-... ~~ I, ,.~[, .' 10W8. to-wi t; All of the Lots in what is known as Riverside Fark ~ddltlon at Stuart. aooording to the plat thereof whloh.has been prepared but whl~h as yet ha. not been plaoed of reoord. exoept that part of the land oovered hy said plat lying East of tt.e DIXie Highway. and exoept oertain lots. shown thereon marked "X" and also exoept lots three (3) and Four (4) of Blook "B". 'the part~' ot the seoond part agrees to devote his whole time and that of his organl- ~ation inoludiLgfifteen (15) sales~8n and four (~) 7-passenger tackard Automobiles. to- wal~ th~ suooessful sale ar.d rnarzetine of the lots set forth on th~ above plat; to pay all advertising cost and other expenses incIdent thereto.. Said party cf the seccnd part - docs hereby agree not to sell or attempt to sell or al~ow his organization to sell or attel!.;>t to sell an:: other property unt~.l tl~e entire property covered b~. t:lis s:.les agree- ment h?s been so~d. [ The said party of the second part 8.gre~s to sell said lots at the price and according to the terms set forth in a sci~edule wi: ich is heret;.nto attached and mad.e a part hel'eQf. Terms of sale to be one-f'o.~rth Ci) cash. balance ten per cent (10%) cash in ninety (90) days from "he date of sale ard ten per Cel!t (lO';) everJ ninety (:i0) days thereafter. with interest at eight (8) per cer.t. )ayable ql:.arterly. "or which service the said part=, ot the second part is to re..ceive a commIssion of twer:ty-five per cent (25~) of the gross sellir~ prIce. payable as tollows; saId p~rty of the second part Is to receive one-~alf (tJ pf the oash payment made on saId contraot and one-half (t) of each cash installment pai~ on said contract thereafter until the total oon~ission of twenty-tive ~er cent (25%J of the selling price has be~n paid.' I, The contracts with the purChasers. together with t~e cash pay~ents thereon are to be turned over to the said ~arty ctt~c f'irst part properly ey.ec~ted or to the d~ly authorized agent or the said party ~f the first part, ar.d for the time being the Dank of stuart, Stuart Bank & Tr~st Go Conversion of' at Stuart, Florida, is designated by the -party or the first part as t~e depositorJ for the said contracts arA the s~id pa~~er.ts. / Ti~ is of the essenoe of this contract and the said party of the second part agrees to s~ll....ll - of the lots included in t:~e subdivision above described. at the prices sti- pulated by the party of the first pal~ within a period of' nInety (90) days from the 19th day or January. fi.D. 1925. or continue said sale. .at the option of said party of the first part, until all lots have been sold. U-pon muL.al agree:nent lots in 8&i:1 subdivision are to be sold maybe advanced at any time during the life of' t:lis agreement, and in t!-ie event that ~aid prices are advanced, the p~rty of ta~ first part docs hereby agree to pay to the said party of th'e second p;.rt thirty-thrde and one-third (.;,~/.,~) per ce!~t of t[~e ad- [ t vanoed prices. ~ayment to be ta,.;en out or t:le oash paid in on the contract at the s~me rate as the above,oommission, u~til said thirty-three &.d ene-third l';'~/~ ~J p~r cent has been pAid. ~ breaoh of this agreement or failure to pe~f'crm ar~' duti~s promptly. as hereinbefore set torth by the said party of the seoond par~~ sh~ll be oause for cancellation of this agre~mcnt and termination or sales agency hereby oreated, upcn-----day notice in writing of the te.'ruination by the said )arty of the first part. h. Powell SC1fard 71 L Greer l' B iJ. ~ ~ ... ~ Q. .1 R Be Inap W J Moore Filed and recordeu this 16th day of Feb. 1825. ~~~~;i~~~15~ ~i~'.d-A"".t~.\.,,~~.,l.,."f< i.....~.'~ ",,,.~g.~",,. ~: :~.~~,?~:::~~~:+~{~~ .;~.~~t':~:~:.J~i~~~'"? fH'~t;. -;-;