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Florida Building Code Online , , Page 1 of L Business & Professional Regulation St LUCle C010Y BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats & Facts I Publications I FBC Staff I BCIS Site Map I Links I Search Florida � Product Approval cetgty� I USER: Public User I E f'Ce'..croFxuSm Product Aooroval Menu > Product or Application march > Aoolicatlon List > Application Detail FL # F�6527-118 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category i Subcategory Compliance Method I I Evaluation Entity Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code U Weyerhaeuser PO.Box 9777 Federal Way, WA 98063 (253) 924-6476 Robert. Baldwin@weyerhaeuser.com Jim Anderson Jim.anderson2@weyerhaeuser.com Jim Anderson PO Box 9777 Mail Stop WTC 1K5 Federal Way, WA 98063 (253)924-4084 jim.anderson2@weyerhaeuser.com Bill Brady 100 TJM Drive Buckhannon, WV 26201 (304) 473-5415 Bill. Brady@weyerhaeuser.com Structural Components Engineered Lumber Evaluation Report from a Product Evaluation Entity ICC Evaluation Service, LLC ICC Evaluation Service 03/31/2019 James A. Rothman, P.E. © Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL6527 R8 COI Certificate of Indeoendence.odf Standard Year ASTM D 5456 2013 ASTM D 7672 2012 Y,•.e ,� �. .IVa. ��11} ..r h //floridabuildin .or r/ r_a dtl.as x? aram=wGEVX wtD vMU8cGFlvesl5n B... 3/22/2018 ttp: g �P P PP_ P P Q q Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved summary of Products Method 1 Option C 06/20/2017 06/22/2017 07/03/2017 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 6527.1 Microllam LVL Laminated Veneer Lumber Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No I Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: Installation Instructions FL6527 R8 II TI-9001.1)df Verified By: Glyn Boone Florida #43580 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL6527 R8 AE ESR11387.Ddf 6527.2 Parallam PSL Parallel Strand Lumber Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: Installation Instructions FL6527 R8 II Ti-9001.Ddf Verified By: Glyn Boone Florida #43580 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL6527 R8 AE ESR-1387.odf 6527.3 TimberStrand LSL Laminated Strand Lumber Limits of Use I Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: Installation Instructions FL6527 R8 II TJ-9001.Ddf Verified By: Glyn Boone Florida #43580 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL6527 R8 AE ESR-1387.Ddf 6527.4 rTJim Board Structural Composite Lumber or Oriented Strand board Rim Board Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A i Design Pressure: N/A ; Other: Installation Instructions FL6527 R8 II T]-9001.Ddf Verified By: Glyn Boone Florida #43580 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL6527 R8 AE ESR-1387.Ddf 6527.5 Weyerhaeuser Rim Board Oriented Strand Board Rim Board Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Installation Instructions FL6527 R8 II EE-9001-.Ddf Verified By: Glyn R Boone 43580 Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: N/A Other: Evaluation Reports FL6527 R8 AE E5R-1387.Ddf Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. •Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emaiis provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick her Product Approval Accepts: ®®® Credit Card Safe http://floridabuilding-org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspk?param=wGEVXQwtDgvMU8cGF lvesl5mB... 3/22/2018 Weyerhaeuser 1.888.453.8358 1 woodbywy.com INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR FLOOR AND ROOF FRAMING tit 41 WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: DO NOT walk on joists DO NOT walk on joists DO NOT stack building until braced. INJURY that are lying flat. materials on unsheathed MAY RESULT. joists. Stack only over beams or walls. WARNING: JOISTS ARE UNSTABLE UNTIL BRACED LATERALLY BRACING INCLUDES: Blocking, Hangers, Rim Board, Sheathing, Rim Joist, Strut Lines Lack of proper bracing during construction can result in serious accidents. Observe the following guidelines: 1. Properly install all blocking, hangers, rim boards, and rim joists at TJI® joist end supports. 2. Establish a permanent deck (sheathing), fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay or braced end wall. 3. Safety bracing of IA (minimum) must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area and to each joist. 4. Sheathing must be completely attached to each TJI® joist before additional loads can be placed on the system. 5. Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges. 6. The flanges must remain straight within V/i' from true alignment. This guide is intended for the products shown in dry -use conditions. La Skurh Avant Tout AVERTISSEMENT Lire Attentivement • Les solives non contreventees lat6ralement sont instables. Voir le guide d'installation avant la pose des solives TJI®. • Ne pas circuler sur les solives TJI® avant qu'elles no soient ad6quatement contreventdes. Risque de blessure. • Ne pas empil6es des mat6riaux sur des solives avant d'avoir install6 les sous- plancher. Les entreposertemporairement au-dessus des poutres et murs. La Seguridad Ante Todo ADVERTENCIA Por Favor Lea Cuidadosamente • Las viguetas son inestables hasta que sean reforzadas lateralmente. Vea la guia de instalaciones antes de instalar [as viguetas TJI®. • No camine sobre [as viguetas hasta que sean apuntaladas. • No ponga materiales de construcci6n sabre las viguetas TJI® antes de instalar el triplay. Ponga materials unicamente sobre vigas o muros. 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Headers and Beams 2 x diameter of the largest hole (minimum) 1/3 GENERAL NOTES ■ Allowed hole zone suitable for headers and ■ Round holes only. beams with uniform and/or concentrated ■ No holes in headers or beams in plank loads anywhere along the member. .orientation. Other Trus Joist® Headers and Beams . 1.3E Microllam® LVL and 2 x diameter of TimberStrand® LSL Parallam® PSL hole the largest hole 1/3 depth hole zone , zone ri(minimum) ; A/ d o" 'fuxv"'.. o �., z� k t r 4 Lek �z�$" $ t ; q•5e A'- q bpi tSr rtrl�/ 5S i ZIZ Microllam® LVL and Parallam® PSL allowed hole zone middle 1/3 span h d 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL allowed hole zone d GENERAL NOTES ■ Allowed hole zone suitable for headers and beams with uniform loads only. ■ No holes in cantilevers. ■ Round holes only. ■ No holes in headers or beams in plank orientation. TimberStrand® LSL Wall Studs we zone 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Header or Beam Depth Maximum Round Hole Size 9'/4"— Y? 3" 11 %' —11 W 35/8" 14' —16" 45/8" ■ See illustration for allowed hole zone. DO NOT cut, notch, or drill holes in headers or beams except as indicated in the illustrations tables. and Other Trus Joist® Beams Header or Beam Depth Maximum Round Hole Size 43/e' 1" 5h" 1%" 7%4''-20" 2" ■ See illustration for allowed hole zone. One notch may be cut anywhere except the middle % of the length of the stud or column. Holes may be drilled anywhere along the length of the stud or column but must be at least %" from the edge. x ; 5/8" minimum edge distance Maximum notch: Maximum diameter: 1 /s for 3 /2 £ 7 . 