HomeMy WebLinkAboutTAXING AUTHORITY2017 NOTICE OF PROPOSED ERTY TAXES AND DO"NOT'P" = iIS IS NOT A+BILL PROPOSED OR ADOPTED NON -A' OREM ASSESSMENTS The taxing authorities which le!l My taxes against your property will soon SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Tk A) AUTHORITIES hold PUBLIC HEARINGS to adi'_..._Pjets and tax rates for the next year. The purpose of the PUBLIC HEARINGS is to receive opinions from the general public and to answer questions on the proposed tax change and budget PRIOR TO Parcel ID 3424 800 0046 000 TAKING FINAL ACTION. Each taxing authority may AMEND OR ALTER its proposals at the hearing. Account Number. 162085 Tax code:0002 Saint Lucie County Location: 7658 Red Crossbill CT Legal Desa FAIRWAYS AT SAVANNA CLUB REPLAT NO. 1 Vale Red Crossbill Ct CANNED (PB 57-40) BILK 68 LOT 4 (OR 2532-363) Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952-3010 I BY MI St Lucie C0u0W Yq� / Column 1* Column 2* Column 3* A Public Hearing on the Your Last Years Tax Rate 8 YourTax Rate 8 Taxes This Year YourTax Rate $ Taxes This Year TAXING AUTHORITY Property Taxes If No Midget Change is Made If Budget Change is Made Proposed Taxes and Budget Tax Rate Tax Amount Tax Rate I TaxAmounl Tax Rate TaxAmourd will be held: GENEFtALCOUNfY :'. SLC General Fund 4.1077 102.69 3.8715 96.79 4.1077 102.69 September7, 2017 6:00 PM Jail,Law Enf 3.2838 82.10 3.0968 77.42 3.4538 86.35 2300 Virginia Ave 3rd Floor, Fort Pierce Erosion Dist E 0.0925 2.31 0.0870 2.18 0.0925 2.31 (772) 462-1670 Mosquito Control 0.2164 5A1 0.2035 5.09 0.2164 5.41 SLC Stomtwater 0.3497 8.74 0.3396 8.49 0.3497 8.74 Community Dev MSTU 0.3840 9.60 0.3729 9.32 0.3840 9.60 Law Enfom MSTU 0.5103 12.76 0.4955 12.39 0.9103 22.76 County Parks 0.2313 5.78 0.2176 5.44 0.2313 5.78 County Transit 0.1269 3.17 0.1193 2.98 0.1269 3.17 PUBLICSdi00LS ci!"" `•' i By State Law 4.6790 214.29 4.3913 207.64 4.3260 204.55 September 12, 2017 6:01 PM By Local Board 2.2480 102.96 2.1098 99.76 2.2480 106.30 4204 Okeechobee Rd, Fort Pierce 2 429-3970 uut+lciaa<m �� WATErt NJUrAGQ.�NT ^9 . S FL Wtr Mgmt Dist 0.1359 3.40 0.1275 3.19 0.1275 3.19 September 14, 2017 5:15 PM SFWMD-Okee Basin 0.1477 3.69 0.1384 3.46 0.1384 3.46 3301 Gun Club Rd, W Palm Beach Everglades Project 0.0471 1.18 0.0441 1.10 0.0441 1.10 561 68MB00 INafPENr1ENT015TRx)TSF `•r•, SLC Fire Dist 3.0000 75.00 2.8244 70.61 3.0000 75.00 September 6, 2017 5:01 PM 5160 NW Milner Dr, Pod Saint Lucie 772 621.3400 FL Inland Nav Dist 0.0320 0.80 0.0300 0.75 0.0320 0.80 September 7, 2017 5:30 PM 190 E 13th St, Riviera Bch 561 627-3386 0.4765 11.91 0.4486 11.22 0.4765 11.91 September 6, 2017 5:15 PM Children's Services 546 NW University Blvd 1st Fl, PSL 772 408.1100 VOTFA.,APPROVm m®T.ySERNCE.c I Total Property Taxes': $645.79 $617.83 $653.12 SEE BELOW FOR EXPLANATION OF THE GOLUMN5 ABOVE. *Column 1- "Your Last Years Tax Rate 8 Property Taxes" This column shows the tax rate and taxes that applied lastyearto your property. These amounts were based on budgets adopted last year and your propertys previous taxable value. *Column 2 - "Your Tax Rate 8 Taxes This Year If No Budget Change is Made This column shows what the talc rate and your taxes will be this year IF EACH TAXING AUTHORITY DOES NOT CHANGE ITS PROPERTY TAX LEVY. These amounts are based on last years budgets and your cunent assessment *Column 3 - "Your Tax Rate B Taxes This Year R Budget Change Is Made" This column shows whatthe tax rate and your taxes will be this year underthe BUDGET ACTUALLY PROPOSED by each local taxing authority. The proposal is NOT final and maybe amended at the public hearings shown above. The difference between columns 2 and 3 is the tax change proposed by each local taxing authority and is NOT the result of higher assessments. 'NOTE: Amounts shown on this form DO NOT reflect early payment discounts you may have received or may be ergible to receive. (Discounts are a maximum of4 percent ofe amounts shown on this form.) `<NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS- LEVYING AUTHORITY PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT UNITS RATE AMOUNT I Total Non -Ad Valorem Assessment non-aa valorem assessments are places on ins notice acme request orule respective wx-ar governing Doams. Your tax coueetorvnu tie mcivamg mein on me Novemoerrax notice. nor details on particular non -ad vabrem assessments, contact the levying local governing board. i Your final tax bill may contain non -ad valorem assessments which may not be reflected on this nonce such as assessments for roads, fire, garbage, lighting, drainage water, sewer, or other governmental services and facilities which may bs levied by your county, city or any special district **WEB PRINT** 2/14/20118 4:12:24 PM **WEB PRINT** Pagel DO'NOT;PAY_=THIS 1S; NOT A BILL r AlvICIE��G Michelle Franklin Certified Florida Appraiser Parcel ID342a-boo oo4s-0001 �f;' Tax Code:0002 Saint Lucie County AomurrtNumber. 162085 Location: 7658 Red Crossbill CT Legal Desc: FAIRWAYS AT SAVANNA CLUB REPLAT NO. 1 (PB 57-40) BILK 68 LOT 4 (OR 2532-363) Property Valuation Market Value Last Year This Year 77,300 84,600 Taxing Authority Assessed Value Exemptions Taxable Value Last Year This Yea Last Year This Year Last Year This Year County 70,798 72.284 45,798 47,284 25,000 25.000 micsduods 70,798 72,284 25,000 25,000 45,798 47,284 Municipality Water Management 70,798 72,284 45,798 47,284 25,000 25,000 independent Districts 70,798 72,284 45,798 47,284 25,000 25,000 Voter Approved Debt service Exemptions* Applies', to Last Year This Year First Homestead All Funds 25,000 25,000 Additional Homestead Non-Wmd Funds 20,798 22,284 *Where more than one value exists, county value of exemptionwrl be indicated If you feel that the market value of your property is inaccurate or does not reflect fair market value, or ff you are entitled to an exemption or classification that is notreflecied on this fain, contact the Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser at 230 UMMlnfa AW F RKI 2,11 FartPiefce, FL 34982 or r72 t62,T021 If the property appraiser's office is unable to resolve the matter as to market value, classification, or an exemption, you may file a petition for adjustrnerd with the Value Adjustment Board. Petition forms are amiable from the County Property Appraiser or online at www.pasic.org and must be filed ON �R BEFtN{E; Se ember,12 2017 Market Value: Market (also called 'just!) value is the most probable sale price for your property in a competitive, open market. It is based on a Willing buyer and a willing seller. Assessed Value: Assessed value is the market value of your property minus any assessment reductions. The assessed value may be different for levies made by different taxing authorities. Assessment Reductions: Properties can receive an assessment reduction for a number of reasons: Some of the common reasons are below. • There are limits on how much the assessment of your property can increase each year. The Save Our Homes program and the limitation far non -homestead property are examples. • Certain types of property, such as agricultural land and land used1for conservation, are valued on their current use rather than their market value. • Some reductions lower the assessed value only for levies of certain taxing authorities. If your assessed value is lower than your market value because limits on increases apply to your property or because your property is valued based on its current use, the amount of the difference and reason for the difference are. listed in the box tilted *Assessment Reductions'. Exemptions: Exemptions that apply to your property are listed in this section along with its corresponding exemption value. Specific dollar or percentage reductions in assessed value may be applicable to a property based upon certain qualifications of the property or property owner. In some cases, an exemption's value may vary depending on the taxing authority. The tax impact of an exemption may also vary for the same taxing authority, depending on the levy (e.g., operating millage vs. debt service millage). Taxable Value: Taxable value is the value used to calculate the tax due on your property. Taxable value is the assessed value minus the value of your exemptions and discounts. Our Promise to You... 0000 www.paslc.org Superior Service, Trusted Results (772) 462.1021 Page 2 **WEB PRINT** 2/14/2018 4:12:24 PM **WEB PRINT**