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L Planning & Develi Building & Code Rc -2300 Virgi Fort Plerce, 772-462-2172 Fa CERTIFICATE OF TI CONSTRUCTION PERMIT #: 13' ��'�� JOB BUILDERJCONTRACTOR: Go' PEST -CONTROL CONTRACTOR: PEST CONTROL LICENS9 #: U - - le Caunw ament services =RECEIVEDiulation Division la Ave 'L34982 772-462-6443 ,MITE TREATMENT )IL TREATMENT We, the updersignedi hereby certify that we have pretree subterranean termites in accordance Wththe standards c Square feet if area treated: �'� Cherr Percentage of solution: _ _ Total 0J Date of Treatment: �! /r Time Footing 1�Treatment Re -Treat Driveway 1�t Treatment _aRe-Treat Other 1" Treatment its -Treat '-V& ��' i� G��/f%uac da. ©SC =C yr L A the above described construction for the National Pest Control Assodatlon, als used: • Dt%'�{Oi� 2� all+ons used: �O F Treatment: Of ist Treatment Re -Treat sr Treatment ;e-Trat /Y /7 Date Note: There must bea completed form for each required treatment or re -treatment and tMs form mustbe on the job site to be picked up by the Inspector at time of each ImpedYon or', the scheduled inspection w1/1 fall and a re-Jnspection fee charged FBCi." LG Certlhcate of Prmtecdve Treatment for preventlon c shall be provided to receive d #kate Treatment Certificates as i providing a copy for the person the permit Is Issued to and anob Certificate shall provide the product used, IdenW of the..appHca treated, chemical used, percent conceMrat/on and number ofga protective treahmerht: 1f the sod chemical barrier method for ter, be completed prior to final bullding approval. St Lucie County requires for the final Inspection for the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatmi Revised 7124/2014 vmltes A wea6her reslstan040e posting board h required protective treatment Is completed, copy for the bulld/hg permit files 7ihe 7Yeatment time and date of the treatment, site location, area is used, to estabft a verlflable record of e prevention is used, final exterlor beatmentshall a Permanent sticker to be placed on and dates of applications. .