7/8" for 3%z" thick walls 3 �� 1 " 13/a" for 5%z"—1 lz/a" i thick walls (11/a" in Canada); a thick walls DO NOT cut a notch 23/16" for 5%"-117/a" thick walls `. and a hole in the (113/s" in Canada) same cross section. Bearing length is extremely critical and must be considered for each application. See Minimum Bearing Length table below for minimum end and intermediate bearing lengths, and your Javelin® framing plan, if applicable. Parallam® PSL or TimberStrand@ LSL column Parallam® PSL or TimberStrand® LSL column with column cap Protect untreated 10 Optional wood from non -shrink direct contact grout with concrete When fasteners are required on both sides, stagger fasteners on the second side so they fall halfway between fasteners on the first side. ItMultiple pieces can be nailed or bolted together, up to a maximum width of 7" Intermediate ' support Rim board blocking for lateral support Strap per code if top plate is not continuous over column Cut only round holes and only in the center of beam (see Allowable Holes, page 2) � aQs�essaa ��` A lea aaa`e`alo��a�be sae cods / �I Strap per code if top plate is not continuous over header Top mount hanger Face mount hanger MULTIPLE -MEMBER CONNECTIONS FOR TOP -LOADED BEAMS Load must be applied evenly across entire beam width. otherwise, use connections for side -loaded beams. Piece Width # of Plies . Fastener Type(') Min. Length # Rows O.C. Spacing Location 2 10d nails •3" 3(2) 12, One side 12d-16d nails 3'/a" 2(2) Screws 33/a" or 3h" 2 24" 1V41' 3 10d nails 3" 3(2) 12" Both sides 12d-16d nails 3�/a" 2(2) Screws 33/8" or 3h" 2 24„ Both sides 511 One side 10d nails(3) 3" T2 12" One side (per ply) 12d-16d nails(3) 3'/a" 2(2i 4 Screws 5" or 6" 2 24„ Both sides 63/a" One side 3h" 2 Screws 5" or 6" 2 24„ Both sides 6Y,„ One side V/2" bolts 8" 2 24" — MULTIPLE -MEMBER CONNECTIONS FOR (1)10d nails are 0.128" diameter;l2d-16d nails are 0.148"-0.162" diameter; screws are SIDE -LOADED BEAMS SDS, SOW, USP WS, or TrussLOK-EWP. ■ Additional nailing or bolting may be required (2) An additional row of nails is required with depths of 14" or greater. with side -loaded multiple -member beams. (3) When connecting 4-ply members, nail each ply to the other and offset nail rows by 2" Refer to current product literature. from rows in the ply below. Beam and header details ® bearing at wood wall ® bearing for door or window header ® beam to beam connection DETAIL SCHEDULE 1 bearing at concrete wall ® bearing at wood or steel column connection of multiple pieces Minimum Bearing Length for Beams and Headers Column details beam on column cap column base elevated column base Beam Depth Bearing ; Span of Header or Beam 4 6 B 1,0112 16 20 24 28 5%s" End/Int. 2'/VAY2z" 1'/z"Mi" 1'/z"/3�/z" 1Y2"/3'h" lh"/3'/z" 7%" End/Int. 3'/z'/6Y4" 2'/z"/5'/z" 1%"/4'/a" P/z"/3%3" 1%z"/3'/z" 1V/z'/3'/2" 85/a" End/Int. 3'/a"/8" 2%"/5'/z" 1%"/4" 1'/z"IN" lk"/3'/z" 1'/z"/3%" 1%"/3'/z' 1%"/3%z" 9%1', 9Y21' End/Int. 3%11/8%" 3"%N" M"/674" 13/4"/4W Nk"I %" P/z"/3'/z" 1'/z"/31/z" 11A", 11Y? End/Int. 4"/91/" 23/a"/7Y4" 2Y4"/5%" 1%"AN" 1'/z"/N" 14" End/int. 4"/9%" 3"/8" 2V2"/6'/z' 2%"/5%" 16" End/Int.. 4"/10" 3V"/81rz" 2%"/7'/a" 18" End/Int. 4'/<"/10%z' 3%"/9" 20" End/Int. 44"/11" ■ Minimum bearing length: 1%2" at ends, 3V2" at intermediate supports. ■ Bearing across full beam width is required. ■ Bearing lengths shown are based on bearing stress for TimberStrand® LSL, Microllam® LVL, or Parallam® PSL. If the support member's allowable bearing. stress is lower (e.g., when bearing on a flat wood plate), bearing lengths may need to be increased: ■ Table assumes maximum allowable uniform load. For other conditions, contact your