HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0518 I 51~ I ~_:, ~. :=--- r< - \ \ l-t"lt-- - ~ - ---. - - 4. The gra4.-~lne of all re.ioauoes buiUinp oonatruote4 on aD1' lot in sald ROYAL PARK' ~hall not be below nor lesa than .ix (6) inohes above the eatablieh6d sidewalk grade in tront of sEid premisee. 5. No building exoept one single dwelling and one private garage .hall b. oOllatruoted on eaoh of the above desoribed aud oonveyed Iota. S. The exterior oonatruotlon of all buildings in ROYAL PARK ehall be of stone, briok, stuooo, or oonorete, but not oonorete blooks antlee8 8ame ie surfaoed with stuoco, and all buil- ding. shall be of Spanish, Uoorish, Italian, J10ridian or similar type. of a~obiteoture. 7. 'enoes in front of the building lines shall be ornamental and n~t exoeed thirty in- J ahe. in heighth. Penoes in the rear or baok of the building lin., of all lots, .hall be orna- mental and not more than five feet high. All portions of lots referred to in these restriotions lying in front of the building line a. herein'.fore set forth shall be u8ed only for ornamental purposes and nothing shall be planted thereon other than trees, shrub8 and flowers and of suoh oharaoter 8S not to obstruct the I I view. 8. Bo signs or bill boards of any kind or oharaoter shall be exhibited, displayed, oonstruo- ted or maintained on,Baid subdivisi~n without the written oonaent of the Royal Park Company ita suoce~aors, legal representatives or aOBigna. 9. Eaoh lot of said premiees shall at the option of the Royal Park Company be subjeot to aBaessment by soid Company for an amount not to exoeed $10.00 per year for a period of five years beginning at the dat. of this deed, payable in aeml-annual installments of $6,00 each on April 1, and Ootober 1 of eaoh year after date of this deed, whioh moneys shall be used for the maintenance and upkeep of said 8ubdivision, auoh as the clearing of lots, oare of trees, shrubbery and vines thereon (when negleoted), so far as the amount ooileoted will permit, and whioh the said party of the 8eoond part agrees to pay as one of the considerations of theBe presents; the lien of suoh asseBsment to be plaoed and oollected in the same manner a. is pro- videa for lien for labor and materials under the lawe of the State of Plorida. 10. Garages shall be ereoted subsequent to or simultaneously with the construotion of the dwelling, uDl..s permission to do otherwise is firat obtained in writing from the Royal Park Company. .arase. shall be oonBtDUotecl of the same materiale and of the eame architeotural de- aign as the dwellings ana sball not in any even' be used lor residential purpose~ exoept for the housing of servants. 11. Bo spirituous liquor Bhf]ll be .old or kept for sale upon oaid premisee. 12. Bot~ing in theBe restrictions shall be conBtrued so as to prevent the oonstruotion of sohools and ehurohe. or so as to preTent sny physician or dentist from praoticing his pro- feslion in any re8idenoe building, subjeot, however, to all .ther restriotions herein contained pertaining to re8idenoe building. 13. The Royal Park Company, its successors, legal ~.presentatives or assigns, shbll hBve I , the right, after January 1st, 1912 to releas. any of the above or foregoing restriotions, oondi~ tiona Bnd l1aitat1one by sealed iu"trument. duly executed in aocordanoe with the law. of the. State of llorida for the oonvoyanoe of real estate. 14. Bo struoture exoept a fenoe of the kind herei~efore de80ribed may ever be er~oted upon any part of the QtTi~ of ,land in these premisee over whloh an easement for publio utility purposes has been res.~e4. 15. The privilege and eae"ent 18 hereb,r forev9r re..rved to the Royal PArk Company, i"ts sucoe~.or., legalrepreeentative., and aseigne, to ereot and maint.ln poles, wire. and other suitable equipment for eleotrio light, power, telegraph, t.lephone and other utilitie.; and to oonBtruot and maintain .ewers, water main. and gas mains on, in and under the rear five fe6t. of the land herebf oanTey.d, and for such purposes, a. well as to ~epair, remove ar replac. .a14 I " I "