HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0539 ,-..-.---.--,..,. _.~ ~- _:i ~....-___._~"-A ....t>4..~ _~_~~.......~__~__ FE! Arm Sl'S'7ART COUP AllY ~ . 1 ......_y___~~ __~~._ 1'0 ~t! A r.. 'i'lltT.I AU~. " WARRAllTY DEED " r I ,,'- ~l{J~ nlD!HTtrn~, Hade this 23rd day of January A. D. 1926. !3etween Fee ond ~towort CompaD1. a oorporation existing undor tho laws of the State of Florida, r.aving its prinoipal plaoe of business in the County of St. Luoie and Sta":o of Florida party of the first nart, m d ~l1a G. WilliaMs of\the Vounty of ~t~ Luoie andState of Florida, pert of the aeoond part, ~itn.8eeth. that the said porty of the first part, for add in oonsidoration 0' the BUM of Ten (.10.00) &: other valuable oonsid6~'ations) Dollars to it in hand pAid. the reoeipt ~hereof is hereby ack- nowledged, has ~ranted, barFBined, Rold, aliened, raml.'d, ..18a68d, conveyed and oonfirmed, I~ ~, and by those presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alion. remise, release, convey, add confirm, unto'the said party of the seoond oart and her heirs and assiEms forevt:r. all that oert.ain parcel of lond lylny and being in th-founty of ~t. Luoie and State o~ Plorida, mora partiou- larly desoribed as follows: .. .. 'ots 6, 7, and 8 of ~ubdivlsion of Russell ::state in Seotion 26, Township :54 ~outh. ?an{r4l_ ,.' 40 ~!lst Inoluding all riparian riEl'hts. Doo. Stamps Canol $21.00. Together wi-th all the t~nements, hereditaments om appurtenanoee, with eVf!ry privilege, riyht title, inte~est ond estate, revorsion, remainder and easement thereto belonrinr- or in ony- wise apoertaining; ~o have ~,d to hold the sa~e in fee simple forever. AnD the 98id party ,of the firt't !lart doth covenant wIth tho said part of the ~eoond pert, that it is lawfully seized of the said premis9s; that they arQ free of all inc~branoe8. and' IT )' I' L that it has ~ood riFht and lawful authority to sell the 89~e; nnd the Baid perty o~ the f1rst pa~t does herebl fully warrant the title to said land, and ~ill defend the sa~e ap.ainst the lawful claims of a 11 per80n~ whomsoever. Tn "I'l:nE~~ '~r-S~::\!F, the said party 0: the ~'i rIOt part has caused these oresents to be si~ned in its name by its president. and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its ?resid'''nt the day and year above'written. (COR?OR"TE .SEA ~) Attest: WM. 1. Pee ?~~ ~ ST~A~T co. BY FR\~rK !-!. :':::: ' ----- presIdent. Signed, s~.led snd delivered in our nresenoe: David Fee Fred Fee ~. I State of Florida County of ~t. Luoie. I I' I ~~BY CERTIFY, That on this 23rd day of ~anU8ry A.D. 1925, before ~~ pwrsonally appeared ,~~ Prank R. Pee and ;~. I. Pee, respedtively ?r9sident and seoret9ry of Fee & Stewart Co~fa cor- " poration under the laws of the state of :'10 rida, to ne known to be the persona de8eri bed in end who executed the foreroing oonveyanoe to Ella ~. ~illiem8 and aeveral11 ocknowledp.e' the 8xecution thereof to be their free act and deed as such offioers. for the nses and pur!loses therein mentioned; and that thoy affixed thereto the offioial s8al of 80id corporation, ond 11 F l~ \ ' '- the soid instrument is the aot and deod of said corporation. ~ siynature and official seal at .Port Pieroe in t.he eounty of !:It. LUGie andState 0 o f ~lorida the day and Y'JST last aforeEaid. r Fred ?ee (~EAT,) 11otar,y ?u1)11o, ~tate ct Florida. !~y Corn- al mi8sion expires Feb. 'I. 19Z6 i P. C. ?J.n~:m(CJJ:':?.Y. OP CJP.C.JI'l' COURT) C.' 1 1IY O~~ C'~....u....... ,/ ~ ' D.C. i.ii-------------------_________~_________________~---________________________________________ this Feb. 19, 1925. 'NBT'rIE E. r.IV3RlIO~E '1'0 C1L\RJJ:::~ F. HlJGHZ~. .. WARRAUTY DEE::> " 5391 'J"~ "'1 i j I , I i f I I j I