Weyerhaeuser representative. ■ Beams and headers require lateral support at bearing points and along the top (or compression edge) at 24" on -center or closer. ■ IYV-thick members that are 16" or deeper must be used in multiple -ply units only. Beam Attachment at Bearing 11/V TIG Rim Rnwd nr 111P TimherStrand® LSL - Drive nails at an angle ti minimize splitting of pla. DO NOT overhang seat cuts on beams beyond inside face of support member One 10d (0.128" x 3") nail each side of member at bearing, ' 1'/2" minimum from end w A 10 24 OUR GUARANTEE LIM I! RA ® E i WARRANTY PRODUCT FI- rrare�urrre�na,wrrrterei�aec+�aacwarns�k+�n3+xl�a j ' ��Lt7�d'.�kM�'v3mR��3�idaiii!'".Cfb1C1f5t�Tlill.LfSi9.{r+09U�0�t.`thF10.�GT1I �Y4s�daj7irK.�Ca�seNtc�e�v35at�r�t�pMs$�,ahrvav'iw, i ae�arvr ese!� +as�.�.r r*4'■rer.�e+e, a tyudnC.r� Mafi'�.�:�t,�A� i hSt:�Sw?v+t✓x.+�rsib'fis�F.i�m�aicnmat�u+l,��rfi1V^nC+"a�t�S. � � �'S>wccuo�a+s'co!>�aNir:�!.w'srrt�ctat►,sra+�.•,r.�x.'cM►'ns-.s�ii. i d t PRODUCTSTORAGE Store and handle foists in vertical orientation. ® o©® Protect products from sun and water. CAUTION. Wrap is slippery when wet or icy. Align stickers (W or larger) directly over support blocks. Use support blocks (M or larger) at 10' on -centre to keep products out of mud and water. July 2016 • Reorder TJ-9001 This document supersedes all previous versions. If this is more than one year old, contact your dealer or Weyerhaeuser rep. i i 28 8831, 96 40 1111111111111 4 Z 0 For conditions not shown in this guide, or other assistance, contactyour Weyeraheuser representative or call 1-888-453-8358 CODE EVALUATIONS, See I TJI® Joists ■ICC ES ESR-1153 ■CCMC 13132-R TimberStrand® LSL ■ ICC ES ESR-1387 ■ CCMC 12627-R i Parallam® PSL ■ ICC ES ESR-1387 ■ CCMC 11161-R Microllam® LVL ■ ICC ES ESR-1387 ■ CCMC 08675-R j TJ® Rim Board ■ ICC ES ESR-1387 ■ CCRR 0222C i WARNING. Drilling, sawing, sanding ormachining wood products generates wood dust. The paint and/or coatings on this product may contain titanium dioxide. Wood dust and titanium dioxide are, substances known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information on Proposition 65, visit wycomfinform. ❑ 'F ❑ =a N ♦9 •L 13 Have a damaged joist or beam? File a damage report online for prompt service from your regional technical office. Scan the QR code with your smartphone or go to woodbywycom/support n �� ► • �'�/ FORES RBLE INITIATIVE A Weyerhaeuser Certified Sourcing I 9iL0101 woodbywy.com A, Weyerhaeu Ier, Javelin, Microllam, Parallam, TimberStrand, TJ, TJI, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks and Edge Gold is a trademark of Weyerhaeuser NR. © 2016 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. TECHNICAL RESOURCE SHEET This Technical Resource Sheet Is a supplement to the Trus Jols& Beams, Headers and Columns Specifiers Guide, TJ-9000. Please refer to TJ-9000 for additional design, construction, and product handling Information for Microllam® LVL beams and headers. Trus Joist® 2.0E Microllam® LVL Weyerhaeuser is pleased to announce the availability of 2.0E Microllam® LVL. During the design process, many factors are considered when determining the size of a beam. Modulus of elasticity —commonly referred to as beam stiffness —plays a very important role when it comes to achieving maximum member span and an efficient, cost-effective design. Market Availability 2.0E grade Mlcrollam® LVL will soon be available in all U.S. markets. Consult with your local Weyerhaeuser representative for timing. Available Sizes Widths: 13/4" Depths: 51/2", 71/4", 91/4", 91/2", 111/4", 117/s",14", 16", 18", 20", 22" and 24". Lengths: up to 60' Please