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Search Results for Map �r ' �',i; �� c11' �r ..... .. ... ..... ." ................. .................... ..... Search Results ,:..:: ":.11::4::,". ........:..:...:. :Cfi?r3^,KY:::.i�r �Ltki<•'.'.::r:, Query Date: Mon May 012017 Latitude:27.3955 Longitude:-80.350067 ASCE 7-10 Windspeeds (3-sec peak gust In mph*): l" `� ..' . Hasicn Risk Category I: 146 " Risk Category It: 159 �a r afp r Risk Category ill -IV: 170 MR[-10-Year: 87 MR[— 25-Year: 107 !: asearlr MR:— 50-Year: 119 MR*' 100-Year: 130 ASCE 7-05 Windspeed: r rirduras.- :: rti: 140 (3-sec peak gust in mph) ASCE 7-93 Windspeed: 99 (fastest mile in mph). 'toles per hour "Mean Rearmenoe Interval Users shoWd consult with local building of vials to deterrnine ifthere are community -specific wind speed requirements that go em. M —•% :Pr_n ' Urre:ilJiir WINDSPEED WESSITE DISCLAIMER Page 1 of 1 RECEIVED MAR 0 7 2018 ST, !_ude C©umy, rormitting While the information presented on this website is believed to be correct, ATC and its sponsors and contributors assume no responsibility or liability for! Us accuracy. The material presented in the windspeed report should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability by engineers or other licensed professionals. ATC does not intend that the use of this information replace the sound judgment of such competent professionals, having experience and knowledge in the field of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the results of the windspeed report provided by this website. Users of the information from this website assume all liability arising from such use. Use of the output of this website does not imply approval by the governing building code bodies responsible for building code approval and interpretation for the building site described by latitude/longitude location in the windspeed load report. Sponsored by the ATC Endanmerd Fund • ,t Y: i " }ci :_u,:i?r!� ;x t!t y • 201 Rednaod Shoes Parkway, S rite 240 • Red nood C ty, Cal fan a <J4065 • (66Q) 585 I542 Y ' . q e flu http://windspeed. atcouncil.orglindex.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10&dec=... 5/ 1/2017 Digital Data Available No DI9ItnI Data Av®IInblo unmapped 9 B�RE6fi Area of Minimal Flood Hazard Zorn x _ - Effestlue LOMRs OTHER AREAS Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard a GENERAL Channel, Culvort, or Storm Sower STRUCTURES imimma Lovea,Olko9orFlaodwall witltiaut Bases Hood Elavatlon (BFII). _ XOM44VAN SPECIAL FLOOD V6fltta BFE,Prt?tiptts . HAZARD AREI4S ReViatGrg r'laodlWay xaa xcr, , _ `r, W, M..'. 0.2%Annual Cho nCe Flood Haaard, Arms of 1.14annual chn"oflow vdth nVorogo dmpth Imsa thorn ono foot or with drainage naeas of tm than one square imlle X,"O x Future Conditions 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard AleP9 x ' Area with Reduced Flood R is dare to OTHER AREAS OF Loum See Notes. Zoo x FLOOD 1HAZARD � ' +� Area with Flood Risk duo to Lowe Z000 a t W091;$001@116 With 1%Aenaaal Cha,noo water Surface Elewaleee _ Coastal Ttanffm BOBO Flood Elevation LIno (SFE) Limit at Study .1a ifldletlon Boundary ® Coast®I Trtineett Ba6011140 OTHER Profile Baseline FEATURES HydrogrophCo Feature