HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0548 54~ ,/ ----=.~~...~.n. the e-e:. -~n.tru;';';-~~.ij, t~ ~~t ~~-;;o;;.u*:-=( :: ...:. . if!Tlf!l:~~ rtty 81[m8ture and offiolal ual at 'ort Pieroe in tht ',oounty of ~t'jJ ole a:dT the dRY sr.. .d 'year last A/ores8id. .. 'll Frenk y.. ~tetson , '" (S:..A..) ~ NOt8T,f Publlo for the State of flor1da at ~ larF.e. l~ commissIon expires Deoember 22, 1926. this Feb. 20, 1926. t> 'E P. 7i'Eldrtd(,erk qO ~;;:..c~1t oOllrt) o?) By.b.~_.-/.t:.-?___ -./~r a-4/?f2-~r~ ..--/ ~ D.C. ~ ------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------- AnD n!PRo,,..=:t~UT CORPO!UTIOn TO JOSEPlJ H. OPTnER .. 'RAR..lt\ 'lTY DRKD It THI~ IHD~NTU!~::, Hade this 3rd day of February A.D. 1925. Between Vero Finance and Improvement Corporation, a cor~oration existing under the laws of the ~tnte of ~lorida, ha~ing its prlnoi~81 pla09 of business in the oounty of St. Luoie Dnd;!~~te of Florida, party of the first part. and Jose~h q. O~tner of the Count~f Cook and ~tote.of Florida, ~art-- ofth6 seoond part, Witnesseth, that the Baid party of the f.ret Dart, for add in oonsideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ani other valuable considerations, to it in hand paid, the reoeipt whereo' is hereb:; ack- nowledged, has r.Tanted. bargained, sold. alien~d, remised, released, conveyed and confirMed, and by these !>rasents doth grant, barf!:ain, sell, !llien, remise, release, conveJ, arid confirm, Hnto the .ald:~party of the seoond part and his hei IS ar.d a~sirns forever, all that certain ogrcel of land lying m d beinfl' in the County of ~t. J.ucie and Qt9t<<;of Florid.a, more partioularly described as I follows: LOT~ eight. nine and ten, bloak forty-one, as designated on !)lat of town of Vero, no'o'l ~. city of Vero, filed in the office oflthe Clerk of the Circuit Court of Qt. Luoie County, ?lorida by Indian ~i ver ,Farms Com08ny. Subject to all taxes and ass!ssments if any be levtd for the yeer 1925 and all subsequent years. EY the acceptanoe of this conveyanoe the yrantoe herein assumes a certain indebtedness represented by two notes given by Vero Finance & Improvement Corporation to Otto ~. ~cr.rum, for A500.00 arid ~600.00 , eaoh dated Ootober 2,1924 and...n due,on or before one and two years respectivtly from date and all secured by mortP"'.Jge on herein desoribed pro1)erty \'il th intorost at 6;' !>.r annum payable semi-annually. 'l'Or:~T!~ with all the tenements, !leredits!:'lents ond a~purtenanoeB, with ~very privilege, right, tit~c interest and ..tate, revsrslon, remainder and easement thereto belonging or In a~nise appertain- ing: TO ~AV3 AIm TO hold the same in fee simple forever. .\lJD tho said party of the :nr~t pert doth oovenant with the flai~arty of the seoond part that it is lawf~lly 8eiz~d of}the said premises; that they are free of all inoumbrances, and that It has good rifl'ht and lawful authority to sell the same; ani the saId party of t~e first part does hereby fUlly warrant the title to said land. and will defend the same arainst the lawfpl claims of all persons whomsoever. I!r 'rTlT!8R~ TE?;;:OF, ':he saId 1laTty 0 f the fi rat part hae caused these presents to be narr.e by its Presid~nt, and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its he day and y~ar above written. Vero Finance & ImproveMent Corpomtion, AtUst: John LeRoy qutohison ~eowetary A. 11. Hill By President. ~lgaed, Bealed and delivored In our presence: c. A. CunnJ.ngheM Jas. H. Howard. Doo. Stamps Cano. $4.00. ~tato of Florida. County of St. Luoie.' I 'E~~3Y C~RTI?Y, Tha~ on this 3rd d81 of rebruary A. D. 1~26, b9fore !:'IO p~r80nally a~ p'19red A. U. trill and John Le~oy Hutchi80n reepeotive1,y President and !'laoretary of V~r(J Finance r , ~.::-..... I I .1: .. .~.: .~1If~