call your local Weyerhaeuser representative for specific size and length availability in your area. For additional specification and design information on Microllam® LVL, refer to the Trus Joist® Beams, Headers, and Columns Speciller's Guide, TJ-9000. Code Evaluation: ICC ES ESR-1387 FORTED ra s"Il _ b' 11.1. ....., Select 2.0E Mlcrollam® LVL In Forte® Software Design and size our newest grade of Microllam® LVL easily in Forte® software.. Simply go to the Materials Manager tab; check the box for 2.0E MicrollamG LVL — and start designing! Design Stresses(-') for 2.0E Microllam® LVL (Beam Orientation(2),100% Load Duration) Shear modulus of elasticity G = 125,000 psi Modulus of elasticity E = 2.0 x 106 psi Adjusted modulus of elasticity(3) Emi" = 1,016,535 psi , Flexural stress(4) Fb = 2,600 psi Tension stress(5) Ft = 1,555 psi Compression perpendicular to grain(6) 17"1 = 750 psi Compression parallel to grain F"„ = 2,510 psi Horizontal shear parallel to grain Fv = 285 psi (1) Unless otherwise noted, adjustment to the design stresses for duration of load are permitted in accordanceiwith the applicable code (2) For lateral connection design, use an equivalent specific gravity of 0.50 (3) Reference modulus of elasticity for beam stability and column stability calculations, per NDS® 2005 12 0.135 (4) For 12" depth. For other depths, multiply Fb by d (5) F, has been adjusted to reflect the volume effects for most standard applications (6) Fcl must not be increased for duration of load �rwaJid�l:t:iur`,>;Jrr� to w {om mpmrrrr.,u�r� uidtwr 'fluhr.A Ert�ta."wxn .ra. r12Jif{J t'f'1><1stia�o�OL r➢. C�rJt� Cr1iY.. VY'Y.l�s.�{14 ry1.' QI{Nnwu.ca�.mM -Jar we r�lir�rrluRra�il>• R9 �1\{M.ifJlfruasalar low .tawtr I I I November 2013 • Reorder TJ-6005 This document supersedes all previous versions. If this is more I Weyerhaeuser, Microllam, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks of than one year old, contact your dealer or Weyerhaeuser rep. Weyerhaeuser NR. © 2013 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved. � I llr~�7ATw " Weyerhaeuser TECHNICAL BULLETIN TB-500 Ii April 2016 (Expires 4/2018) 20", 22" and 24" Deep Depth Beam Design Guide for 2.0E Microllam@ LVL and 2.2E Parallam® PSL i Microllam® LVL and Parallam® PSL beams manufactured by Weyerhaeuser® are a cost-effective solution for supporting the loads and spans common in residential structures. Today's homes present demanding structural requirements including supporting longer spans, heavier loads, and the more stringent deflection criteria required for br[ck veneer applications. Often, deep beam depths are required. 20", 22" and 24" deep Microllam® LVL and Parallame PSL beams provide the exceptional strength and stiffness that meet these demands. 2.2E Parallam® PSL can be sized using the Weyerhaeuser® 2.2E Parallam® PSL Deep Beam Specifier's Guide (TJ 7001). I ForteT°° Software Design Settings Sizing 20", 22" and 24" deep beams in ForteTM couldn't be easier. Once you've entered span, support and load information simply click on the "Products" tab; choose 2.0E Microllame LVL!or 2.2E Parallam® PSL under) "Product" list. The available depths for these two products include 20", 22" and 24". I Bracing Considerations Deep beams require special installation attention. In particular, lateral stability must be provided to ensure full design capacity. Lateral bracing is essential to prevent buckling of a beam. Buckling is the tendency for a beam to rotate out -of - plane as it is loaded. Bracing must adequately support the compression edge of the beam to prevent this rotation. See page 3. Allowable Design Stresses (100% Load