HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEY 6-20-18LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SURVEYORS NOTES: Lot 8&9 in Block 63 of 1. Unless other*ise noted only plotted easements INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT are sho*n hereon. EIGHT 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were j�occording to the plot thereof located unless otherlyise shown. as recorded in Plat Book 10 3. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Map pages 73 of the Zone X Map# 12ilICO28IJ Dated 2/16/12. Public Records of St. Lucie I 4. Flood Zone sho*n hereon is an Interpretation County, Florida. by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. ABBREVIATIONS The flood zone should be verified by o (•)=Not verified by field measurement determination agency. 5. Bearings hereon are based on the Center g=Value as plotted & field measured line of Birch Drive as being Birch $A4 F.F.E.=Finishgd Floor Elevation SET = Set 5/8 frog r11�gbar l�yith I according to the Plat described hereon. ed hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities Drainot yelloW cap marked PSM 5543" and MS=Value as measured in field Easement. OH- OH--0H- Over Head Wires I 7. All Lot dimensions sho*n are per plat unless X—X—X-= Chpin Link Fence noh Ire I otherwise sho*n. ND FD=F""qand 5/8 Iron Rebor�N'AU R.O.►y. = Right of Way f ^�.-0 v= y�ood Fence L Q= FPL Transformer Pad PL=Value as plotted R = Radius of curve L - Length of curve . I �= Delta of Curve a = Site Benchmark aIG EAS. = (,Measured F.=Square Foot FD, CONC. = Concrete F — — C.P.= Conc{Rto Pad 83= Water Meter �= PoWer Pole = Bell South ®= Wet I � 0 1 I � I O O O to CD > zg N 073 mCD 3 W o s O O 0 O I � NAIL 5710 Birch Drive LOT 7 BLOCK 63 S 90100'00" W 25.00' N M 33.08' 63.62' CONC, DI6pE AMSi o nl 32.88' SCALE: 1"=30' Atlantic Land Designs 01 the Treasure Coast DATE:12-20-12 754 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34967 DRAWN: MC\JC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 3495 2 012-0831 (772) 398-4290 ALD5543®gmo i l . coin DATE: REVISIONS I STORI FRAME 8 LOT 8 BLOCK 63 F.FE a 11.62 •r 12.00 p O � � O CD 30 51.76' M eW' O O O P M M O LOT 9 BLOCK 63 " V) FD. N90'00'00"W -� 125.00' M t0 U CD m N 0 LOT 10 BLOCK 63 I LAST FIELD DATE:6 19 18 BOUNDARY S U R V E Y Certified to: Krystina BoWmon I hereby certify that the survey sho*n hereon 1s true and correct and Is based on actual rreaseurements token in the field. This survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 Florida administrative code, li C& GEgtIFICgTs No 73/3 Dlgltaay signed byJames A.Ceslro James A. {'. DNun�ames0.Cesirolr. r �AdantIc land Design, ou, �' SrA7E OF ¢ Cesiro Jr. Mt. M�d0619®1939�7-04'0' FCORI91 V y00. NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8&9 in Block 63 of JNDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT according to the plot thereof as recorded in Plot Book 10 pages 73 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. ABBREVIATIONS: (.)=Not verified by field measurement 9=Value as platted & field measured F.F.E.=Finishgd Floor Elevation SET = Set 5/8 iron r bar f�yrith yello* cap marked 'PSO 5543' MS -Value as measured in field OH--0H--0H-= Over Head Wires X—X—X-. Ch9in Link Fence S annah ree FD=F and 5/8 Iron Rebar FOU D R.O.} = Right of Way 0-0-0-= }food Fence NAIL Q= FPL Transformer Pad PL=VaIue•as platted R = Radius of curve v L = Length of curve L\= Delta of Curve Site Benchmark ele T. = Measured =Square Foot CONC. = Concrete H — — C.P.= Concrete Pad B3= Water Meter �= PoWer Pole = Bell South ®=Wei I o I � I O � O � to cCD�l FD 013 m 3 W d I d a CD O O O I N SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless other*ise noted _` platted easements are sho*n hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless otherwise shown. 3. This site lies *ithin Flood Insurance Rate Map Zone X Map# 12111CO281J Dated 2/16/12. 4. Flood Zone shotgn hereon ision interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified byAu determination agency. " "? 5. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Cente9f line of Birch Drive as being N00'0O'00'E according to the Plat described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 7. All Lot dimensions sho*n are per plot unless otherwise sho*n. LOT 7 BLOCK 63 S 90'00'00" W aim oN L425.00' 33.08' 0 63.62' C( u� 2t130 SS a r U I STORY FRAME 8 LOT 8 BLOCK 63 m F.F.E . 11.62 g 00 12A0 O N O O of $ 2 rR 32.10 — 51.76' - M M W O O O Fn O cfl M M O O LOT 9 BLOCK 63 " N m C" N H O I FD. NABCD T N90'00'00" W o 125.00' LOT 10 BLOCK 63 LAST FIELD DATE:6 19 18 B O U N D A R Y SURVEY Cer t i f i ed t o: Krvstina Boman 5710 Birch Drive SCALE:1 "=30 ' A t I a n t i c Land Designs I hereby certify that the survey sho*n hereon is true and correct and is based on actual measeurements token In the field. This DATE:1 2-20-12 of the Treasure Coast survey meets the Vinimun Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 1I 764 NE Jensen Beech Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Florida administrative code. t M yes, DRAWN: MC\JC Mailing Address: `�RTIFtC P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 3495 Na5743 772 398-4290 ALD554 il.com 2o�2-os3 c ) "'° James A• DlgltallysignedbyJ- A.Ceslro DATE: REVISIONS g;ON: m=Jam A.C.I,.Jr, f b5AA nmCLand Design, ou, PN STATE OF y 5 15 18 update serve Ces i ro Jr. ~'Date! 20 806.19 3.331:57-" 0' o F r a 6 19 18 FOR BOARD SURVEY �oN1a F NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL