HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0525 o~o ,-----~ . ------ . -~.,..... --- ~-- the 11gnatttre to the attaohed oertifloate is his genuine signature. Do seal i4 neoes..r.r to be fUed. [ 487 I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offioial seal thl. 29 this .l:. t'1 () o the lUh day <: IT; 3! Joeeph UoDermott. Clerk. ~, of 'eb. A.D. 1926. P. C. Eldred, Clerk Cirouit Court. . :/t-.;! . .. .). .;2-/----7 (-~ By / 't/'M--:?';7?t?;::{,) ~.<~.> ~d/r,....,f.z,.zA:C--- D. C. (, A..........*..........~.............~.......... .. ..*~.................................$.... "TJ iii' o c.' W. LAllSON. to WHOY IT YAY CO.CERN. A F F I D A V I T STATE 0' FLORIDA COt'N'l'Y OF S'l'. LUCIE. ,... ; ; Per80nally before the undersigned affioer authorlsed by the law. of said state to ad- minister oath. 008e. C. w. Lam80n, who, on oath saY8 that he is per80nally aoquainted with '.W. Clark, referred t9 in that oertain contract dated Yay 16th, 1921, trom the Indian River 'arm. Company to '.W. Clark being numbered Contract Ho. 2278 - Band reoorded in Book 63, of Deed., page 470, St. Lucie County, Florida, reoords that of deponent's own personal knowledge the 8aid _.W. Clark referred to in aaid oontract is the 8ame identioal per80n re- I, I l , . ferred to a. 'ay W. Clark in that assignment of said Contract to Vero Highlande Park Company / a dated 'ebruary 3rd, 1926; the said '.W. Clark's true name being Fay W. Clark. C. W. Lamlon. d .ubaoribed before me this 13th day of February, 1926. Paul H. Hisle, Notary Publio State of Plorida at Large, Vy Commi88ion expires December 6th, 1928. the 17th day of reb. A.D. 1926. -0 G) ~ \000 ~ "7 ~ ... o ~ & P. C. Eldred, Clerk Cirouit Court. / ' Q ,7 /;. f . ~. -. ",~ B . , ,/ ,. .": '/,," D':e-;{',,~ y / ,/~/.??7/ .Z/ i 'f.. ,":;' ,//, r,/ /" I C' .*......................................................................................... C~. Ct. Seal.j ~ BO!E:: The wif, or husband of the holder of the contrac~ should ~oin in any assignment thereof. If the a8signor be unmarried that faot should be stated. 'AY ". CLAIU::, and wife to VERO HIGHLAND PAgK COI.fi>ABY, ASSIGHUEH'l' or COHTRACT. , I, I r , ~, , ~. I I, 'orand in ooneideratlon of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable considerations Dollars to us in hand paid, the reoeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, we lay W. Clark, and Edith D. ; Clark, hie wife, hereoy 8ell,transfer and assign to Vero Highland Park Company, a corporation , of the State of florida. all our right, ola~ and intereet in and to the within ~ contraot ; Bo. 2278 .., B troll~'~he Indian River 'arms Company and the land therein described, vi.: . I .' i . I The Eaat ten and 71/100 acree of the weet twenty and 71/100 aores of traot seven, seetionfour, township 33, south range 39 Eaet, a8 the same Is a.slgna~.don tb.e last general plat ~f lands of the Indian RIyer 'arma COMp8Q7 filed in the offioe of the Clerk of the Ciroult Court of St. Lucie ~ County, florlda. Tbe ea16 oontraot being reoorde4 in Book 53, of D.eds Page 470, st. Luoi. Countv, liB.