Duration) I Design Stress (psi) Grade 2.0E LVL 2.2E PSL Modulus of Elasticity, E .2.0 x 106 2.2 x 106 Flexural Stressill, Fe 2,600 2,900 Compression Parallel to Grain,; FGi 2,510 2,900 Compression Perpendicular to Graini2l, Fri , 750 625 Horizontal Shear, Fy 285' 290 (1) For 12" depth. For other depths, multiply Fb by the appropriate factor as follows: - For MicrollamO LVL, multiply by [12/d]0.136 - For Parallam° PSL, multiply by [12/d]0.1l (2) Fri shall not be increased for duration of load. Page 1 of 3 000 Weyerhaeuser TB-500 Maximum Uniform Load Anplled to Either Outside Member (PLF) TECHNICAL BULLETIN April 2016 (Expires 4/2018) Assembly A. Assembly B Assembly E Assembly F 2' r � Eq.; " 2 , T M 2n e( a I 1. T t� ! ,x Eq. Connector Pattern 1 Eq Eq. 2" 2" ; 2'i �i i Connector Type Number Connector 31/2" 2-Piy 51/4" 3-Ply 71' 2-Ply 7" 4-Ply of Row_ s On -Center Spacing - 10d (0.128" x 3")I1l 3 12". 555 415 nail 4 12" 740 555 24" 760 570 1,29.0 505 1/2" A307 Through 3 12" 1,520 1,140 2,580 1,015 Bolt(2) 24" 1,015. 760 1,720 675 4 12" 2,030 1,520 3,435 1,355 24" 1,020 765 1/4" ' 3 12" 2,040 1,530 SDS x 3Y2 24". 1,360 1,020 4 12" 2,720 2,040 3 24" ; 2,040 832 1/a' 12" i 4,080 1,670 SDS x 6" 24" 2,720 1,110 4 12" 5,480 2,225 24" 730 545 3 12" 1,460 1,095 USP WS35 24" 970 730 4 12" 1,945 1,460 24" 1,460 485 3 12" ! 2,915 970 USP WS6 24" - 11945. 650 4 12" 3,890 1,295 24" 870 3 12" 1,740 33/e" TrussLOK 24" 1,160 4 12" 2,320 I 3 24" 675 12" 1,350 5" TrussLOK 4 .24" 900 12" 1,800 24" 930 620 3 12" I 1,860 1,240 63/4" TrussLOK 24" 1,240 825' 4 12" 2,480 1,655 (1) Nailed connection values may be doubled for 6" on-center'or tripled for 4" on -center spacing. (2) Washers required. Bolt holes to be 9/,6" maximum. Page 2 of 3 0 �= Weyerhaeuser TB-500 General Notes ■ Connections are based on NDS® or manufacturers' code report. ■ Use specific gravity of 0.5 when designing lateral connections. ■ Values listed are for 100% stress level. Increase 15% for snow -loaded roof conditions or 25% for non -snow roof conditions, where code allows. ■ Minimum end distance for bolts and screws is 6". Sheathing to provide lateral stability - fasten directly to top of beam per floor framing schedule Bearing wall above TECHNICAL BULLETIN I i ■ Bo/d/ta/iccells indicate Connec installed on both sides. Stagge side of beam by Y2 the required ■ 71'wide beams should be side4 applied to both sides of the mei rotation). ■ Beams wider than 7" require s design professional. I I TJI® joists parallel to beam Column / Fasten multi -ply beam per table on MicrollanOLAor page 2 Parallamo PSL Beam Detall 1: Fully Braced Flush Beam I I Sheathed framing above —� to provide lateral stability to top of beam. April 2016 (Expires 4/2018) or Pattern must be fasteners on opposite ;onnector Spacing. aded only when loads are Ibers (to minimize consideration by the Fasten multi -ply beam per table on page 2 One nail 10d (0.113" x 2.5") I each side of joist or Main structural h der blocking. Blocking is required if joist framing is Fasten plate to beam below parallel to beam. Framing Low header with 10d (0.131" x3") nails at 24" o.c. or less. .I @ 8" o.c.istaggered Continuous king studs should Continuous king stud be nailed into end of beam using: i • Eight 10d (0.131" x 311) nails for beams > 18" deep I Detail 2: Fully Braced Alternative to Dropped Header Applications I I A, Weyerhaeuser, Forte, Javelin, Microllam, Parallam, Silent Floor, TimberStrand, TJI, TJ, Trus Joist, Edge, and Edge Gold are registered trademarks page 3 of 3 and TJ-Pro Is a trademark of Weyerhaeuser NR, © 2016 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.